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Level 3
Apprentice Explorer

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    04/04/2013 11:46 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
    ktmfreak100's Avatar
    IGN; ktmfreak100
    Age: 14
    What qualifies you: you guys look like you would need help which I am willing to do. I am trustworthy, reasonable, I'm only mean if someone acutely pisses me off. I'm caring and I am willing to donate to the server
    Previous experience: Co-Owner on a server, was head-admin on 2 servers but they got shut down
    Why I should choose you: you guys look like you would need help which I am willing to do. I am trustworthy, reasonable, I'm only mean if someone acutely pisses me off. I'm caring and I am willing to donate to the server
    Plugin experience: on the server that I'm co owner on, I have contributed a lot of plugins to the server
    Building experience: I'm very good with world edit and mpcan make amazing structures
    Advertising experience: made the banner for the server I'm co owner on, I have also gotten banned from a couple of servers for advertising
    Skype (REQUIRED): ktmfreak100
    04/03/2013 2:53 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
    ktmfreak100's Avatar
    Ign: ktmfreak100
    Age: 13
    Position applying for: Builder
    What you will do for the server: make awesome structures. (if i have access to World Edit)
    How many people do you think you could bring to the server: im not sure? if we make awesome buildings and have it in the banner im sure it would attract more people
    How often will you play: at least once a day to se how everythings going. but on weekends i play as much as possible
    Pics of work(Builder position):
    Skype name(required): ktmfreak100
    Experience(as staff,and otherwise): I was head-admin on 2 servers until they got shut down, and i am currently co-owner on a server
    What you bring to the staff: excitement to run a server
    Why you are the best choice: because i can create cool structures with World Edit which would attract more people to the server, which would make us more popular
    How much you can donate(if any): I could donate probably 10$
    Timezone: Pacific Standard Time
    04/03/2013 2:38 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
    ktmfreak100's Avatar
    Ign: ktmfreak100
    Age: 13
    Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time
    How Long Have You Played Minecraft: 2 years
    What Are You Wanting To Help With: Keep the server in good shape, make sure people dont greif or hack.
    Experience With What You Are Helping With: I have been Head-Admin on 2 servers (which the owners deleted the server and i lost communication with them both) and I am Co-Owner on a server currently.
    Skype Name: If no skype, tell me how you like to contact people ktmfreak100
    Maturity Level: 1-10 (1 lowest 10 highest) <---- 10's good. lol 8
    Additional Info You Would Like To Tell Me: I would just like to be an Admin and help build stuff, and help run the server and make sure people have a good time. I am also good at World Edit
    10/28/2012 12:22 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
    ktmfreak100's Avatar
    could you please make me an intro saying "ktmfreak100"

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