Qyonas Earth's Avatar
Creating a RPG Network
Level 12 Journeyman Network

πŸŒ„What's Qyona's Network?πŸŒ„

Qyona, a Fantasy RPG Network!!βš”οΈ

βž• ¿What is the base of Qyona?

πŸ‘‰‍We first thought Qyona as a RPGMMO server with a predefined story path full of NPC missions, but it was so ambicious so now we are working in a new version to start with.
It will have a 20k open world map where players can create their own towns or join another one, and choose how they want to live there.

βž• ¿The map is also custom?¿It will be fantasy themed?
πŸ‘‰‍Yes! We are using the amazing work of Theia 20Kx17K by Valjeta Dawn
Thanks to that masterpiece we will go faster! Go check his works.

βž• ¿Is like a survival factions?
πŸ‘‰‍ Not exactly. You will choose if you want to go Peaceful or Agressive. There will be a war system to conquest other nations, annex them to yours....

It's themed in fantasy classes, so the PvP will be much different and diverse.

βž• ¿How can I earn money?
πŸ‘‰‍ There will be jobs, also a shop with multiple trades, and auctions.

βž• I want to stay tunned! ¿How I can?
You can join to our Discord Community! We post there all the announcements and updates as soon as we can. Is still on progress, but you will be in the early stage, and maybe that will give you some gifts in the future :D

βž• I want to help! ¿Can I be part of the development part?

πŸ‘‰‍ You can send us a private message or talk to us in discord (Loarziel_#3288). We need a lot of help!

βž• ¿Can I contribute with a donation?

πŸ‘‰‍ We still don't have the paid ranks stablished, but you can donate us here: https://www.paypal.com/donate

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May 26, 2022Joined PMC

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