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Level 15 Journeyman Scribe

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    02/25/2015 4:48 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
    Conner65's Avatar
    Not sure if I did something wrong and messed up XD But my entry wasn't even included in the list on the front page..
    02/20/2015 11:35 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
    Conner65's Avatar
    02/17/2015 12:01 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
    Conner65's Avatar
    02/13/2015 4:59 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
    Conner65's Avatar
    02/09/2015 5:04 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
    Conner65's Avatar
    I'm gonna write something. I'm gonna do a thing!
    02/08/2015 10:47 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
    Conner65's Avatar
    Hey, there. Try PMing me. I don't claim to know it all, but I've had plenty of experience handling depression.
    02/08/2015 10:40 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
    Conner65's Avatar
    This still open?
    02/05/2015 8:34 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
    Conner65's Avatar
    Infdev.... the good ol days....
    02/05/2015 8:12 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
    Conner65's Avatar
    The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time

    The greatest game ever developed.
    07/23/2014 10:25 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
    Conner65's Avatar
    I've experienced rude admins before, and I hate it. I try my absolute best to be kind to the players on the server I'm an admin on.
    06/30/2014 8:22 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
    Conner65's Avatar
    Mid-Alpha, I don't remember exactly which version, though. I'm a bit of a veteran
    05/17/2014 5:27 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
    Conner65's Avatar
    I'm a starting forward on our school's varsity soccer team(I'm 8th grade) and I'm sixth man on the basketball team... so I guess I could be considered an athlete.
    03/24/2014 11:42 am
    Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
    Conner65's Avatar
    That really help your case, my friend...
    03/15/2014 10:14 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
    Conner65's Avatar
    Name: Emmett O'Connor
    Click to reveal

    Age: 29
    Race: (describe if not human)Human Trueman
    Faction: Survivors on earth
    Occupation: (former or current, depending on faction.) ...Survivor...thats pretty much it...
    Back story: (I wrote in first person on the back story, if you don't mind.)
    Click to reveal
    My parents always told me, "Emmett, if you're going to take anything from what we teach you, let it be that you can never lose sight of your morals." They'd say it all the time in their thick Scottish accents. I understood what they meant, at least I thought I did. I understood that my dad would not let me become one of those bandits that stole, raped, and murdered; however I'd never fully comprehended what he and my mother said until the day we saw the last, about ten years ago. Often the scene would replay in my dreams.

    "Emmett!" Mum called my name as I looked around the ruined store. I turned and went outside. This small town was deserted, by looks of it. Buildings has crumbled(Albeit the occasion of finding a proper, standing building was a sight to see.), the ruins of decades-old stores were wiped clean, and we'd seen no infected in two months. Though we were lucky, we weren't exactly on Axiom...

    "Aye?" I responded, sliding my bow over my shoulder. It was my trusted companion, and had seen more than it's fair share of years.

    "Come on, we're going to find shelter, it's Baltic out here." The words rolled from her tongue just as the shot was fired. I couldn't find where it had come from; only where it found it's mark. Mum fell to the ground followed by a gnarled cry from my throat. I dropped low beside mom as she lay beside the car, breathless and pale. I didn't bother to hold back the tears from my eyes as they rushed down my cheeks. I saw Dad sprinting towards us, jumping, and sliding over the hood of the car and landing at my side.

    "Stay down!" He barked, furiously. I could see the rage boil in his face, and his eyes rushing with tears.


    "I said stay down, Emmett!" He order fiercely. I heard shouting, bullets riddling the car. I peeked out and saw men running towards us; three of them. One hung back, aiming his rifle towards us. Dad held his knife tightly; his gun would do no good. Dad jumped out as the two neared the vehicle. The larger one swung what appeared to be a long sword at him. Dad parried the strike with the long blade of his knife, grabbing the man's wrist and delivering a kick to his groin. I pulled my bow off my shoulder, quickly standing up and firing an arrow at the man with the rifle.

    The arrow plunged into his torso, downing him. I knew I wouldn't miss; I'd been using this bow for over five years. I jumped over towards dad and pulled out a metal arrow, throwing my arm at the smaller man's chest. My blow was diverted as the man threw a punch to my face. I spun right and hit the ground, landing hard on my shoulder. I saw dad knock the large man to the ground, turning to his left and raising his right leg high and kicking him in the temple. The two bandits were down, and I scrambled back over to Mum.

    Then another shot came, from the larger man's pistol. The round went right throw Dad's chest.

    I ran for almost three hours straight. I didn't look back. I killed four men three weeks after my parents were murdered. Two years passed and I survived. There came a time when I was attacked by a group of bandits... I killed them too. I opened the trunk of their barely operable car, looking for supplies. I didn't find any, however. I found a girl; she was tied up in the trunk and was unconscious. I turned around and walked away; she would just be another mouth to feed... But something stopped me - made me turn around. I went back to the trunk, untied her, and carried her back to my camp. She woke up the next morning, startled, and reached to grab my pistol. I lunged forward and snatched it before she could. I calmed her down, assured her I wasn't going to hurt her.

    I learned that her name was Emery. The men had kidnapped her and done horrible things to her. She was 19, only a few years young than I. Together, we helped each other; together we survived in the apocalypse.

    Anything else:
    I plan to play as Emery as well, if the OP's don't mind, but I understand if that would become inconvenient.
    She looks like so:
    Click to reveal
    03/09/2014 10:26 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
    Conner65's Avatar
    Incoming hate comments in 5....4....3....2....1
    01/18/2014 9:33 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
    Conner65's Avatar
    Frankly, that was actually really funny! That's something I've never seen, so its original and creative! Keep up the good work!
    12/25/2013 12:53 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
    Conner65's Avatar
    I really do want to see how Capaldi adds o the doctor's persona. Smith made an enormous break through in the case of his personality, but I do think Capaldi is promising.
    12/22/2013 10:47 pm
    Level 15 : Journeyman Scribe
    Conner65's Avatar
    Nope. It's a 25 episode series. It's probably my favorite anime in existence, right up there with Shingeki No Kyojin(Attack on Titan)

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