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Level 1 New Miner

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    11/08/2014 9:21 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    fegunner46's Avatar
    Q1: What's your name (real or nick or fake name)?
    My real name Is Elias (Mexican parents But they call me Ely
    Q2: What gender are you? (For expectations)
    Im a male as well
    Q3: What's your Minecraft Name? (For recognizing you on the server)
    My Minecraft name is Fumblemore_II
    Q4:What's your skype name? (For friend request)
    fegunner46(I rarely use skype,only for these occasions)
    Q5:What's your strongest point in minecraft? (Mine's crafting by the way)
    My strongest point in minecraft,I have very good design ideas,just lazy to make them.I can also handle redstone quite nicely.
    Q6:What is the most disgusting swear word you ever said? (So I know your language)
    Well,i try not to swear,it slips out most of the time.There are some interesting words in spanish too.I guess i called my brother a bastard,but he calls me that almost every day,lol.
    Q7: Was this topic too long? (So I can shorten it out)
    Im a fast reader,i really can't tell.
    Q8: What languages do you know and where do you come from (Other than English)?
    English,Spanish,and im learning american sign language and french.
    Final Question, 9: What's your religion? (to see if I can discuss religious matters with you or not)
    I'll explain this in a skype call.I don't want to let this loose on the discussion
    10/07/2012 7:14 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    fegunner46's Avatar
    ill help you with what ever you need

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