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Level 10 Journeyman Hunter

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    10/14/2014 8:58 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Hunter
    Gatthekid's Avatar
    I'm most likely not going to go trick-or-treating, but my grandma's cousin is having a Halloween party and she wants everyone to dress up.. so I might also be Gandalf! PS Are you going to be Gandalf the White from Lord of the Rings or Gandalf the Grey from the Hobbit? I'm going to be Gandalf the Grey if I decide to dress up.
    10/14/2014 8:55 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Hunter
    Gatthekid's Avatar
    Are you going to be Boba Fett, Jango Fett, or a generic Mandalorian? I love the Mandalorians so much. dey cool
    10/14/2014 8:03 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Hunter
    Gatthekid's Avatar
    One fateful day long ago... ah. I remember like it was yesterday. I was very young and I was taking a warm and rather relaxing bath. Then, I had a wonderful idea! So I violantly shoved my head underwater and left it there. So, while I forcefully flapped my arms around and kicked the tub, I was too much of an idiot to actually pull my head above the water. So there I sat in the tub with my head smashed agaisnt the bottom of the tub (underwater,) flopping around like some kind of walrus having a PTSD attack. Luckily, my mom came in and helped poor little Walrus out of the tub and into theropy. (I really have no clue why I did this. At the time I guess I just thought it would be the most hilarious thing in the world to try and morph into a fish in the middle of my bath. While my temporary walrus-like state was remarkably similar to a fish out of water, I never actually achieved the ever sought after god-like fish status that I so longingly desired.) TL;DR I suddenly decided to become a manatee and drown myself. PS This is a true story that actually happened! I might've exagerated the walrus characteristics a bit, but other than that, this is a 100% true story that was simply spiced up to add some comedic effect. Hope you all had a good laugh while reading story of walrus woe and manatee passion!
    10/14/2014 7:45 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Hunter
    Gatthekid's Avatar
    I would also like to note that the kids who play sports rarely get in trouble, no matter what they do. It's like they have some kind of immunity to the rules simply because of the athletics they participate in.
    10/14/2014 7:43 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Hunter
    Gatthekid's Avatar
    I'm 5'7 and I weigh 183 pounds. Aw... aw man...

    But anyways, yes! I fully agree with everyone here in the sense that there are a huge amount of problems with public schools (as miniscule and redundant as they may be.) For example, in my school, we have teachers that, rather than teach (as you would expect from a TEACHer,) they stay behind their desk all day playing on their phones or tablets or whatever do-dads they may have happended to bring with them on that particular day. Then, after they give us a test over something they never taught, they complain about us being lazy and not doing our work (I know, right!?).
    On a side note, the lunch ladies at my school do not wear hair nets either. Due to this rather inconvient annoyance, I am left to find hair in my food on a regular basis. (Although this is not quite a frequent occurence as it has been in the past.) I forget who was talking about the servers selling extra food, but anyways, this also occurs at my school. You can get extra food for $1.75 or so. Plus ice cream, juice, chips, etc.
    09/03/2014 6:48 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Hunter
    Gatthekid's Avatar
    Ah yes. I remember the blocks page. (I've been using Planet Minecraft for years before I ever got a PMC account.) That was back when there wasn't many blocks at all and there weren't tabs in your inventory!
    09/03/2014 6:25 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Hunter
    Gatthekid's Avatar
    A minion from Despicable Me! A yellow one and a purple (evil) one!
    09/02/2014 8:41 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Hunter
    Gatthekid's Avatar
    On a side note, I thought that rebellious horse picture on the first page was funny.
    09/02/2014 8:37 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Hunter
    Gatthekid's Avatar
    I build sometimes (I can be really good for a few minutes then just lose that spa-zaz. I'll build a little bit, quit, and pick it up a week or so later.). Mostly I just jump around while talking. I mostly play plot servers and I like to talk and tell jokes.
    09/02/2014 8:31 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Hunter
    Gatthekid's Avatar
    Going off-topic here, but I thought that whole modcave bit was pretty funny.
    09/01/2014 3:21 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Hunter
    Gatthekid's Avatar
    I agree with Midnight. You may not like it now, but once it's over, you won't regret doing it.
    09/01/2014 3:16 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Hunter
    Gatthekid's Avatar
    I think I may have tried those at Six Flags.. I'm not for sure. If I did, then I didn't like them because I haven't gotten then again. They did have them there though.
    09/01/2014 2:51 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Hunter
    Gatthekid's Avatar
    I'm OK with mildy spicy foods. I just don't like it when it's so spicy that it's uncomfortable to eat.
    08/24/2014 6:26 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Hunter
    Gatthekid's Avatar
    Sounds like an ad for church targeted for kids.
    07/19/2014 7:17 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Hunter
    Gatthekid's Avatar
    I've never cared for her, but at this point, I carry heavy disrespect for her. She's an unwanted sex symbol among preteen girls.
    06/11/2014 5:36 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Hunter
    Gatthekid's Avatar
    Troll 2. It's.. omg. Terrible acting, terrible plot, etc. Sharknado was also bad.. but I liked Sharknado. It's so bad it's hilarious.
    06/11/2014 5:33 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Hunter
    Gatthekid's Avatar
    I watch comedy movies. The Heat, Identity Thief, This is The End, We're The Millers, etc. Tonight I'm planning on watching Pineapple Express.
    05/31/2014 11:09 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Hunter
    Gatthekid's Avatar
    I have a few.

    1. On creative servers, when a terrible builder tps to me and starts calling my builds (that I haven't even finished) crap etc. And then I go to one of his (finished) builds and they're huge rooms made of a mixture of bedrock, diamond, emerald, gold, and sandstone that looks terrible.

    2. When people start using stupid insults that are overused and don't even make sense, and then think they're cooler than I am.

    3. When people claim they've.. um.. *cough* done stuff *cough* when they're like 9 years old. (Isn't it weird that the people who haven't done it are the ones that talk about it the most?)
    05/25/2014 12:04 am
    Level 10 : Journeyman Hunter
    Gatthekid's Avatar
    Maybe a room filled with buttons. There is 1 button that lets you escape... the rest either poison you, or fill the room with more and more mobs. You must escape with your life.
    05/22/2014 9:38 pm
    Level 10 : Journeyman Hunter
    Gatthekid's Avatar ... indows+8.1 I really like the design and price of this laptop. How well will it run Minecraft?

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