ItsJ_'s Avatar
Level 1
New Miner

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    05/19/2017 9:36 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    ItsJ_'s Avatar
    What's your Minecraft name?

    My Minecraft username is ItsJ_.

    What's your age?

    I'm currently 13, I'll be 14 on August 2nd.

    Do you have a working microphone without noise,
    and Skype or Discord?

    Yes, I do.

    How many hours are you available?

    I am available during most hours throughout the day and I will attempt to be as active as possible and be on the server whenever I can if I am needed. Please note that I may not always be able to come online right away due to issues that may occur or are currently happening in my real life.

    How many days a week are you available?

    I am usually available during weekdays after 4:30 PM and before 1:00 AM UK time, but these times may change depending on my current situation.

    Why do you want to be staff on our server?

    Because I really love the server and want to help out. I am also used to the feel of the server, so having me on the staff team would be a benifit for the server. Being staff would really help me too, because I can feel like I am a part of things again, instead of just being some crazy outsider. I would like to be staff because I love to help people. I try to be the best I can be, and try to help people become the best that they can be. In doing so, I believe that I will make the server a more exciting and enjoyable place to come and hangout with their friends and play some KitPVP, Prison or Skyblock. I'm looking forward to playing with all the people that this server brings and want to make it a fun, but well maintained place. I want to be staff because I enjoy helping new people have the funnest experience they can have on servers like these they may need help on. I also like being a person who can offer information to those in need instead of saying my best guess. I also wish to be staff because this server is so much fun and I want to be able to share that experience with everyone else in a way that will make them enjoy the server and stay. Another reason I wish to be staff is because I really love the community on this server and I want to see it grow, and my whole goal of being staff is to help this server do that the best I can. I have a lot of time to spend my day and I would love to use that time to help the server and the members of the server. Even though i'm 14 years old I have a lot of maturity and heart to put in this server. I would love to make it better and I want to help people who have legitimate questions and guide them throughout the game. I want to make sure rule-breakers stay out of the game. I have the confidence to tell someone that they are breaking a rule. My previous experience will help me become an even better staff member than I was previously. I am one of those people who will fulfill my duties as a staff member and go beyond my limits and do everything that I can so the server is fun and enjoyable. I will go and try with all my heart to increase player experience and gameplay enjoyment whenever I am on the server. I can do any task that you are to give me. I am a trustworthy and reliable person that likes to help people with questions on the TriturPVP Network. I would also like to be staff on this server to improve the standards and quality of the server. Also just to help out. I can prove that I can improve quality and standards of the server because of my staff experience. In the past I managed to gain the rank of Moderator on my friends server and within a month or so I made many new friends and also partly helped her server hit up to 30 players. I started not that long ago but within the time I have been playing on TriturPVP Network I have realised that the community so far is amazing and from what I've seen the server is amazing. I love playing prison servers and can't wait until the official release of TriturPVP Prison! I already love the staff members which I have met, and I love helping out people that are having trouble, or have found bugs, or who are having trouble with other player breaking the rules.

    Why should we choose you above other players?

    I don't like to think of anyone better than others, but I am aware that somethings suite some people better than others. I believe this job suits me because I quickly learn from my mistakes and have a natural helping personality. I love to help people exceptionally to the best of my ability and I love to see people happy from what I have helped them with. I'm also very good with people and try to understand their point of view before judging them or making decisions against them, and when I make and argument I try to give examples of why they are right or wrong to the best of my ability. Everyone has their positive and negatives, not everyone is perfect. But I believe that my funny and out-of-this-world personality will make this server a fun and exciting server to be on. I learn fast and always try 110% in whatever it takes. I believe that I am a fun, but mature person for my age and will enforce all rules to the best of my abilities. I will always be on and try all my heart to help players and try to make this server better and fix more bugs. I will guide players and answers questions quickly. I will help them enjoy the server more and maybe they will donate! I think that I will be able to react quick to hackers, and other people breaking the rules, can commit a lot of hours to the server, and I consider myself a pretty fast at typing compared to other people, but that is just my what I think, and I can also be very friendly, and can not get bribed from people trying to get free stuff. Also I will not only punish rule breakers I will learn from previous rule breakers and due to this I will be able to identify and punish hackers suitably and altogether make the community an amazing place to be. I will also not only play just to moderate I will play to have fun, play with others and make others' experience as enjoyable as I can because that is another role of being staff. I understand how to use essentially every punishment command and the basics and some more complicated stuff in Prison and Skyblock. If a player ever needs help with anything I will stop what I'm doing whether it's mining, building or even talking to one of my best friends and I'd immediately attempt to help the player the best I can.

    Have you ever been staff on other servers? If yes, we need to know the name and what function you had.

    Yes I have previously been accepted as a member of staff on servers in the past, and due to this I have a lot of experience in moderating, maintaining and calming down a situation/server.
    The names of previous servers I've been staff on along with my rank while I was staff on them are as follows:
    * PrisonEscape -> Administrator (resigned)
    * ArkoolNetwork -> Moderator (server closed)
    * PrisonBreakout -> Administrator (server closed)
    * ChampionPrison -> Owner (resigned, server closed after)
    * UnknownNetwork -> Moderator (fired for abuse complaints (none of which were true))

    Have you ever been banned on a server? If yes, tell us why.

    Unfortunately, I have been previously banned on servers before. The reasons I have been banned range from trollers to legitimate reasons.
    I will be writing about 2 of my previous bans now.
    * I was permanently banned on a Factions server for using a hacked client (note this was when I was still experimenting with Minecraft. I used hacks as I saw other people using them.).
    * I was temporarily banned on a Prison server for advertising another server using book and quills.
    Note; I've learnt from my previous mistakes and I understand that being part of the staff team means that I am a role model for the rest of the players and so I must follow all rules. If I break a rule, suitable punishment will occur and demotion and/or ban will follow.

    What gamemodes do you prefer most? Make a list of the gamemodes you like most. Choose wisely, because we will assign you one gamemode to be a helper on.

    As you may or may not have noticed, I am a fan of Prison servers and hub servers. A list of my favourite gamemodes are as follows:
    * Prison (OP/Semi OP/Non OP)
    * Skyblock (OP/Semi OP/Non OP)
    * Survival (Vanilla/Semi Vanilla/Non Vanilla)
    * Mini Games
    Note; If I do happen to be considered to be accepted for Helper rank, my suggested server to assign me to would be Prison (when it is released)

    If there is anything about you that you need to tell to us, please include it here.

    Before I finish my application, I'd like to write a short paragraph about the server and myself. I am a young male who is mature for their age but has a sense of humour and will follow all rules. I will accept any punishment that is bestowed upon me as long as said punishment is fair and is suitable for the rule(s) I have broken. I'd like to wish all other potential applicants best of luck and I will still play this server actively even if I do happen to get denied. Thanks for taking time out of your day to read my application and I hope you consider me to become Helper on TriturPVP Network!
    Note; If you need anything else added to my application please reply saying so and I will add whatever else is needed. Thanks!

    AKA ~ Jack

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