Creeper12341234's Avatar
Level 6 Apprentice Ranger

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    01/20/2014 4:40 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Ranger
    Creeper12341234's Avatar
    ign: My IGN is DapperEntity, but I also have an alt that shall remain unnamed.

    Age: I am 13 years of age, but is this actually relevant?

    Country: I live in the U.S.A

    Are you good with plugin out of 10: 9.6 with Essentials. I know WorldEdit like the back of my hand as well, and I'm a pro with Pex.

    Male/Female: I'm male, but is this actually relevant?

    Are you good at using Multiverse and Multiverse-Portals: No, but I can learn quickly.

    Can you donate?: Yes?...

    Skype: mustthinkofaskypename
    01/05/2014 11:38 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Ranger
    Creeper12341234's Avatar
    Best: Having no friends this school year, leaving me a crapton of time to do whatever I want.

    Worst: Having no friends. It's a double-edged sword.
    01/04/2014 7:03 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Ranger
    Creeper12341234's Avatar
    "Dad, I'm still better at Soul Calibur." *dies*
    01/04/2014 12:58 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Ranger
    Creeper12341234's Avatar
    Thank you for reading my application Please, if possible contact me over Skype. I'll be sure to respond.
    01/04/2014 12:21 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Ranger
    Creeper12341234's Avatar
    First Name: I'd like to exercise my right to remain silent.

    Age(13 + please, preferred 16+ but I know that's hard): I am 13 years of age at the time of this writing.

    Skype: mustthinkofaskypename. My display name is DapperEntity.

    Do you have teamspeak(TS is required yet if you don't have it yet, ): I'd prefer not to use TeamSpeak as my computer is slow enough as is.

    What servers have you been staff on before(5-25 sentences)and what have you learned: I own one server (that shall be referred to as "SL" for the sake of not advertising), which I have had to bring back from the dead many times. I have also been admin on 3 other servers (which I shall name if you so request), moderator on 2 (again, I'll name them if you request them) and I was head-admin on SL before ownership was transferred to me. I've learned to scroll through chat occasionally to see if I missed anything (you'd be surprised how many F-Bombs I see while I'm listed as AFK), to occasionally teleport to players to see what they're up to, and to discourage spam by any means. I've been described as "serious", "without mercy", and "heartless" when it comes to rule-breakers. I use a no-tolerance policy when dealing with griefers/spammers, and I can type quickly enough to stop it from being a hassle when it occurs.

    What makes you different than most applicants? Why do you think you deserve to be staff?: I'm different from most applicants in that I have no tolerance towards people who break the rules. If you advertise, that's that. You're banned, case closed.

    Do you have a job, or any other commitments? If so, tell us about it.: As it's illegal to hire a 13-year-old in my state, I do not have a job. However, as mentioned above, I do own my own server which may take up some of my free time.

    How often do you think you will be able to be on the server if you are chosen?: As I'm not allowed to use my computer on weekdays (Monday-Friday), I won't be able to join then. However, I can certainly spend at least 3-8 hours per day on the server during the weekends.

    What position are you applying for:
    [ Y/N ] Chat Mod: Y. I'm sick of spammers/people who cuss/advertisers/ et cetera, and I'd love to be able to stop them.

    [ Y/N ] Global Mod: If you feel it's necessary, I'll take it. However, I don't believe this application is good enough to fill the role.

    [ Y/N ] Moderator(You will be assigned a part of the server to work on): Y. I hate griefers.

    [ Y/N ] Helper(Just a basic rank, you just answer questions): Y. I can easily answer any questions they might ask.

    Thank you for your time
    11/25/2013 7:41 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Ranger
    Creeper12341234's Avatar
    I'm getting connection errors when I try o join
    11/24/2013 9:58 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Ranger
    Creeper12341234's Avatar
    Name: People call me Dapp.

    IGN: Creeper12341234

    Skype: mustthinkofaskypename

    Will you get players for the server?: Of course!

    Will you play atleast 20 minutes/day?: I can play for a LOOONG time on weekends. Not so much during weekdays.

    Why should I pick you over other applicants?: You should pick me because I'm a very experienced staff member, having had moderator on at least 7 servers.

    What're your skills: I can type quickly, I can read quickly, and I can think quickly. In addition, I have a no-tolerance policy against peoplewho break the rules.

    (Optional) Tell me a bit about yourself: I am a thinker. I tend to try to reason something out with logic before taking any action, and I constantly come up with new ideas.

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