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Level 28
Expert Creeper

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    12/27/2012 2:13 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Creeper
    fxlol's Avatar

    Age (by July): 14
    Name: Francois-Xavier Kaeppelin
    Skype Account: fxlol99
    YouTube Account: FXKStudios
    Skill: Guinness World Record broke, Redstoning, Building
    Email: fxlol99@gmail.com
    12/26/2012 8:53 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Creeper
    fxlol's Avatar
    You lucky kids! I got nothing for Christmas.
    11/25/2012 8:05 am
    Level 28 : Expert Creeper
    fxlol's Avatar
    In-game Name: fxlol
    How old are you? 13
    What is your timezone(GMT)? GMT (+0/-0)
    What time can you guard? (Ex: 1PM-4PM)? Dependent on boarding school
    How long have you played on Killion?: 5 months
    What is your current rank (Block)? C (but soon to be B)
    Do you have experience with prison servers?: Yes. A lot.
    Do you have experience guarding?: Yes
    Have you read ALL of the server rules, both guard and prisoner?: Yes
    What makes you the best guard applicant?:I almost never give up and I'm a fair person when it comes to decisions made.
    09/02/2012 6:45 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Creeper
    fxlol's Avatar
    Why is it that I get blocked by whitelist? -Fxlol
    08/20/2012 5:05 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Creeper
    fxlol's Avatar
    IGN: fxlol
    Actor/actress or cameraman/woman: actor
    Time Zone: PDT (until 30 Aug 2012), GMT (otherwise)
    Can you make a server?: No.
    Why do you want to be in this?: Looking forwrd to making a video. It's my hobby since I was 8.
    Are you good at following direction?: Yes.
    Anything else?: Made a Runescape vs. Club Penguin series when I was 8-9. I'm NOT one of those 9 year olds who earrape people. I'm a teen.
    08/20/2012 5:01 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Creeper
    fxlol's Avatar
    Can You Host A Server: No but I have a friend who can
    What Time Zone Are You In: Now until 30 Aug 2012 is -8. any other time is GMT (0)
    How Good Are You At Building: Pretty damn good
    Can You Record (Some Videos My Mics Broken and I Need Music In Them): Yes but no sound (unless I can fix this problem)
    How Often Can You Record: Negotiable
    Do You Know How To Put Mods In Servers: No.
    How good Are You With Plugins(just incase we wanna get plugins for a episode) Haven't done any.
    Any Previous Minecraft YouTube Series: 1. It's still starting up
    How Many Subs: 0
    How Many Views: 553
    How Many Videos: 4
    08/05/2012 3:01 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Creeper
    fxlol's Avatar
    IGN: fxlol
    Age: 13
    Timezone: PST until 8/27 GMT otherwise
    Position you want to apply for: actor, editor
    Can you host a server? My computer doesn't allow me to
    Why should we pick you over other people? Nice tone of voice. Doesn't sound like some 8 year old kid. If my voice sounds too high, I could always use Audacity.
    08/05/2012 2:58 pm
    Level 28 : Expert Creeper
    fxlol's Avatar
    IGN: fxlol
    Age: 13
    Timezone: Now until August 27th- PST Anytime else: GMT
    Position you want to apply for: Cameraman, Film Producer, Actor, Builder
    Can you host a server? I can't because of my computer
    Why should we pick you over other people? Lots of film experience. Been filming since i was 8. Great buildings I've built.
    03/11/2012 7:44 am
    Level 28 : Expert Creeper
    fxlol's Avatar
    IGN: Fxlol
    E-mail: fxlol99@gmail.com
    Do you have facebook: Yes
    Are you good at building: Yes (especially with redstone)
    Age: 12
    Hamachi?: Never heard of one.
    IRL Name: Francois-Xavier

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