MineReaper370's Avatar
Level 3 Apprentice Miner

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    11/23/2012 6:12 pm
    Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
    MineReaper370's Avatar
    Role:a man who hunts zombie and scavenges food from abandoned buildings and houses.
    Why do you want to join:because this server sounds awsome and i really want to play it
    11/18/2012 12:34 am
    Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
    MineReaper370's Avatar

    Minecraft Username:doshua300


    Are you applying for a staff position if so what position (Remember show prof and if you are not applying for a staff position just do not fill it in):None

    What does OOC stand for:out of character

    What is the meaning of role-playing (no wiki): to take the role as someone else and sometimes....do some things you cant do in real life, like fly!

    How did you hear about us: i have been looking for a server like this for three hours i found it on google

    Do you have Mumble or Teamspeak:no

    A little bit about you:i like games

    Why do you think we should accept your application:because i have been looking for a server just like this for three hours

    Have you read the lore(aka have you read the lord of the rings books):yes and i have seen the movies

    What can you bring to this server:role play and buildings

    Do you accept and understand the rules:yes

    And last but the most important do you know what "The Lord of the Rings" is: of course i do


    Character's name:Moryan

    Age(Character Age):34

    Your character's ambitions:to create his dream castle ........ and to get revenge on the orcs for his fathers death, nothing much.

    Biography (A little about your character the longer the better):as a child Moryan enjoyed having archery lessons with his father untill one day he was told to fetch some supplies from the next town upon getting said supplies he headed back home when he got there he had found out it had been attacked by the orcs when he was gone he rushed to his fathers shop only to find him dead then 30 years later with the memory still fresh in his mind Moryan will not rest until he has his revenge.

    Your character is walk along the road when off in the distance he sees a dwarf being attack by two goblins what does you character do?: kill the goblins and save the dwarf

    Your character is traveling through some hill when he sees some smoke rising from behind the hill to his left you go to investigate you see a hobbit hole burning what does you character do?:first see if anyone's inside if so try to help them out then try to find something to put out the fire.

    Your character is admiring Sira_Taure when you King Hyanda walk by you what does your character do?:kneel before the great king

    Photo of your skin: http://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/archer-1622244/

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