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    05/19/2012 12:36 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Crusadingpuma's Avatar
    @austinminecraft1 "RAGE FOR THE RAGE GOD!"

    But, to stay on topic. It is down but, I am still luckily online my server as I have not logged out.
    03/24/2012 1:46 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Crusadingpuma's Avatar
    Seeing how I am a real life blacksmith, I wouldn't mind joining.

    If I may be so bold to ask.
    02/20/2012 4:21 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Crusadingpuma's Avatar
    I daresay, with what with. An art group! *Twiddles mustache*

    Okay, excluding the Gentlemanly gentlemen's club talk.
    I would in all due seriousness like to join.

    Age: Seventeen.
    Do you have skype (Y/N) Yes, I do.
    Timezone: I live on the Eastern Seaboard of the U.S. So, EST time, or -4.
    What are you best in, eg. dragons, realism: I am best in Fantasy Character portraits, however I can do Dragons.

    Also, do you consider other mediums such as Metalworking or Carving? I am a hobby Blacksmith, and a wannabe sculptor.

    P.S/EDIT: I do not have a Tumblr. However, I have my Enjin Gallery. ... bum_id/718

    It is organized as well! :3 The topmost part is posters I've photo-shopped using layers and common images. The Crimson Elite banner, I drew with a friend with pencil, then added hues and tones while doing blotched effects in Photoshop.

    Then you've a picture of my PC setup, eh skip it, past my Minecraft art, to more Photo-shopped Journal artwork. Near the bottom you have Signatures I've made, then my favorite drawings.
    12/30/2011 5:42 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Crusadingpuma's Avatar
    I agree with this, and to I'd add to it without starting a flame war. I actually hated MLP in the beginning. It was annoying and I do agree that I had felt like it was everywhere being spammed. But, to defend MLP you could say, "House" and "Lost" were everywhere, and let's not forget that series I extremely dislike called "Twilight." (No not Twilight Sparkles, the vampire love saga. I used to like it as well, until the fan spam showed up, and not to mention the way the last two books went.) I mean, I don't see how the series takes away from your masculinity. The show itself unlike it's previous generations (Gen 1,2,3, possibly four, I cannot remember...) is geared more-so with adult themes, and then you have your abridged and dark series. You raise a point with the title scene/title theme song but, it is a children's show that has an adult and teenager following. You should expect something like that and cut slack. Some adults even like it. I'd just like to know as a United States Coast Guard rescue swimmer in training, and an armed forces member to be, and also avid hobby blacksmith, how this makes me less manly? I just don't see it. The show is art itself... speaking of which.

    Granted, you may say that show is a children's show but, if you hate the show for what it is, look at it from a artistic standpoint. Lauren Faust with her concepts she draws up for the fans, and then the flash animation team, really do a wonderful job with the animations. It's art in itself through artistic animation and film-making, not to mention plot lines that teach morals. I really urge you that if you've not seen the show already, to do so and give it your own thoughts instead of listening to hate or Bronies. Be neutral, and give your thoughts. If you don't like it, that's fine. Just don't be an ass about it, excuse my text.

    Furthermore, I've browsed PMC for a while without an actual account, or using a friends. Threads like this go from normal to flame wars, back to normal. Fans and trolls would even use the two sides to relieve stress from personal situations. If a MLP lover/Brony get into a spat with a Hater, well. Their friends come to reinforce each other, and then more join the fray. Eventually the mods come in and put their foot down. In doing so, over-time MLP becomes a shadowy topic as your afraid to -start- a flame war. I really would wish that the two "Sides" to these arguments would move on. Let the Bronies (Myself included) enjoy the pony masses, while the haters and dislikers may go about on their way. I know it's almost too much to hope for co-existence without flame wars.

    This, is all my two cents but... I hope it helps to take this argument away, and keep the staff from locking another MLP thread down.

    TL:DR: I'd like to see everyone get along. For the Bronies to be able to browse and express their love of something, while the haters and dislikers, or mere neutral people, to get along. Threads being locked due to flame wars, is just.. borderline childish. Represent yourself. If you don't like something, don't be a dick about it, excuse my text. Be mature, and lead your community by being an example.

    If you don't like the show, don't troll it. If you do, don't force someone to worship it. If you've never seen it, watch it and try it for yourself.

    (P.S: Yes, i'm a Brony. But, I'd like to think, in the twenty first century, that I could get along with people who were not fans of the show. No, i'm not a part of the Pony hub here. Fluttershy was taken. :< P.S.S: Yes, sadly, I realize this is my first post on the forums. )

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