QuinoaFalafel's Avatar
Level 54 Grandmaster Artist

About Me:

Hello, I'm Quin, and welcome to my profile page!

Who am I, and what do I do?

I am an aspiring video game content creator and a seasoned Minecraft veteran/enthusiast. Currently, I have two main focuses as a creator. The first, is my resource pack, Immersion. Immersion is a resource pack project with the goal to improve the quality of the Minecraft visuals by expanding on and interpreting the default Minecraft textures in higher resolutions, and further "immersing" the player into the Minecraft world.

Immersion is a massive project, with multiple planned branches, and is currently in mid development. The project is currently only being designed in 32x resolution, and I am currently only focusing on retexturing blocks. In it's current state, the resource pack is available for all Minecraft versions, but does not include all of the textures, and the included textures are not in their final states.

Immersion Page: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/immersion/

In addition to being a Minecraft vanilla resource pack, there is another branch of Immersion specifically designed for the Lord of the Rings Minecraft mod, found here.

In addition to Immersion, I create a handful of datapacks, and have done some minor modding for other games, but I ultimately aim to make my own games.

Love my work, and want to show your support?

You can help support me in a number of ways. For starters, you can comment, subscribe, diamond, etc. and tell your friends about my work! I still have a lot of growing to do, and it's going to take time to build a community, so anything you can do to get more people to see my work is helpful!

Additionally, on my YouTube channel, you can like, comment, subscribe, share, all the same things you can do here will help on YouTube too.

Lastly, if you're really feeling inspired, I also have a Patreon account, and I will gratefully accept any donations if you want to give them.

Member Statistics

4,348Profile views
162,549Experience points
137,673Submission views
2Forum threads
77Discussion posts
1Wall posts
Aug 14, 2014Joined PMC
QuinoaFalafelMinecraft Name

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