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✪ US Campaign ✪
6 June 1978, Hawaiian Island.

The USSR places nuclear warheads in Hawaii. The president is stationing troops in the Hawaiian Islands. To avoid a nuclear war, General Morgan is preparing the 95th division for a landing operation or as they used to call the Landing in Hell. The island was successfully captured on June 6, 78, but the division suffered many losses. Nuclear warheads were handed over to the United States.

21 May 1979, Chukotka.

The United States is preparing a landing in the USSR, or rather on the Chukotka Peninsula.
The plan for victory is as follows: the United States landed 3 Infantry Divisions with tank brigades, tank brigades go on the offensive in the East Around May 31 or June 1-2, the peninsula was to be captured. Then all the divisions begin a counter-offensive against Siberia, and around August 19 a front line was to be built along Siberia.

September 27, 1979, Siberia.

Battle for Mirny. Siberia was occupied by the US troops, but not to the end. The strategic city of Mirny remained. Then, with the capture of Mirny, the front will stretch 300 km further north and 3 more divisions will enter the war. Hooks began to be used in the operation, with the help of hooks, Sergeant of the 1st Division Dickson Walker and at 4:00 a soldier cleared the main road from the barbed wire to advance the 56th tank brigade, as a result the city was cleaned and 34 Soviet division was completely destroyed.1 The division did not suffer losses. Also a great contribution to the victory was brought by the bombing of the infrastructure of the city, mainly houses were damaged.

Soldiers of the 1st Division burn the Soviet Flag.

The last street on which the main battle took place, instead of the usual drawers, troops of both sides used furniture.

Local department store after the battle.

2 September, 1979, Battle of Severobaykalsk (1 Day)

The first day was very hard. 1 Division was not at full strength. The command planned that Severobaykalsk was a very light city and the division could not work in full force. The plan to capture Severobaykalsk was as follows: the brigade is divided and parachuted at different points, one part is landed right on the road point at which the Soviet soldiers will be, so the first part of the brigade eliminates radio technology and communications will not be available, then the first part of the brigade is grouped together with the second part and two brigades begin to assault the main point. As a result, the first part of the brigade was injured by the soldier, and the second part lost the soldier and was injured by another soldier.

3 September, 1979, Battle of Severobaykalsk (2 Day)

This time the village was stormed by the Soviet divisions with tank brigades. The American soldiers were able to fight back, but the supplies ran out and had to be evacuated. Using the MRL-74 rocket launcher, the soldiers gave a signal and evacuated them.

Destroyed houses in Severobaykalsk.

Trenches. With the help of them, the American soldiers managed to repel an entire division.

☢ November 13, 1979, Udacniy Bombardment.

The first time when in the Soviet-American War began to use nuclear warheads. At 04:54 minutes, for 12 seconds, the Soviet NRW-1 or ЯРБ-1 warheads touched the ground. The city was completely demolished by a wave.

November 15, 1979. Operation "Bear wool"

General Rookford ordered the beginning of Operation Bear Wool. November 15, 24 The US Army Tank Division invaded Irkutsk and destroyed approximately 80 percent of the infrastructure; the USSR government did not manage to evacuate civilians. The losses of the Soviet Union amounted to 15 thousand civilians and 126 soldiers. The first sin of the United States.

GDR entered the war.

December 12, 1979.

MNUS - Moscow National Union of Scientists, succeeds in atomic technologies and launches the world's first atomic military vessel "Tsar" from the port of Murmansk in the Barents Sea.

November 28, 1979. Irkutsk.

The US has enough military forces to continue the battles in other cities that already last several months. To increase forces, the United States attacked the last city on Lake Baikal - Irkutsk. The army put all its efforts, and left the city and returned to the Siberian Front Line. Some soldiers thought it was because of the Russian Winter.

Photo from a helicopter. Destroyed buildings.

Socialist Poland entered the war.

The occupation of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar. January 12, 1980.

Meanwhile, China and the United States were pushing Mongolia from two sides and were approaching the capital. At a meeting of Chinese and American generals on January 11, they ordered the occupation of Ulaanbaatar from two sides. The next day at 6 am the operation was started, an hour later the city was occupied. Mongolia surrendered.

Americans and Chinese captured Mongolian signalman.

Mongolia capitulated.

March 4, 1980, The Battle of Omsk.
For the first time the troops of the GDR stood up for the Russian city. The battle lasted 3 days until the American troops retreated. A great contribution to the victory was made by artillerymen who hit American tanks, as a result, the USA moved 20 km to the east from Omsk.

May 13-24, 1980, Surrender of Scandinavia.

On March 13, German Democratic Republic troops landed in Norway, on March 15 they took Oslo, and 17 took Bergen. Norway capitulated. In April, the USSR and the German Democratic Republic pressed Sweden on both sides, Finland has already capitulated. May 24, Sweden surrendered.

GDR soldier on duty.

★ June 28-19-July, 1980, Sverdlovsk Assault.

One of the most bloody battles. 1 and 14 Soviet armies were expected to approach the US soldiers, which were immediately destroyed by artillery attacks. In the center of Ekaterinburg, 189 the Infantry Division was encircled and cut off from supplies, it lasted so for 6 days, the United States decided to bomb the city. 189 Infantry Division went to the highway on the street. But Bebel was still surrounded, an order was given to retreat to the Verkh-Isetsk Metallurgical Plant. On the 6th day, the sea landing, landed and saved the 189th division from the encirclement, the 20th and 6th Soviet armies retreated to the South-North.

December 1, 1980, Gornozavodsk Plants.

The main territory of the Gornozavdosk is plants. Important points were also factories.
One of the key battles took place on December 1. By artillery, US soldiers smashed factory buildings thereby smoking tips. The losses were mainly due to the ruins of buildings and the cold.

The inscription in Russian, translated as: We will not give up the Russian land.

★ 23 February, 1980, Gorky Destruction.

The battle was fierce, the Russians did not allow the American troops to retreat. Reinforcements did not help. The command decided to bomb the city. The bombing went on for 10 days, yet two sides stupefied the city for a couple of months and remained completely without people. The side of the United States realized what a trap could be when awaiting a Soviet soldier at the border. So they smoked the Soviet Union from the city and drove the Army West towards Moscow for 100 km, the losses were almost equal.

The American defends himself on an unfinished house.

12 March, 1980, Moscow and Kaliningrad.

Jet Fighters from the Barents Sea attacked Kaliningrad and Moscow. The whole peculiarity was that there was no order for it. At 5 in the morning, American pilots flew from the aircraft carrier, 2 squadrons were completely destroyed. 1 Squadron flew to Moscow, 2 to Kaliningrad. With the help of enemy air defense, jet fighters were defeated.

19 March, 1980, The battle for Ivanovo.

It was very difficult for Americans to get into the city. The divisions needed to get into it through the forests; there were a lot of ambushes in the forests. Partisans supported. The battle in the city had to be carried out without supplies and equipment. There were a lot of losses.

American soldier with a captured AK-47.

☭ March 29, 1980, the battle in Kuibyshev.

The US Army very often used equipment, especially Grad. She was very inaccurate but very murderous. At the beginning of the day, tank brigades made a huge south-west breakthrough, but the command did not take into account strong opponents from the north and south. The brigades encircled here and played hail-striking equipment with powerful shelling, they destroyed the infantry divisions, they took the city in 2 months.

March 12, 1980. The surrender of the Kazakh SSR.

Pulling the Kazakhs to the border and tormenting with exhaustion, the USSR loses the Kazakh SSR, thereby dictator Medvedev loses 3 Kazakh Armies, the Southern Theater, the attack on Moscow accelerated.

April 8, 1980, ✯✯ ☭ The Battle of Leningrad ☭ ✯★✯

Pulling up reserves from the Ural Mountains, a new plan was created. US troops create a bridgehead from Leningrad to Murmansk and wait for airborne reserves from the North, in Murmansk to seize the harbor and cut off Soviet vessels from supplies. While Siberian reserves were divided in Leningrad, assault divisions began to take the city. With the help of artillery and air transport, the Americans shook the enemy’s defenses, and the shock divisions were headed by 1 division. The defense broke through. The losses of American troops were incredibly large. The troops moved to the Big Defense Ring to wait for reserves.

Projectile hit

After battle

April 23, 1980, Murmansk landing.

The defense of the city from Soviet troops was not particularly surprising. A couple of maneuvers of American divisions and the city was taken. The landing of reinforcements was successful. The command decided to free Scandinavia, and asks for help from Britain.

The American creeps out of the building into which the shell hit the beach.
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