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Level 21
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Play Adventure Game

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By choosing things you gain points. When you reach a dead end it will tell you how many you have.

Forest Adventure
You are on a trail and have the choice of two paths? Which one do you take? (Tip: This game is not complete yet so you may come to a dead end eventually.
The smooth gravel Path
On the smooth gravel path you see a stump. Do you sit on it? (Gain 10 points for picking the gravel path)

Blazing Fire Ants come spewing out and they climb onto your legs biting you.

You pass by the stump and see a fire ant hill Be glad you didn't sit on that stump! What's that little container on the ground you see? Should you pick it up?

The Bumpy dirt path with grass covering most of it.
On the dirt path you see a bear. It has two cubs. Should you approach them? (Gain 15 points for choosing Dirt Path)

Sorry, but you got eaten by a bear! You cannot continue your journey! Try again and see if you can do better!

Score: 15

You take a quick picture of the bear and carefully walk backwards until your far enough away to just walk home. On your way back home you see a stray backpack. What should you do?
Look to see if there is a tag on it that says who owns it.
Looks like the tag just says "Jack"

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