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    RACETRACK: In 1899 the streets of New York City echoed with the voices of newsies. Peddling the newspapers of Joseph Pulitzer, William Randolph Hearst, and other giants of the newspaper world. On every corner you saw them, carrying the banner. Bringing you the news for a penny a pape. Poor orphans and runaways, the newsies were a ragged army, without a leader. Until one day, all that changed.

    KLOPPMAN: Boots! Hey Skittery, Skittery!

    SKITTERY: I didn't do it.

    KLOPPMAN: What do you mean you didn't do it? It's time to get up! When it's time to get up you get up! Snitch! Get up, get up! Everybody's sleeping, they'll sleep their lives away! The presses are rolling! Selling papers, selling papers! Come on, come on.

    JACK: Mhm.

    KLOPPMAN: You dreaming about selling papers?

    JACK: What's the matter with you?

    KLOPPMAN: What's the matter with me?

    JACK: What's the matter with you?

    KLOPPMAN: Come on!

    JACK: Get away from me, you're mad!

    KLOPPMAN: Come on boy!

    RACETRACK: Hey! That's my cigar.

    SNIPESHOOTER: You'll steal another.

    KID BLINK: Hey bummers we got work to do.

    SPECS: Since when did you become me mother?

    CRUTCHIE: Aw stop your bawling!

    NEWSIES: Who asked you?

    MUSH: How'd you sleep Jack?

    JACK: On me back Mush.

    MUSH: Haha! Did you hear that, fellas? I asked Jack how he slept and he said on me back Mush! Haha!

    CRUTCHIE: Hey Jack, when I walk, does it look like I'm faking it?

    JACK: Aw, who says your faking it?

    CRUTCHIE: I don't know, it's just there's so many fake crips on the street today. A real crip ain't got a chance. I gotta find me a new selling spot, where they ain't used to seeing me.

    MUSH: Try bottle alley or the harbor.

    RACETRACK: Try Central Park it's guaranteed.

    JACK: Try any banker, bum, or barber.

    SKITTERY: They almost all knows how to read!

    KID BLINK: I smell money!

    CRUTCHIE: You smell foul.

    MUSH: Met this girl last night!

    CRUTCHIE: Move your elbow!

    RACETRACK: Pass the towel!

    SKITTERY: For a buck I might!

    NEWSIES: Ain't it a fine life carrying the banner through it all. A mighty fine life carrying the banner tough and tall. Every morning, we goes where we wishes, we's as free as fishes. Sure beats washing dishes. What a fine life, carrying the banner home free all.

    JACK: It takes a smile as sweet as butter.

    CRUTCHIE: The kind that ladies can't resist.

    RACETRACK: it takes an orphan with a stutter.

    JACK: Who ain't afraid to use his-

    KID BLINK: -Fist!

    NEWSIES: Summer stinks and winter's waiting, welcome to New York! Boy ain't nature fascinating, when you's gotta walk? Still it's a fine life! Carrying the banner with your chums. A mighty fine life! Blowin' every nickel as it comes.

    CRUTCHIE: I'm no snoozer. Waiting' makes me antsy, I likes living' chancy.

    NEWSIES: Harlem to Delancey. What a fine life, carrying the banner through the slums.

    NUNS: Blessed children. Though you wander lost and depraved. Jesus loves you. You shall be saved.

    PATRICK'S MOTHER: Patrick.

    RACETRACK: Just give me half a cup.

    PATRICK'S MOTHER: Darling.

    KID BLINK: Something to wake me up.

    PATRICK'S MOTHER: Since you left me.

    MUSH: I gotta a find an angle.

    PATRICK'S MOTHER: I am undone.

    CRUTCHIE: I gotta sell more papes.


    NEWSIES: Papers is all got. Wish I could catch a breeze.

    PATRICK'S MOTHER: Loves you.

    NEWSIES: Sure hope the headlines hot. All I can catch is fleas.

    PATRICK'S MOTHER: God save my son!

    NEWSIES: If I hate the headline, I'll make up a headline and I'll say anything I hafta. 'Cause it's two for a penny, if I take too many Weasel just makes me eat em' after. Look they're putting up a headline! You call that a headline? I get better stories from the copper on the beat. I was gonna start with twenty but a dozen will be plenty. Tell me how I'm gonna make ends meet? We need a good assassination! We need an earthquake or a war!

    SNIPESHOOTER: How 'bout a crooked politician?

    NEWSIES: Hey stupid that ain't news no more! Uptown to grand central station, down to city hall! We improves our circulation. Walking 'til we fall! Still we'll be out there! Carrying the banner man to man. We'll be out there! Soakin' every sucker that we can. See the headline! Newsies on a mission, kill the competition. Sell the the next edition, while we're out there carrying the banner is the-

    RACETRACK: Dear me, what is that unpleasant aroma? I fear the sewers may have backed up during the night.

    BOOTS: Nah, it's too rotten to be the sewers.

    CRUTCHIE: Yeah, yeah! It must be the Delancey brothers.

    RACETRACK: Hiya boys!

    OSCAR: In the back you lousy little shrimp.

    RACETRACK: Oh it's not good to do that, not healthy.

    JACK: You shouldn't call people lousy little shrimps Oscar, unless you're referring to the family resemblance in you brother here.

    RACETRACKS: 5 to 1 that Cowboy skunks em! Who's betting?

    NEWSIES: Nah.

    JACK: That's right, that's an insult. And so's this.

    DAVID: What do you think you're doing?

    JACK: Runnin'!

    NEWSIES: It's a fine life, carrying the banner through it all! A might fine life, carrying the banner tough and tall! See the headline, newsies on a mission. Kill the competition, sell the next edition. What a fine life, carrying the banner! Go get em' Cowboy! You got em' Cowboy! Go get em' Cowboy! You got em' Cowboy! Carrying the banner it's a- go!

    RACETRACK: You're brilliant Jack! Better than yesterday!

    JACK: You're too kind to me Race, you're too kind.
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