RedUchiha's Avatar
Level 1 New Explorer

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    12/22/2015 12:16 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    RedUchiha's Avatar
    12/21/2015 8:42 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    RedUchiha's Avatar
    Messaged you on skype. Still looking for more players.
    12/21/2015 8:19 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    RedUchiha's Avatar
    Thanks... I guess?
    12/21/2015 8:15 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    RedUchiha's Avatar
    Not the funniest thing, I actually thought this name was Sad, and stupid.


    That's the guys IGN no joke... Help this community... Someone...
    12/15/2015 7:03 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    RedUchiha's Avatar
    Officially back up... Updated to 15w50a.
    12/12/2015 8:35 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    RedUchiha's Avatar
    Ip would be a great idea to include.
    12/11/2015 5:40 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    RedUchiha's Avatar
    Name: Red, and RedUchiha Is my IGN.

    Why you wish to join: I have yet to be on a roleplay server, and would like to try it out, I've heard great things about them and this seems like it would be for me.

    Skillsets: Some of my skillsets would probably be PvP, Building, and maybe some redstone. All of them I'm working on, but I want to say I'm above average.

    Pictures of some survival builds of yours: (if possible) I'd provide you some, but most of my builds are either on Creative plot servers, and SMP's that I don't play on any longer.
    11/08/2015 5:11 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    RedUchiha's Avatar
    Ign?: RedUchiha

    Age? 15

    Skype?: dateevee33

    Position you are applying for? Any rank that the Owners see fit.

    Why do you want to join?: I have been looking for a server where I can be staff and help it raise itself up. Even if it's up high, it can be higher. Give me a chance, if you don't like how I work on the server take me off, I won't be offended. The server could really use some who wants to stay with it.

    How will you help the server?: Well, I want to keep this one brief. I can help with discussions about the server, and new ideas.

    Why should we choose you over the other applicants?: I think I stand out then the rest of the applicants because I want to be able to help VoidMC rise and maintain itself. I want to be able to hold down the fort when no other Staff member is online and advertisers and spammers cause problems in the server. I want to be able to protect and maintain the server when no one else is there to do it. Most importantly, I want to be able to help the server and Staff team so that everyone has a fun and memorable gaming experience. For one thing, I can be a goofball at times. But when it comes down to getting the job done, I put all jokes aside to reach the goal. I'm kind, humorous, and experienced, so I know when and when not to act a certain way or do things. I'm the breath of fresh air when things get boring and redundant, and someone that can be trusted and relied on.

    Past experience with this position?: I didn't specify what rank I wanted, but I'll say this. I currently a Admin on Meatloaf Craft, a Snapshot server, and I'd like to say, I'm doing a good job. I wanted to use that as a booster to get my mind set on staff. It helped a lot and I think I'm ready to go on more seriously.

    Amount of time you will spend on the server on a weekly basis?: About 3 days in all.

    Anything else you want to tell us?: I go by Red, that's about it.
    11/08/2015 2:07 pm
    Level 1 : New Explorer
    RedUchiha's Avatar
    What is your IGN?: RedUchiha

    Age?: 12

    Country (for the timezone so we can organize events better)?: USA, EST

    Skype?: dateevee33

    How active will you be?: If others are on, I'm on. So hopefully, all the time.

    Do you know rules (what rules will get you instantly banned)?: Unagreed PVP, Griefing, Stealing, and using any mods.

    Why do you want to join (as many details as possible)?: Haven't been on an SMP for a while, and have been looking for one that looks professional that allows people who don't record like myself. I used to record but I stopped because of my quality being so low. I might start back up again, but I highly doubt it.

    What will you bring to server? Unique little Games for people to play during their videos, or just for fun with another.

    Do you do Youtube / Twitch? If so, provide a link to your channel? YouTube: ... tqjn_ARv8Q Twitch:

    If you don't record, tell us why we should add you?: First of all, I might record again. Anyways. Even though I don't record I believe that I can still be a unique player. I might start to stream again, as long as i can get a good program, that won't either crash or I'll have not enough FPS to have the game be playable.

    Images / videos of your builds:

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