Olympias's Avatar
Level 5 Apprentice Mage

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    06/22/2017 5:53 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Mage
    Olympias's Avatar
    I'd like the role of 1 of the Security Guards, My discord is Olympias #3966, IGN is Olympias
    07/14/2016 7:05 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Mage
    Olympias's Avatar
    What Job Are You Applying For: Script Writer and Actor

    How old are you: 13

    Minecraft Username: Olympias

    Skype Username: olympiasrb

    Email (Optional):

    Timezone: EST

    Gender: Male

    Rate yourself honestly at your ability to perform your jobs (From 1-10): I would honestly say 7/10

    What past experience have you had: I have worked as a lore writer and an actor before but not much. However I do know quite a bit about acting and writing ( writing outside of Minecraft)

    Why do you believe you're an appropriate candidate: I believe I am an appropriate candidate because I am free a lot of the day (sometimes not) and I am commited to what I am doing.

    Why do you want to join Soultide: I want to join Solitude because it looks like quite a professional acting group from what you set it out to be and it looks fun to do.

    Anything else you want us to know: Nope

    Thank you for your consideration
    07/12/2016 6:21 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Mage
    Olympias's Avatar
    Builder Application

    - Your name. Om
    - Your age. 13
    - Activity rate. 30+ hours a week.
    - Your location and timezone. Country: Canada, Timezone: EST
    - Your skype and/or teamspeak name. Skype: Olympiasrb, Teamspeak: Olympias
    - Previous work. (include photo's) Just something I built for fun, I like to use it for builder apps http://imgur.com/a/Yb56m
    - Your building styles. I like to build modern work as I like to add details rather than a base if you get what I'm saying. I also like to build a bit of Medieval work because I love how a rugged feeling in a build.
    - Your best building style. Modern
    - Experiences. I've built for a couple other servers, always with other people ( I tend to get nervous building by myself). I have built for a prison server, a couple hubs and a server you had before!
    - Pros and Cons. (3 positive and 3 negative things that describe you, don't be afraid to be honest with us.) Positive: Good judgement, Fun loving and can form bonds easily. Negative: Gloomy at times, Can break bonds easily, Little self centered
    - Your Bio. I live in Canada, following the Canadian tradition in saying sorry a lot , I love just hanging out with people and having a good time, I don't really like to go outsite much unless whats happening outside is cool and everybodys doing it (Pokemon Go xD). I am kind of a science and math wiz . I don't really know what else to say.

    End of my application.

    Thank you for your consideration
    11/15/2015 8:18 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Mage
    Olympias's Avatar
    Name: Om IGN: Olympias
    Role Applying For:Survivor
    What You Can Bring To The Series: Due to my young age, I would prefer to be a little bit younger from the rest of the survivors, I don't want to be 16-25 with a squeakish voice if I do get accepted, somewhere in the range of 11-14, the best would we around 12 but I dont mind a little bit higher. Now that I got that out of the way, I can do a bit of voice acting, I'm no pro and this may be my first time but I am willing to practice to strengthen the emotion I give to my voice and try to make up a new me with a new personality.
    Skype: olympiasrb
    11/15/2015 8:00 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Mage
    Olympias's Avatar
    Ign: Olympias
    Name: Om
    Age(Doesn't Matter): 13
    Gender: Male
    Mic: Yes, I have one
    Position applying for?: Body Actor
    Why you want to apply?: I want to apply because this seems like a very fun project and I always had an interest in these kind of things but never expressed it.
    Do you have any experience?: I don't have much experience but I do however watch MC Roleplays (e.g. Minecraft Diaries and Yandere Highschool
    Sensibility (1-10): I would say 7
    Skype: olympiasrb
    Anything you would like to add: I don't think I need to say anything else that interests you except the fact that I live in Canada and I had to delete an other application I posted here because it got messed up in the preview.

    Thank you for your consideration
    09/13/2015 7:29 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Mage
    Olympias's Avatar
    Dang, I really wanted to test for this server, I came just a bit too late

    If someone is inactive

    Name: Om

    IGN: Olympias
    09/13/2015 7:00 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Mage
    Olympias's Avatar
    So, I read the entire post and see that you have trust issues, I completely understand why you have this and if I were in your position, I would think the same way.

    Anyways, I was thinking if I could be a mod, I know it's a high position and I consider myself very trustworthy.

    So what I was thinking, I can be like sort of a trial mod so you can earn my trust, I can start off with fewer permissions than a mod and work my way up, I can apply here if you give me a format or you can give me an interview in game over chat.

    If there is anything else I can do to earn your trust or become staff, you can tell me, I will try to do what you say as long as I'm comfortable with it.

    Thank you for your consideration
    09/13/2015 5:24 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Mage
    Olympias's Avatar
    Name: Om

    Ign: Olympias

    Age: 13

    Maturity 1-10: I would say 9 as I can be very mature for my age.

    Activity 1-10: 8, You can see if I'm telling the truth if I get accepted.
    Looking to stick with a good network?: Yes, the other networks I worked on weren't very serious except one and I want my skills to be used on a network that will appreciate them.
    Trustable?: I am very trustable, I do not see any reason I would do anything that is not allowed.

    Timezone: EST

    Position Applying for?: Moderator, I assume you'd need a couple high rank staff to look over the lower rank staff so that is why I choosed mod.

    Why do you want to work with Olympus?: I think that this network looks very professional and not something that someone spent 0 effort on. Also, my name

    Why do you feel we should choose you?: I think that I can really help this server, I'm like a warden, rulebreakers to me are people who don't deserve to be on any type of server so I can make sure no one is breaking the rules on the server.

    Past Experience as staff?: I do have some experience as staff on some other servers, some have launched, some haven't.

    Ever been banned?: (If so, State why) I have never been banned.

    If I am accepted, pm me and I will pm back my Skype.
    09/12/2015 7:21 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Mage
    Olympias's Avatar
    09/06/2015 1:56 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Mage
    Olympias's Avatar
    Name: My friends call me Oly


    Age: 13

    Skype: Olympiasrb

    What will you provide to this server? I can really help keep the server, well, not hectic, I know what to do in many types of situations and as I rank up, my authority will be more respected so people don't break the rules.

    What would you do in this situation?
    A player accuses another player of using xray,
    The player that is accused says no to that.
    What would you do? First, I would ask the player that's accusing why he thinks this and what he did, next, I would do a little more investigation and if I can't find any proof, I would probably keep an eye on the guy that was accused.

    Anything else? I don't have anything else to say.

    Thank you for your consideration
    09/01/2015 3:46 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Mage
    Olympias's Avatar
    What position would you like to apply for?: Moderator

    If you would like to apply for Youtuber, how many subscribers do you have and please link your channel: Not applying for Youtuber

    How old are you?: 13

    Do you have skype?: Yes, I will pm upon request.

    Why should we make you staff/builder/youtuber?: I am a very devoted person, so I believe I can really help this server flourish. Also, this server seems very professional, and that's where I want to be a moderator, I hate being a mod on a server that has a owner that doesn't even care about the server, this isn't like those servers, this server seems to be better than that. Another thing, this server looks very fun to play on, so I think being a staff on this server would be a blast! Finally, I am very good at enforcing the rules, I hate people who don't follow them, they just want to troll, they don't even care about the server, so with me around, there won't be many rule breakers.

    How much experience do you have as staff/builder/youtuber on other servers?: I was a mod on some other servers and currently a mod on other servers that have yet to launch.

    Are you currently staff/builder/youtuber on any other servers?: I have mentioned this above.

    Thank you for your consideration
    09/01/2015 2:55 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Mage
    Olympias's Avatar
    Username: Olympias

    Age: 13

    Gender: Male

    How Long Have You been playing Minecraft?: I have been playing Minecraft for over a year and I know almost everything about it.

    Would you follow all the leader is asking you to build?: Yes I would, as long as it is isn't something I can't do at the moment, but I may still try.

    From 0 to 10, How would you rate Your Medieval Skills?: I would say 7

    Why You Think We Can Trust you?: I would never do anything to disappoint you guys, even if I did, it wouldn't be on purpose.

    What is Your Timezone?: EST

    What is your Skype?: Olympiasrb

    How much time can you play?: I would say 2-4 hours

    Show us your Medieval built please: http://imgur.com/a/Yb56m

    Thank you for your consideration
    09/01/2015 2:03 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Mage
    Olympias's Avatar
    I will be applying later today, I would really appreciate it if you would hold a spot for me.
    08/31/2015 6:48 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Mage
    Olympias's Avatar
    Positions wanted: Mod/Guard
    Skype: Will give upon pm
    Age: 13 ( I am very mature for my age though)
    Where are you from: Canada
    How long have you played mine craft: I would say about 1 year and I have learned almost everything about it in that year.
    Favorite 5 Anime's: Naruto, Fairy Tail, One Piece, Bleach and Pokemon.
    What's the longest(In days) you have played on a minecraft server: I would say 15 days.
    Why do you want to join THR33 Prison? I think that THR33 Prison has a lot of potential and it looks fun to play on. Also, I love to help servers flourish and succeed with my help.
    Do you have any examples of your building skills: I'm not applying for builder so I do not see any reason to give examples of my building skills.
    What minecraft staff positions have you had: I am a mod on some other servers that are being developed or have already become public.
    How many hours a day can you spend on mc: I would say roughly 3-5 hours.
    What other pc games do you play: I do not play many other pc games.
    How long do you expect to play on the server: I would say at least 1 hour as I am not too busy at the moment.
    Links to your youtube or twitch: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC73vqI ... GrwDN5Nhmg
    What do you do for fun in real life: I like to go to the park at times and play some soccer with my friends, but I usually just stay at home xD. I also like to read some of my favourite book series.
    Where do you expect to be in four years: In 4 years, I expect myself to be a smart student just beginning my 3rd year in high school.
    Do you have any special talents: I can solve situations quite fast, so if there is something wrong in the server, you can count on me to fix it!
    Favorite book: Lemony Snicket: The Reptile Room (it's for younger audiences but I still love it xD)
    Favorite movie: Bridge to Terabithia
    Biggest celebrity crush: Don't have one
    Favorite song: Drag me Down

    Thank you for your consideration
    08/31/2015 11:46 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Mage
    Olympias's Avatar
    IGN: Olympias

    Age: 13

    Something about yourself: I love to play Minecraft with others and make a nice economy, I am a kind of guy you can come to talk to if you need help. I just love playing Minecraft.
    08/28/2015 9:52 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Mage
    Olympias's Avatar
    I also hope that I'm 1 year under the age requirement isn't a problem, I am very mature for my age.
    08/28/2015 9:50 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Mage
    Olympias's Avatar
    Umm sure, I just thought the one I built above would be enough as Medieval structures to me wouldn't be too symmetrical, cause symmetrical is a bit too common to me, so I did that so it would be more eye catching

    Here is a fountain I built for fun http://imgur.com/a/eApO0

    and the woodmine of a prison server I'm working on http://imgur.com/sQlTpBC

    P.S. The things I built as an example are just one side of me, I build much better in a team so I that's another reason I want to join this build team.

    Thank you for your consideration
    08/28/2015 5:23 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Mage
    Olympias's Avatar
    IGN: Olympias

    Skype: Olympiasrb

    Age: 13

    Pictures of builds (Required): http://imgur.com/a/hnxzT

    Experience with World Edit and/or VoxelSniper: I know the basics of both, but I would use World edit more.

    Why we should pick you: Well first, I love to build, it is a passion of mine. Also, I think I can really help out with building medieval structures as I know a bit about of what medieval structures. An ability of mine is I like to decorate my builds, decor, to me, just really makes a build popout.

    Will you stay committed to the build team: I always try to stay committed to what I do and if I don't, I will feel very guilty and I can't stand the guilt.

    TimeZone: EST

    Anything else: I have school in about 10 days, so I may not be able to commit as much time as I can now, but the time I do commit will be reasonable.

    Thank you for your consideration
    08/27/2015 5:34 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Mage
    Olympias's Avatar
    Just submitted my app, hopefully I get in
    08/27/2015 5:29 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Mage
    Olympias's Avatar
    Username: Olympias

    Age: 13

    Gender: Male

    Email: Will give upon pm.

    Skype: Will give upon pm.

    How many hours per week can you work?: 10-15 hours

    Give us a example lore for anything: You are driving on a road to deliver something to your friend, all of the sudden, a wild animal tries to cross the street, you did not see it so you immediately turned right and into a forest, you stop and get out of your car, you see a light, you start walking towards it.

    How long have you been writing: I have been writing some stories since I was 9, they were alright at first, but as I kept aging, they became more engaging and complex.

    Experience on other projects: I have just started to work as a lore writer but I have already been hired by 2 people, 3 if I get hired for this one.

    Why do you want to help Moria? I think that this project looks really professional, it's not like something you'd finish in 1 week. Also, it really stood out to me, how much effort you seemed to put into this project and I couldn't stop myself from applying. Also, I really love to help new projects and see them flourish and knowing that I had a part in that flourishment gives me an indescribable feeling.

    Other Information: I will start school in 11 days, so until then, I can commit 3-5 hours or more, but when school starts, I may be able to commit 1-3 hours. Also, the lore I wrote above was just a bit of my abilities, I wrote that much because I think it will be enough, and to make it better, I work best in groups, I don't work very well by myself.

    Thank you for your consideration

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