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    05/31/2019 6:17 pm
    Level 38 : Artisan Architect
    Jnaejnae's Avatar
    You don't know what you are saying. Get some rest.
    05/31/2019 6:03 pm
    Level 38 : Artisan Architect
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    There is nothing wrong with the way I responded, you simply took the quotes out of context. I responded respectfully to the people who read the post and disagreed politely, look at my first reply to the first person who disagreed. The quotes your cherry-picked were responding to someone who said "Also, I'll admit it. I didn't read the ENTIRE post because you post boring content." and "Also I no joke almost fell to sleep reading your reply."

    I never called anyone "dumb" in the first sentence in any of my replies. You are lying to put me down while pretending to be a humble and respectful person. When I predicted that he missed the point and likely didn't read past the title, I was right, he later admitted he didn't read the full post. Are you criticizing me for being honest and accurate?

    You are making a mockery of philosophy, you are suggesting that I need to "learn something from the other side." He didn't even read my post, he then later tried to make the case that his entire argument was sarcasm. Strangest of all you quote a philosophy teacher instead of philosophy literature or any philosopher. Do you really think you are wise because you took Philosophy 1 in school?

    I am very experienced in constructive debate, and anyone who is would know that constructive debate is not possible with people who have not even read your argument. In the first paragraph of my OP I stated that I do not believe classic Minecraft is superior to modern Minecraft, that they have their own unique downsides and upsides, and I wish that there were a way to experience the good parts of both versions. So anyone who told me to play Alpha version has definitively not read the first paragraph of my opening argument. There is nothing wrong with telling someone who didn't read the post that they didn't read the post.
    05/29/2019 6:23 pm
    Level 38 : Artisan Architect
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    I will say it again, I don't want to play vintage Minecraft. Read the post before responding please.
    05/29/2019 3:09 am
    Level 38 : Artisan Architect
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    You make a post with very little thought, you realize your mistake and now you come up with every excuse under the sun. Sarcasm, too boring, no one buys it. You are an embarrassingly unintelligent person trying to maintain your ego. You can't spend the time to read a comment but you spend time replying to it? You are a really bad liar or a really bad reader. Take your pick.
    05/28/2019 5:26 pm
    Level 38 : Artisan Architect
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    Again my issue is not my personal experience I'm worried about Minecraft's ability to compete as a whole. Minecraft has seen a good jump in relevancy, but that's mostly due to memes and lack of competition. Minecraft has not even come close to regaining the popularity it had prior to the Microsoft buyout. I care about the game and it's community just as much as I care about my own experience with it. Modding solves some issues but only half of them.

    Your idea that a game being bought and played is the primary indicator of positive community interaction and long-term success is incredibly naive. If we are to interpret the community opinions based on the replies to this thread alone, it seems about 40% of people agree with me. Have you ever firsthand witnessed a popular and iconic game hit decline and fall out of relevancy? I have, and Minecraft shows all the early signs of decline. You also highly overestimate the willingness people have to play games that don't have fun in, that is until they find something more fun to play.

    When someone is new to Minecraft I watch their reactions carefully, and I have observed that even people completely new to Minecraft are confused and annoyed by new mechanics rather than old ones. As Minecraft becomes less intuitive it is forced to become hold-hands more. This is going to subtly drive away new players. Minecraft is going to have to deal with the dangerous combination of updates that dilute the unique value and inate appeal of the game and new serious competition.

    Also are you seriously forgetting the fact that people still have the ability to play old versions of Minecraft? This means the active playerbase of the game means absolutely nothing in terms of popularity of updates unless we had some sort of polling data on how many people play each version.
    05/28/2019 3:22 am
    Level 38 : Artisan Architect
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    "Every single issue you personally have with the game could be remedied by modding." That is simply not true. That would only be valid if Minecraft officially supported modding. Forge due to lack of official support firstly has to be rewritten every update resulting in zero cross-compatibility, and secondly has to drop support for older versions because Forge does not have the resources to maintain every version of forge. 1.14 doesn't even have forge support yet. It is difficult to make and update mods, resulting in many good mods dying and being left in the past. The flattening was a complete rework of Minecraft code names, it took forge what felt like forever to adapt.

    This is one reason why Hytale poses a legitimate challenge to Minecraft, Hytale makes the promise of a official modding, modelling, and animation API. My dad who was an experienced Minecraft modder permanently quit Minecraft when he heard Hytale would have official mod support.

    You talk like someone who has never created a mod before. Minecraft code is especially protected from being altered directly, which makes it much easier to add content than it is to change Minecraft. For instance when I tried to make a food rework mod a while ago, I wasn't allowed to simply change the cow loot table. I had to intercept the event that handles entity living drop and then find if that living entity is a cow. Your farming rework alone would take many months of experienced modding. You cannot simply go into the code and change the respawn delay variable, if you actually tried to make the mod you are suggesting you would realize how bad modding support is and you would eat your words.

    Although you are more eloquent than others, your argument is still the same dismissive complacency that fails to make anything more than an appeal to popularity. My critiques of the game are not personal, they are objective. I'm not saying that Minecraft should return to how it used to be because I have fond memories, I am saying that Minecraft is losing challenge and practicality of design. Even if I were to painstakingly give a half-year of my life to create a mod to make Minecraft exactly how I think it should be, that wouldn't change the fact that Minecraft as a whole will suffer from becoming less intuitive and less unique. The results will not be immediate but they will be real.

    On top of all of this you provided zero evidence that the majority of the Minecraft playerbase thinks positively of the majority of Minecraft updates. If anything it was just a petty attempt to make me feel like an outsider so you don't have to rebut any of my points. I did an internet search to find out the popularity of minecraft updates, and the very first thing I find is a reddit post claiming that they think people complain about Minecraft updates TOO much. I see no validity to your claim that I'm in the small minority. It seems like YOU are the one acting like the advocate for the Minecraft community, I only speak for myself and my observations.
    05/27/2019 9:08 pm
    Level 38 : Artisan Architect
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    Redstone, bosses, biomes, and dungeons are some of my favorite additions to Minecraft. However if you believe these are the features that make Minecraft not suck, then Minecraft stands no chance against a game like Hytale that has already revealed to have far more bosses and dungeons than Minecraft. I advocated that Minecraft emphasize what make's it uniquely special to compete.
    05/27/2019 7:44 pm
    Level 38 : Artisan Architect
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    You are making a false implication that a railway or a good horse is easy to get. Rails cost iron, gold, and redstone at an increasing cost over distance. Saddles are uncraftable. Horses need to be tamed then selectively bred to get the best stats. Horses should have uncraftable armor so it stays alive and a lead that costs slime so you don't lose the horse. Boats are the only option that are easy to get, and boats are made irrelevant by the free dolphin swim boosts that cost nothing.

    Long distance travel is typically a late-game objective regardless, I never waste time crafting a rail system because beating the end is way quicker and easier. Attempting to balance underpowered things by making them more accessible is actually a really good idea, but it's not an accurate representation of how they are currently.
    05/27/2019 5:27 pm
    Level 38 : Artisan Architect
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    Clearly someone who completely missed the point and likely didn't read past the title. I was not arguing for less content, I was arguing that new content must by balanced to ensure old content is not made irrelevant. The power creep with transportation is a strong example, originally we had minecarts, pig saddles, and boats. These were all balanced because they had their strengths and weaknesses, minecarts were the fastest but needed tracks, boats only worked on water, and pigs only worked on land. The addition of the elytra made the game unbalanced because it is the fastest, does not need tracks, and works above land or water. New content can takeaway complexity.

    Your comments are predictable because its the habit of toxic fans to assume critique of updates is invalid if I don't have to play the updates. If the only counter-argument to my critiques is "well don't play it then." then that is definitive proof that my critiques are accurate and that the new updates are objectively flawed and impossible to defend with legitimate reasons.

    I very clearly stated that I do not believe old versions of Minecraft are directly superior, as in my opening statement I said updates are one step forward and one step backwards. I believe updates have approximately and equal good vs bad ratio. The old Minecraft gets boring due to lack of content, the new Minecraft gets boring due to lack of challenge and charm.

    I am advocating for simplicity relative to practicality, meaning I open more complexity with open arms if it has a practical place in the game. The underwater temple, guardians, and functional sponges are amazing additions that make the game more intricate without making the game unbalanced or impractical. One unbalanced addition would be the shield, and an impractical addition would be rotten flesh.

    If you keep telling people to stop playing modern Minecraft, eventually people will. You will be responsible for that.
    05/11/2019 2:58 pm
    Level 38 : Artisan Architect
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    I like games with more depth, my issue is that a lot of the Minecraft updates either have filler content or overshadow the features that preceded and occasionally reduce the depth of the game. Let's take the World of Color update as an example. Parrots are the perfect example of filler content, they don't add any depth to the game. The recipe book is a feature that completely overshadows the previous crafting system that relied on experimentation and memorization, meaning Minecraft has LESS depth after they added the recipe book.

    To contrast, there are some good example of new features that added depth. Ocean monuments and armor stands are additions that added to the experience without subtracting a previous experience.
    05/11/2019 5:45 am
    Level 38 : Artisan Architect
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    You would know this if you read the post, but I first played Minecraft during the 1.4.x update or the "Pretty Scary Update." It's not possible I even have nostalgia for beta or alpha Minecraft because I didn't play those until years after I played the full release of the game. I discovered retroactively what made old Minecraft a well-designed game.
    05/10/2019 9:39 pm
    Level 38 : Artisan Architect
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    Hardcore mode is more punishing than hard mode, but not more challenging. I specifically stated that Minecraft is losing challenge. The difference between the two, is that challenge means its harder to win and punishing means its harder to recover from a loss. A game like Dark Souls is a challenging game, because its hard to beat a boss, but if you die you simply respawn at the last bonfire. A game like Dead Cells is a punishing rogue-like game with no checkpoints.

    Minecraft Hardcore mode is not more challenging.
    05/09/2019 10:22 pm
    Level 38 : Artisan Architect
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    Yeah I also was bothered when people chanted the "if you don't like it, don't use it." mantra. I have no problem with the logic of that statement, I often do self-imposed challenges. The reason it is annoying is because the people who say it don't have any counter-argument why the change or feature is good for the game, which shows that they don't really care about the quality of the game.

    I normally would be okay with the defense that "you should mod the game to make it more fun for you." The reason I don't accept that defense for Minecraft is because modding is not officially supported by the devs. There is no official modding API, and changes like the flattening completely mess up the forge API which is why it took so long for 1.13 to get forge. There is zero cross-version compatibility for mods, and the forge API hasn't even been updated to 1.14 yet. It is one thing to expect the players to make the game more fun, it is another thing to make it really difficult to do so.

    I have the same issue with Skyrim, I used to love modding Skyrim and making it the ideal game for my tastes. Then Bethesda tried to implement the creation club which is a paid mod system, the reason this was an issue is because every time Bethesda updates the creation club, the unofficial script extender has to be updated. Most significant free mods depend on the script extender framework, meaning if you updated the paid mod shop half of the free mods would break.

    My dad is actually a very experienced Minecraft modder, he contributed to mods like Jurassic Craft, he made many Forge modding tutorials, and of course made some of his own mods. He was getting increasingly annoyed, for example he was trying to contribute to the forge framework by adding a universal liquid framework to make creating new liquids really easy, but it was put on hold because forge was too preoccupied trying to update to the latest version of Minecraft. Once my dad heard that Hytale would support modding with an official API, he quit Minecraft modding forever.

    I agree fully, Minecraft would have been great as an open and modifiable experience, but Mojang doesn't seem to understand this and goes contrary to the philosophy Minecraft should adopt.
    05/09/2019 5:54 pm
    Level 38 : Artisan Architect
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    I agree, a lot of the new content and features sort of exist to skip past all the previous features. Fishing for books lets players bypass enchanting tables, Horses and Elytra lets player bypass any need for Minecarts. Buried treasure lets players bypass any need for mining. Beds lets player bypass the danger of the night. New content should exist to add to existing features not to overshadow existing features.

    Minecraft needs a healthy amount of challenge without becoming over-challenging. Minecraft should still be a game that appeals to all ages, but currently Minecraft sits on the under-challenging side of things making it not very engaging for people generally experienced with videogames.

    It is really weird how the game Minecraft has basically never significantly updated or expanded the Mining feature. Mining in alpha is almost identical to mining in 1.14, same ores, same gameplay, same monsters. Almost all the features added to Minecraft actually divert attention away from mining like you pointed out.

    I'm personally not even very interested in survival games, but my reasoning is if Minecraft is going to have a survival mode then the survival aspect should be challenging enough to be engaging. Right now the hunger bar is just a chore that I have to tend to, either they should put more focus on survival, or they should remove hunger completely.
    05/08/2019 11:47 pm
    Level 38 : Artisan Architect
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    My main worry is that Minecraft is letting go of some of the best pros that it has over other similar games. If Minecraft's "pro" is that it has lots of decorative creatures and is easy to learn, then a game like Hytale will completely demolish Minecraft. For Minecraft to compete it needs a unique appeal and it's losing that niche.

    For the record it is totally not inevitable in any case, they are not being forced to update their game. I'm not saying I want Minecraft to stop updating, I just don't buy your logic that games have to change. I guess a good analogy is a tv-show. A great show that runs forever will eventually get worse. A good show that has a finale will be forever good.

    Also, I do not have to live with it. I have the ability of free choice and I can choose at any moment not to play Minecraft. I am not hating on Minecraft either. If I hated Minecraft I would not critique Minecraft at all, the fastest way to let a game destroy itself is by submitting completely to the will of the developer. Sort of like a Star Wars prequels scenario, conflict creates greatness, complacency creates staleness.
    05/08/2019 11:36 pm
    Level 38 : Artisan Architect
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    Maybe you don't fully disagree, because as I said "Alpha has too few content to maintain interest for long." I enjoy complexity, but not when the complexity added is either superficial or detrimental to the core game play. In my point of view an addition like Panda bears does not give Minecraft more depth, it gives Minecraft more breadth. Minimalist means simplicity relative to function, I would love Minecraft to have many more complex functions as long as it retains a primary focus on function. For instance if Minecraft 2 were to come out the first feature I would want is a fully-fledge physics system to make complex machinery and vehicles. If Minecraft is digital-lego, then I want Minecraft 2 to be digital-technic lego.

    So perhaps simple was a slight misuse of words, I meant minimalistic. A skyscraper isn't simple just because it's minimalistic, but it is simple relative to the decorative complexities a building of that size is capable of displaying.
    05/08/2019 9:15 pm
    Level 38 : Artisan Architect
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    More challenge can be found through mods yes, but not more simplicity. Minecraft has no official modding API, meaning Forge has to update and until that happens, mods are not possible in the latest version of Minecraft. Since forge is a third-party modding API, it cannot legally alter existing Minecraft code, it has to work around this limitation by injecting code in between events. This works fine for adding to Minecraft but it's very limited in the ability to remove or directly alter current parts of Minecraft.

    I think both Phantoms and beds were bad additions. Minecraft's iconic gameplay loop was surviving the night, being able to skip night is basically the ability to skip half of the game. Phantoms only appear when someone hasn't slept, meaning the players who chose to skip the night frequently are not given any challenge. It's not a challenge to "intensify sleeping." Beds are a perfect example of a feature that removes challenge.
    05/08/2019 8:15 pm
    Level 38 : Artisan Architect
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    I get this response from everyone who doesn't understand what I'm saying. It's almost insulting, of course I know I can play old version of the game, I literally said that in my 3rd sentence. It's like I can't talk about the current state of the game without people telling me to not play the current version of the game. It's a terrible and toxic habit from the Minecraft community as it only drives people away from the current game rather than defending it.

    As I said, the amount of bad things from updates had an equal amount of good things. I like leaf decay, I like pistons, I like crossbows, I like biomes. I just wish there were a way to play a game with all the good parts of the latest version without all the bad parts.

    The Minecraft community is certainly consists of the most block-headed people. I've been around here for a while, and EVERY time someone tries to give constructive criticism about a bad change everyone else demands that the person making the critque should play a different version or just avoid using the new feature because it's "optional."
    05/10/2018 12:43 am
    Level 38 : Artisan Architect
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    That tutorial is helpful, but the tutorial mentions that you need to create a folder with the "the mods actual name minecraft recognizes" so how would I go about finding the correct name for the folder? Do I use the modid found in the mcmod.info file? (Biomes O Plenty's id is : biomesoplenty)
    08/20/2017 1:23 am
    Level 38 : Artisan Architect
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    Thanks that helped alot.

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