cellarman's Avatar
Level 7 Apprentice Miner

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    11/19/2012 5:20 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    cellarman's Avatar
    PC for gaming, Mac for everything else.
    But let's not argue religion
    11/02/2012 10:38 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    cellarman's Avatar

    I've been on a hiatus kinda thing lately, but I should be back next week.
    10/12/2012 2:04 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    cellarman's Avatar
    Just an image, not a video or anything. Just a cartoon-y kind of picture, kind of like this but of my skin:
    http://files.gamebanana.com/img/ico/spr ... 696ba7.png
    09/30/2012 3:27 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    cellarman's Avatar
    Quick responses are appreciated :p
    07/29/2012 1:01 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    cellarman's Avatar
    Probably over the next few days, once there are quite a few apps (hopefully there will be)
    07/17/2012 9:05 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    cellarman's Avatar
    If it's not too much work, can you make a list of who's already accepted and what positions are still needed?
    07/17/2012 7:22 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    cellarman's Avatar
    o_o That's a lot of words.
    07/17/2012 7:20 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
    cellarman's Avatar
    Position(s) (You can have multiple positions): Not sure if you've selected anyone yet, but I've been making videos for 6 years now and I could edit the video for you. I've always wanted to make a Minecraft movie and randomly stumbled upon this post, so if I am accepted I'd be so happy :') I am also willing to act, direct, and write the script if needed

    Do you have a Skype: Yes; thejtr1

    Can you get team speak or already have one (http://www.teamspeak.com/?page=downloads): Already have it

    Are you going to join xcsilive.co.uk:9988 server on teamspeak: Whenever I'm needed.

    Age: 15, but 16 on August 8.

    How active will you be (Give me a scale from 1-10 and how much hours per day you will put into the movie/series): 9-10. Usually when I edit I don't stop until it's done. If I'm acting/directing, I'd keep going until everybody else is ready to stop for the day. If I were the only one writing the script, I'd probably work for a few hours, but if I were working with someone else, I'd work for however long they're willing to work for. I have lots of experience with directing/writing/editing, so I'm no novice and I know what I'm doing :p

    How creative are you (Scale from 1-10): I like to think I'm an 8-9. Everybody always tells me I'm super creative but I guess that's all opinion.

    How mature are you (Scale from 1-10, This series/movie is for people that are more mature side so we will find out if you are lying): Well if I compare myself to other people that I've met that act like they just graduated preschool, I think I'm descent :p I'm more mature than a lot of people. You can be the judge, though.

    Do you have leadership skills: I was in student council freshman year of high school and helped run a server for a little while. I've always been owner/co-owner/mod in all the factions/towns I've been in on servers.

    What are some events you have led (Optional unless you are going for a Director of Building or a Director): Videowise, I've directed at least 50 videos for youtube. A lot of them were when I was only 11-12, but more recently I've directed big projects for school. I was in charge of a group of around 50 people making a video two years in a row, and I've also done videos on my own with a few friends that I was leading.
    Do you know how to edit video: Yupyup It's my job. I make promotional videos/slideshows for artists and businesses. It hasn't officially started yet, but I've done a little bit of it already.

    Do you have a recording program: I do (Camtasia), but I haven't bought the full version yet, so I have to keep renewing it every 30 days.

    If you have a recording program, do you lag while you record: Very minimally, but it doesn't record in HD. You can see the quality here: http://youtube.com/user/cellarmanmc

    About yourself: I'm almost 16, been making videos for a long time and I have a passion for making them. A lot of the movies I've made are embarrassing because they're from so long ago :p Most of the better ones are here: http://www.youtube.com/user/DaRThJ0hN/ If you wanna see the older, embarrassing ones, message me x_x

    Experience with YouTube series/movies (Optional): See above :p

    Can you get us a 24/7 Server, No Lag, 10+ Slots (You pay for it if there is any costs): I'd love to, but I've been trying for months and it never works :/

    Can you get us a teamspeak server: No idea how either D:

    Anything you can help us with that is not listed with any position (Optional): Not that I can think of off the top of my head, but if you need anything, ask me, and I'll see what I can do.

    I really hope the positions I'm interested in aren't taken, but if they are, oh well. I hope you accept me

    ***Edited to make it a bit easier to read***

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