MuzzyXD's Avatar
Level 1
New Miner

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    04/19/2014 6:22 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    MuzzyXD's Avatar
    Name: Murid (You've probably never known somebody with my name)
    IGN: MuzzyXD
    Age: 16
    YouTube: (But I probably won't make minecraft videos, I don't know if that's alright or not)
    Subs: 49
    Skype: murid97laly
    Do you swear?: Not if you don't want me too. I'd only swear if I know that the people I'm talking to wouldn't mind.
    Building (1/10): ~6
    Do you rage?: No, I have never raged while playing a video game (I nearly did in Trials, but come on, who doesn't rage when they're playing Trials?).
    Do you cheat?: No.
    Loner or Teamer?: Whichever suits others. To be honest I don't really care, I like teaming and 'loning' just as much as each other.
    04/19/2014 6:18 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    MuzzyXD's Avatar
    IGN: MuzzyXD
    Age(not required): 16
    Strengths: Building to a style, I can learn any style pretty quickly and can build in whatever style is needed.
    Why do you want to join?: The server I used to play on closed (kind of), so I've been looking for a new server to play on. This one seems to do things in an organised manner and the post is written quite well, so I'm guessing the players are pretty mature, which is always a good thing.
    What can you add to the server?: I can add very nice buildings, and great exterior decor. I can also take really nice screenshots, not sure that'd be useful, but I can
    How often would you be on?: I'd be on almost everyday unless I have exams or need to study.
    Will you respect the royal horse family?: Of course, I won't be horsing around.
    Will you respect other people's builds and possessions?: Yes.

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