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    07/15/2013 6:59 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    CuutieShot's Avatar
    Its just the player slots they allow you to have in general... up to 200.. not based on the gb.
    07/15/2013 5:59 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    CuutieShot's Avatar
    I would join gladly into this, but until I gather a new headset come the next week, I would not be much of use outside of story writing or proof-reading of future scripts. Or helping with ideas.. Though I do not know if this is even still open as of now.. nor if this topic is well, lacking of women.
    07/15/2013 5:44 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    CuutieShot's Avatar
    If you want people to join as staff, you might want to make the link to the application.. I dont know.. THE DIRECT LINK TO THE APPLICATION!? I looked for it for twenty minutes through all the sub-forums and post-forums.. couldn't find it. Oh well.. your loss considering I'm a modder, recoder, and mod developer.. I could have been a great tech staff.
    07/15/2013 5:32 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    CuutieShot's Avatar
    Id be willing to be a guard but it honestly depends on how well I feel the server is going and how its staff treat those who enter. Lousy staff make a lousy server after all..
    07/15/2013 5:29 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    CuutieShot's Avatar
    Honestly, you dont have to wait on donations to get a GOOD server. Use 'Cubed Host'. Its 32$ for 2gb with a choice from 10 - 200 players immediately. Its well worth it. Believe me, Im using mine hosted from it and Im happy with the results.. My donators never have to pay more than five bucks for their status and just 10 donators make our server go either to an upgrade on space or pay for next month's service. USE IT. LOVE IT.
    07/15/2013 5:19 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    CuutieShot's Avatar
    Minecraft Name: xxHiraSaixx

    Age: 19

    Why you would like to be staff: Ive both owned and been staff to servers. For a while I had to give up minecraft, and with it all my staff positions on other servers were given to others because of my absence. I'm looking to help out newer servers now and get them off the ground. Whether this be helping with websites, setting up paypals, finding a better host, recoding mods, plugins and installing mods or plugins.

    How good are you at building: Im fairly good but prefer to build alone usually on a single project before even starting something else. Im very determined and things get built extremely fast under my skilled pixel crafting hands. Haha..

    Would you help get people on the server: Of course. Advertisement, friends, family, friends of friends, we'll spread the word. No worries.

    What rank would you be applying for:
    Either Head-Admin, Admin, or Head-Mod. I have experience in all spectrums of staff ranking.

    P.S. I can also help pay for advertising and keeping the server going if needed.
    04/26/2013 9:17 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    CuutieShot's Avatar
    I am intrigued.. but your lack of detail on the server disappoints me, so I must decline.
    04/26/2013 9:07 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    CuutieShot's Avatar
    I would love to apply for this, I actually stopped playing Minecraft after the server I was co-owner to shut down. I've been looking for something to get me back into the minecraft mood. I'm twenty one years old. I have been admin on a multitude of servers, world-editer for two, and I have hosted three servers of my own in the past, including one called 'kingdom-craft' that I was super-admin position on after handing the server to two friends who at that time had more ability to be online than I did. Now, with college completed until next year's time, I have bundles of time and nothing to do. If you could, add me on skype and let's talk. My skype is ALWAYS online unless I am busy with something such as paperwork since I am having to pay my own bills now, heh.

    Skype : the_xfadedx_lilac

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