ChudCommanderv2's Avatar
Level 1 New Miner

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    08/16/2014 3:43 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ChudCommanderv2's Avatar
    Name(minecraft): MiniBigMac
    Name(first): Aidan
    How long have you played minecraft? 2 years
    Have you ever been in a staff position anywhere?(if so where?): no
    Do you have Ventrillo?(we have a server) ?
    Answer this:
    IF someone is raiding another persons house even though it is not against the rules and the person says he won't quit blowing up his house/town/faction, What would you do to keep both parties happy? Is one person right and the other wrong? do you replace the blocks or tell him sorry, I cannot do that. I would tell the person to replace what he has broken but keep the raided items
    08/16/2014 3:40 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ChudCommanderv2's Avatar
    staff app:

    age: 15
    what position you want: Mod/Helper
    why you want to be staff: I like the feeling of helping people, and i am experienced
    staff experience (not needed but preferred): MCP-MCS admin
    strengths (redstone, developer, commands, building): Building
    weaknesses: Redstone
    how active are you: I play mainly on the weekends (school)
    other relevant info: It would be an honer if accepted
    08/15/2014 5:14 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ChudCommanderv2's Avatar
    Name: Aidan (dont feel comfortable telling last name)
    Position: trainee Guard
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    IGN: MiniBigMac
    Rate Your Work (1 Best, 10 Worst): 3
    Rate Your Building (1 Best, 20 Worst): 10
    Experience: I have had none that is why i'm applying for trainee
    Proof Of Experience: ^^
    If we were to add you to our staff, what aspects/attributes would you bring to our server?(Provide us with a detailed answer.): I would bring help by answering questions, or giving advice to people, and i would do anything to help a fellow guard
    Activity & Response Time: (For Receiving Messages And Replying) I am on for the next 30 minutes then i will be on maybe tonight at 10 pm (EST)
    Anything Else: i can only play minecraft 1 hr a day during weekdays because of school
    Contact Method? (E.g Skype, Email, Team-speak 3, Mumble, Raid): Skype (PM me)
    08/15/2014 5:02 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ChudCommanderv2's Avatar
    Jr. Mod application

    IGN: MiniBigMac
    Age: 15
    Name (Optional): Aidan
    Past Experience JrMod
    Why should we Pick You? i am mature and i am very friendly
    What Can you offer? i can offer building help, any type of help, i'm basically a jack of all trades

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