IHaveNachoz's Avatar
Level 1 New Crafter

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    10/05/2012 8:19 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    IHaveNachoz's Avatar
    I had a nightmare where there was this monster-like lady who was sitting on my bed (don't remember her exact look), I was passing by my bedroom to reach the kitchen when I see her, thinking it was my mom. I enter the room, the woman's evil head turns 180 degrees to look at me, and I step back. The woman's demonic eyes crossed in a way NOT possible in a human being. I was so frightened, and the woman attacked me. Before she got to me, I woke up.
    Then a few years later, I got the same dream, but I attempted to out cross her eyes, but I failed. Then she launched herself at me, creepily. Then I woke up, not that scared, but weirded out!
    10/01/2012 7:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    IHaveNachoz's Avatar
    What do you want to be: Student!
    Age: 12
    Name: Reneé West
    Blood Status: Pure Blood
    If your a student what year are you in: 2nd
    What classes are you if your a student (have to have 7): Charms; Potions; Transfiguration; Herbology; Astronomy; Defense Against The Dark Arts; History Of Magic
    What house are you in as a student: Gryffindor... I got this while on PotterMore ;D
    Appearance: Straight, long, mahogany hair; Gray eyes; Light tannish skin.
    Backstory: Reneé West was born to Blake West and Cynthia West (Neé Justion) during birth, Cynthia had grown weak and ill. As she had delivered Reneé, she went into shock. Blake, desperate and worried, had walked into a dangerous area where he had got himself basically KILLED. Reneé, now as a child, had to live on her own. She had to take care of herself, even when sick. Most of her meals consisted of bread and stew that kind people had brought her. Reneé was sick of this. Now as her age now, has enjoyed Hogwarts and can't wait to return.
    Wand (example: Dragonheart string 13' oak): 12' , Ivy, Unicorn Hair.
    ... So professional *tear rolls down my cheek* Hopefully this isn't "Mary Sueish"
    08/21/2012 12:44 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    IHaveNachoz's Avatar
    08/21/2012 12:09 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    IHaveNachoz's Avatar
    Wow... It couldn't have been moi, I haven't even been on >.<
    08/21/2012 11:52 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    IHaveNachoz's Avatar
    Whoa, I have not gone to check on this post xD
    08/03/2012 1:08 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    IHaveNachoz's Avatar
    *In-Game Name? IHaveNachoz
    *How old are you? 12
    *How long have you played Minecraft? (Must be at least 7 months) Atleast one to two years.
    *Do you like PVP? Sort of.
    *How many servers have you been on? (Must be at least 5 servers)
    Alot.. I usually do server hopping, but I stay on servers that I like. Probably atleast 20.
    07/26/2012 6:55 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    IHaveNachoz's Avatar
    IGN: IHaveNachoz
    Skills(Building, want to be a mod): I can sort of build small/big houses when I have idea bursts!
    Do you play every day?: Yeahs!
    Do you play for a long time when you come on?: Yeah
    Do you have a skype, or can you make one?: I'll message you! or edit this! WAit.. my mic is broken so.. I can't use it for voice chat, only by text
    07/23/2012 4:12 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    IHaveNachoz's Avatar
    Name: (I'm going to use the name I prefer to use due to privacy issues if that's fine) Mari
    Age: 12
    Job: Building |:) and being random
    RP Experience: I am playing on a Harry Potter roleplay server :3
    Minecraft Experience: Since 1.8 or 1.7

    My IGN: IHaveNachoz
    07/18/2012 11:20 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    IHaveNachoz's Avatar
    What position do you want: Admin or Moderator
    Age(Won't judge): 12
    Maturity: 7.. or 8 at times
    Skype: Sadly don't have :/
    Any other way to contact you: Twitter @IHaveNachoz
    Experience: Was a head admin on a server before, and admin on another
    Have you ever been banned: Well once, since a hacker logged on and banned all.
    Are you a griefer(Won't effect chance): No, just sometimes.
    Any other information I should know: I get really upset at times, I have slight issues with that. Plus, I am a HUGE grammar geek.

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