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Level 14 Journeyman Narwhal

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    05/30/2013 12:06 am
    Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Dustyman's Avatar
    Thank you for explaining that, but I find it very unjust to compare raping and murdering to gay marriage.
    05/29/2013 11:50 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Dustyman's Avatar
    Note: To be read as friendly and polite as possible.
    Many Christians quote the Bible to justify opposing gay rights, and I completely respect that, but it doesn't really make sense to me.(Please correct if I'm wrong in any of the next parts) According to the Bible, we are all created in God's image, and everyone changes their mind, or is unsure of certain things; so wouldn't that mean that God could change his mind. Most of the anti-gay quotes in the Bible come from Lividicus, right? And that is part of the Old Testament, something that most Christians don't follow, right? Doesn't the Old Testament also say that you can't eat shell fish, and that you can't wear clothes made of mixed cloths? God's way of changing his mind came in the way of a new messiah/profit, Jesus. And(please correct me if I'm wrong), but didn't Jesus say nothing about gays? Didn't Jesus say that we should love and forgive everyone, no matter their sins? So wouldn't that mean that Jesus was pro-gay rights, and pro-women's rights? So wouldn't someone who really wanted to follow Jesus/the Bible be pro-gay rights?
    05/29/2013 11:31 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Dustyman's Avatar
    people can have opinions, i don't care about that, what i care about is whats right and wrong. I really don't care what others think on the topic cause i know for a fact that being gay is wrong so sorry but there's no way you can convince me that being gay is ok when it goes against humanity

    Note: Read this as a friendly discussion, not an interrogation.
    Just to clarify, when I was talking about opinions, I was referring to the fact that you compared humans to other animals, I wasn't implying that you thought people shouldn't be allowed to have opinions.
    Anyway, thank you for admitting that I can't convince you gay marriage is okay, that will save me some typing. How do you decide what is right and wrong? Couldn't two people disagree on what is right and wrong, or are you saying your word is final? And how does homosexuality go against humanity?

    lolz let me clarify on that humaity thing. can 2 gays reproduce? no. does homosexuality bring tons of diseases and viruses to humans? yes. is sex made for reproducing? yes. so why would humanity want gays if it causes so much problems to humans

    Okay, I can see what you're saying, but gay marriage and gay sex are two very different things. Can two gays reproduce? No, but keeping them from marrying each other will not change them. Even if they aren't allowed to marry, they still won't produce a child, unless you force them into a marriage with someone of the opposite gender(and if you ask me, forced marriages are much more disgusting than gay marriages). About the disease thing(Assuming it's true): Wouldn't two people getting married make them more likely to only have "relations" with one another? And this, of course, would mean they would only pass the disease to each other, where as having them out in clubs and such would pass the disease to many more people, making it much worse for humanity. And about the two gays not being able to reproduce, isn't this the same as two elderly people or two sterile people marrying? They can't reproduce either, but that's not a problem for humanity.
    *Edit-Sorry about those really screwed up quotes, I don't know what happened but I just realized it looks pretty bad.
    05/29/2013 11:12 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Dustyman's Avatar
    creeperinmyhousehonestly i think its a terrible thing. Being gay is a choice, and because of people being gay, tons of diseases have been created. Being gay is messed up. Do you see any other animals on earth that are paired with their same gender? no you don't, nothing good comes out of being gay, but that's just my opinion on it

    Actually, many mammals and birds display homosexuality. And even if that weren't true, does that mean humans shouldn't be allowed to have personal freedoms? No other animals are capable of higher thinking(at least, on the scale of forming factions based on ideology), does that mean humans shouldn't be allowed to form opinions or have relationships?

    people can have opinions, i don't care about that, what i care about is whats right and wrong. I really don't care what others think on the topic cause i know for a fact that being gay is wrong so sorry but there's no way you can convince me that being gay is ok when it goes against humanity

    Note: Read this as a friendly discussion, not an interrogation.
    Just to clarify, when I was talking about opinions, I was referring to the fact that you compared humans to other animals, I wasn't implying that you thought people shouldn't be allowed to have opinions.
    Anyway, thank you for admitting that I can't convince you gay marriage is okay, that will save me some typing. How do you decide what is right and wrong? Couldn't two people disagree on what is right and wrong, or are you saying your word is final? And how does homosexuality go against humanity?
    05/29/2013 10:53 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Dustyman's Avatar
    creeperinmyhousehonestly i think its a terrible thing. Being gay is a choice, and because of people being gay, tons of diseases have been created. Being gay is messed up. Do you see any other animals on earth that are paired with their same gender? no you don't, nothing good comes out of being gay, but that's just my opinion on it

    Actually, many mammals and birds display homosexuality. And even if that weren't true, does that mean humans shouldn't be allowed to have personal freedoms? No other animals are capable of higher thinking(at least, on the scale of forming factions based on ideology), does that mean humans shouldn't be allowed to form opinions or have relationships?
    02/16/2013 3:20 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Dustyman's Avatar
    I'm not great at building, but I'd be happy to help with writing. I don't have Skype but if it was absolutely required I could sign up.
    IGN: Dustyballs (Don't ask)
    Thanks for the consideration.
    11/21/2012 9:40 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Dustyman's Avatar
    A species is not an alien because they can survive in Space, it would be an alien if it's home planet was not Earth.
    11/09/2012 11:16 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Dustyman's Avatar
    I don't know what the ranks are...
    Will you be loyal to the AG?: Of course
    Age: I'd rather not say, 12-14
    Maturity: 8/10
    What do you want to do?: I would like to trick players into coming to a certain spot, where we can assassinate them, or other trickery.
    How will you change the AG?: I can make us much more efficient through intelligence.
    We will be legitimately assassinating other players. Ok with it? Yes.
    11/02/2012 7:31 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Dustyman's Avatar
    Cool, thanks.
    11/01/2012 10:29 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Dustyman's Avatar
    I can be your writer, if you'd like.
    IGN: Dustyballs
    10/28/2012 11:49 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Dustyman's Avatar
    I would recomend adding the Fallout-esque style of adding a bunch of structures scattered around the map, those are always cool in open world maps. You know, making every building tell a story by adding a dead body... or stuff.
    10/28/2012 12:23 am
    Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Dustyman's Avatar
    Do you need a writer?
    08/20/2012 10:16 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Dustyman's Avatar
    That would be cool, but it would take an extremely skilled redstone user or a mod.
    08/12/2012 4:01 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Dustyman's Avatar
    Crashes aren't universal.
    06/18/2012 12:12 am
    Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Dustyman's Avatar
    ... has this died?
    05/16/2012 9:23 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Dustyman's Avatar
    IGN- Dustyballs (Don't ask)
    Age- 12-14 (I don't say over the internet)
    How good will you be at your job: On a scale of 1-10, I would say a solid 8.6
    What job do you want?- Writer
    Can you host a server? No
    Do you have hamachi? No, but if it is an absolute must, I can download it.
    Will you grief? No, I hate griefers
    Will you be active alot? Yes
    Screenshots of your work- (It's a little creepy, but it just a pretty good example of descriptive wiriting.) "The last dying screams ran from the poor blind man. Blood ran down the face of the dark figure standing above the mangled carcass. It's unquenchable thirst was quenched for now, but it knew that soon it would feel the need. Anger, insanity, hunger, and pure hatred for all innocent things would be the only thing that poor, dark creature could comprehend, and it would have to begin the hunt again."
    If you need some other kind of writing or something, just ask. Also, although that story was dark I DO have a sense of humor so...
    Edit: I'm also somewhat good at building and could do any really tedious jobs that noone else wanted to do.
    03/15/2012 2:25 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Narwhal
    Dustyman's Avatar
    Username: Dustyman (IGN: Dustyballs)
    Age: I don't want to say this over the internet, 11-13
    Job: Script writer
    Country: U.S.
    Experience: I've never actually worked on an adventure map, but I have write lots of stories before.
    Why I should pick you: I've written several great stories before(plus many average ones), noone's ever told me my stories were less than average, and I follow directions well.

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