PMC_Auntie's Avatar
Level 6
Apprentice Miner

My lungs hurt.

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Hey, sweetie. Welcome to my lil ole' profile here. Don't mind the cig smoke your auntie has a bad habit of 5 boxes a day but let me tell you being marriage to 3 different guys will do that to you. And besides I still look like a perfect peach even if my lungs are dyin'.

I can make ya'll some nice shiny jewelry. You know auntie's got a soft spot for jewelry. Why else do you think I got engaged 3 times? I was after the rings of course!

Now, if you need somethin' from your lovin' southern auntie, you can just give me a little message or a somethin' and I'll be there lickity split right after flirtin' with the mail buy and buying another pack of cigs.

Okay well, have a nice peachy day with ya'lls nice youthful lungs while I'm probably gonna get me some lung cancer.
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