Morticazer's Avatar
Level 7
Apprentice Architect

Forum Posts

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    12/11/2012 8:51 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
    Morticazer's Avatar
    In-Game Name: R6kf
    Age (you don't need to put this down): 13
    Past Experience (I may need to validate if what you put down is totally crazy): My brother an I run a private server and I have been Admin/Mod on about 6 servers? Although only one is running.
    Show me a picture of one of your builds: Sorry it's no letting me upload a picture.. :l
    Do you grief?: No
    Do you have griefers and spammers and trolls?: No
    Why should I accept you?: I think I can bring a fun aspect to the server and I am very experienced, I can also help make new players feel welcome.
    Will you not spam the chat about the server? No I won't
    12/11/2012 5:11 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Architect
    Morticazer's Avatar
    Age: 13
    Name: Rachell (Ryan)
    In-Game Name: R6kf
    Building Skills: I would rate myself a 9 / 10
    Have Skype: I do but I will share with you if I'm accepted
    Have a Microphone with NO Static: Yes but it may not work
    Experience on other servers: Yes
    Are you a staff on any other server: Yes
    Do you have Tekkit: Yes
    Why would you like to join us: I'm looking for a new and exciting server.
    What Makes you better then others: I consider myself to be a fun and outgoing person that is easy to get along with.
    What is your time-zone: Eastern-Standard Time
    How many hours can you spend on the server a week: About 40?
    Do you meet all the requirements: Yes
    Can You Donate Anything: Probably not but if I can I certainly will

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