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    06/01/2013 4:53 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Joman575's Avatar
    06/01/2013 11:02 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Joman575's Avatar
    I used to use them. I had more lag than I should have and their prices aren't even good.

    I guess it's all just down to personal experience and opinion.
    06/01/2013 10:19 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Joman575's Avatar
    I actually find Beastnode to be pretty good. They suited my needs for a server well and had reasonable prices.
    06/01/2013 9:15 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Joman575's Avatar
    That reminds me of a faction server I had OP on, the owner decided to grief my base with admin bypass on and blow it up while mob disguised as Herobrine... Afterwards when I raged at him for destroying the base I had spent 2 weeks on he said "He got hacked with Teamviewer" Which was a blatant lie and so using my OPness, I turned the spawn into a huge block of stone with world edit and turned the majority of the world into diamond blocks. And the idiot owner didn't have any backups :') So I got perm banned as did my entire faction...
    06/01/2013 8:40 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Joman575's Avatar
    Some guy thought he would come and spam on my server... So i decided to build a little bedrock house for him at the spawn and mock him a little with a friend. Then we decided to go see what server his was advertising. Turns out he gave us the wrong IP, so i had to run back to my server and ask him for it again... This is what happened
    06/01/2013 7:34 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Joman575's Avatar
    08/23/2012 7:01 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Joman575's Avatar
    Yeah i would love to give it a try
    08/12/2012 4:10 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Joman575's Avatar
    Nah it just showed up at the side so i though i would check it out. Not trying to start an argument. I was just saying... Sorry if i annoyed you
    08/12/2012 4:04 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Joman575's Avatar
    Hamachi? dude you should really port forward so you can get more than 8 people
    08/12/2012 3:51 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Joman575's Avatar
    Hmm that ban was probably on a server that i was blamed for the griefing of a wool sign in spawn. This was because i had an argument with the mod and contradicted him as he was abusing his permissions... He griefed the sign himself and blamed me.

    I didn't mention this as the ban was revoked... Although it for some reason still shows on my record.

    EDIT: If you would like then i could get at least 2 people to back me up on this fact

    Hmmm i know a lot of plugins. The main ones being Essentials, Factions, World edit and iConomy. But if there's a plugin i don't know then i can usually work out how to use it within 5 - 10 minutes.
    08/12/2012 3:40 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Joman575's Avatar
    Excuse me? I have one for griefing? Can can you clarify on this?

    I can give you my server IP. I haven't updated to 1.3 because it will put my plugins out of action for along time
    08/12/2012 3:29 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Joman575's Avatar
    Moderator Application:

    Minecraft Username: Joman575

    Age: 15

    Timezone/country: England - GMT

    Minecraft Experience: I have had Minecraft for two years.

    Plugin Experience: I have my own Bukkit server that i have configured and port forwarded myself. I have extensive knowledge of plugins. This also means that with any plugins that i am not familiar with, i can teach myself how to configure and use them via my own server.

    Moderator/Staff Experience: I have been mod on at least 4 servers and admin on two. And i currently own a server that i host off my computer for friends.

    Proof Of Work: What do you mean by this? (If you mean builds i can load up my creative server to show what me and my team have built)

    Number Of Bans: 0

    Reason For Bans: N/A

    CoreProtect Experience: Unfortunately i have no experience with this. However i am i fast learner and can improvise when needed.

    Skype (Can Be Messaged On Forum): xlazybrainx

    Maturity: I'm very mature for my age.

    (If you would like more information then i would be happy to give it you.)
    08/10/2012 4:55 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Joman575's Avatar
    Age: 15

    Pic Of Build:If you would like one then i would rather send it over skype

    Skype: xlazybrainx

    Position: Mod (Admin if a place becomes available)

    Exp With Servers: I have been a mod on servers and admin on one. I also own my own server which is craftbukkit and has been portforwarded by me. I therefor have a large amount of experience with servers and their plugins. I am more than able to fix any bugs that a server may encounter. If i however come across something i cant fix then i will dedicate my time to fixing it and not give up at the first hurdle.

    Times On: I am on pretty much all day everyday during the holidays. Outside of holidays i will be on less but still for a long time... usually between 4:00 - 10:30 pm

    Gender: Male

    Where are you from:United Kingdom - England

    time zone: GMT

    Immaturaty: I'm mature for my age but know how to have a laugh and keep a calm and cheerful vibe

    Can You Record: Yes i can record. I have an headset and fraps recording software, i also have prior experience wih recording on my youtube channel:

    Why Choose You: I'm mature, loyal, hardworking. I have a large amount of experience with servers, i can record if required and as mod i would able to effectively deal with any issues that may arise (Griefers, Hacker, etc.)

    Extra notes: I you would like more information or think i should have jr mod instead. Just tell me and i would be more than happy to comply.

    Thanks for reading and hope you take my app into consideration
    11/27/2011 4:11 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Joman575's Avatar
    I get slaughtered by mobs in the first room and im playing on easy.
    11/27/2011 3:50 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Joman575's Avatar
    I'll do one. I havnt made a Mc vid before though. So it might not be amazing
    09/25/2011 11:03 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Joman575's Avatar
    I do just about everything but atm im building a huge world with a story behind it with loads of villages and citys
    09/16/2011 11:14 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Joman575's Avatar
    Ive only spent a bit of time on it. But from what ive seen its amazing
    exept i sometimes fall down a random ravine

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