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    • Saved Recovery Rodrigo2022's Avatar
      Saved Recovery Rodrigo2022 posted to their guest book.
      August 15, 2022, 2:57 pm to Public
      How do I make a Minecraft texture pack? JAVA Edition/Windows
      Texture Pack Creation 101

      Step ONE
        - Create a folder for your pack, name it [​pack name]
          └ Inside this folder you need the basics to make it work in Minecraft

            - PACK.MCMETA file (I recommend you use notepad ++ for this) Pack_Format changes with every new MC update.
            Below is an example for a pack for version 1.18+
      Contents of the MCMETA file
      "pack": {
      "pack_format": 8,
      "description": "YOUR DESCRIPTION HERE"

            - pack.PNG (This is the packs ICON. Size shouldn't matter, stick to pixel art sizes [​16x 32x 64x 128x 256x]

            - Assets folder [​You will get this in the next step]
      Step TWO

        - Get Assets Folder
          └ To get your assets folder, do the following

            - Open your File Explorer [​Folder Icon on your computer]

            - In the navigation bar at the top, type %appdata% and hit enter

            - Click .minecraft and follow the folder path here: .minecraft/versions/[​THIS IS THE VERSION YOU WANT TO TEXTURE]

            - Using 7zip or Winrar, right-click on the .JAR file, example 1.18.JAR, and extract the assets folder ONLY

            - Drag the assets folder into YOUR texture pack folder

            - Decide what you want in your assets folder. You can delete a lot of junk out of the folder if you don't plan on messing
            with it. EXAMPLE: delete the Models and Blockstates Folders if you have no plans to mess with custom models. You
            only need the 'Textures' Folder if you're doing a simple texture pack that replaces blocks/items etc.

      Step THREE

        - Now you can use any art program that supports pixels [ I recommend using a PIXEL ART application. Check out the FAQ for a list of programs ]
          └ The default texture size for minecraft is 16x16, so your assets folder is going to contain all the vanilla textures.
           To upscale to, say, 32x or 32x32, you just need to double the size in whatever program you are using. You may also
           use a 32x32, or whatever size you need, minecraft texture pack already published as a base if you don't want to
           resize every image, but you MUST texture your own blocks.

      I will be creating a most visual tutorial soon. There are PLENTY around the internet in the meantime, another good source is the Minecraft Fandom Wiki Page. Youtube and PMC is your friend too. Lots and lots of resources are available to you. 
      How do I make a Minecraft texture pack? BEDROCK Edition/Windows
      Texture Pack Creation 101

      What programs should I use to texture?
      There are many different programs you can use and it's honestly up to preference!
      Whatever is most comfortable to use is up to you. Anything that can do pixel art, which is pretty much any standard art program, will work for you.

      To make your life easier, I have a list of recommended programs below!
      These are programs specifically for doing pixel art.
      I highly recommend you use an actual pixel art program, since it will have tools and color pallets made for exactly what you are doing.

      Think of it like this: You could use a butter knife to cut a carrot, but why make it harder when you can use an actual knife? This is how a pixel art program is going to help you succeed. You don't need anything fancy, just something made for the job.


        - Paint [​FREE] width=20
          └ Paint is the most basic program you can use if you have nothing else. I don't recommend it for it's very rudimentary tools, but if you're in a pinch, it will work.

        - [​FREE] width=20
          └ A great, free, program in your internet browser. A large step above Paint. There are plenty of free internet browser programs, feel free to use any of those.

        - [​FREE] width=20
          └ Another great free program in your browser. This one has simple features, so It's easy to use and learn. Also has a small section for animation.

        - Pixel Studio [​FREE] width=20
          └ This is an app you can get on your phone/ipad. Absolutely recommend. There is a free and paid version. The free version is more than enough for you to texture your pack with.

        - BlockBench [​FREE] width=20
          └ That's right! You CAN use blockbench to texture with! Especially recommend if you're texturing mobs, or blocks that are a pain to texture like the brewing stand or cauldron. It's not the best painting program and not as user friendly, but it's fairly easy to get started in.

        - PMC SKIN3D [​FREE] width=20
          └ That's right folks! PMC has it's very own editor. This is for mobs and skins, but it's a GREAT resource to use. Link here for easy access

        - Aseprite [​PAID] width=20
          └ You don't NEED this program to make great pixel art, but I find it's one of my favorites. Tile mode is especially useful to make sure your textures are smooth and all the tools are great. Highly recommend this one.

        - Losec Pixel Editor [​FREE] width=20
          └ The entire lospec website is a great find for pixel artists. It has color palettes, and an editor! Everything you need at your fingertips

        - Pixelover [​PAID] width=50
          └ A super neat program to help you if you struggle with animating pixels. There are tons of effects/filters/algorithms designed SPECIALLY for pixel art. Absolutely worth every penny.
      How do I make custom blocks for my texture pack?
      There are a couple programs you can use, but here I'm going to always 100% recommend Blockbench.

      Blockbench was made specifically for making minecraft models. There's a couple other programs like Cubik Studio and Mrcrayfish's Model creator. Whichever you're most comfortable using.

      We now have a dedicated tutorial for simple models in blockbench below
      Check it out here
      How can I do randomized alternative textures in my resource pack?
      If you're looking to, say, have 3+ different textures for the dirt block, look no further!

      This step is divided into two parts that you must do to achieve a randomized texture. You will have to make a model file for each alternative texture you want, and a blockstates file to pull it all together.

      Step ONE - Model Files

        - Create your textures [ For example here i will be using dirt ]

        - Name them dirt.png, dirt1.png, dirt2.png,

        - Place them into the correct folder location [​YOURTEXTUREPACK/assets/minecraft/textures/block]

        - Create a folder in [​YOURTEXTUREPACK/assets/minecraft] and name it models

        - In the 'models' folder you will add another folder called block [​YOURTEXTUREPACK/assets/minecraft/models/block]
        - Inside the block folder, you will have your model files. Because we are doing 3 different textures for dirt, there will be three
        different model files. So, you will create dirt.JSON, dirt1.JSON, and dirt2.JSON. [ You can name these whatever you like if the
        numbers get you confused. You could do dirt, dirt2, dirt3 instead. ]
          └ To make this even easier, you can navigate to %appdata% ->.minecraft/versions/[​VERSION#HERE] and go into the .JAR file
           and copy the original model file for dirt, and paste it 3 times in your folder, naming them accordingly.

        - If you copied the dirt file, you will see the original file structure inside when you open it up. If not, I'll add it below for dirt
      dirt.JSON (model)
      "parent": "block/cube_all",
      "textures": {
      "all": "block/dirt"

        Every model file needs it's own directory for the texture we have added. So inside the dirt.JSON file, "all": "block/dirt" means
         the texture is taking from the block folder and the texture called dirt. Your dirt1.JSON should have a directory of
        "all": "block/dirt2", and dirt2.JSON will have "all": "block/dirt3" inside.

      All your model files should be done now, so we move onto the next part, blockstates.

      Step TWO - Blockstates

        - Create a folder in [​YOURTEXTUREPACK/assets/minecraft] and name it blockstates

        - Create a file inside this new folder called dirt.JSON
          └ This file is going to tell the game all the models you made are intended for ONE block.

        - You can, again, copy the original blockstates file the same way you copied the model file. For convenience, here is how this
        file should look inside
      dirt.JSON (blockstates)
      "variants": {
      "": [ { "model": "block/dirt", "weight": 2 }, { "model": "block/dirt2", "weight": 1 }, { "model": "block/dirt3", "weight": 1 } ]

          └ You can add lots of model modifiers here. The minecraft wiki lists them all here if you want to play around with them.

        - Change the "weight" setting to determine how much your texture appears. In the code above, we have weights of 2, 1, and 1.
        This means original dirt has a 2/4 change to show, while the dirt1 and dirt2 have a 1/4 change. You can completely delete the
        weight code if you want this to be a truly random texture, just be mindful of your commas.

      This should be all you have to do. If you launch up your pack and the model is present but showing pink and black squares, your textures are in the wrong spot/not correctly directed in the model's folder. Always make sure you're looking at your code. A missed comma or misplaced bracket can make the entire code null
  • Forum Thread

    How do I make a Minecraft texture pack? JAVA Edition/Windows
    Texture Pack Creation 101

    Step ONE
      - Create a folder for your pack, name it [​pack name]
        └ Inside this folder you need the basics to make it work in Minecraft

          - PACK.MCMETA file (I recommend you use notepad ++ for this) Pack_Format changes with every new MC update.
          Below is an example for a pack for version 1.18+
    Contents of the MCMETA file
    "pack": {
    "pack_format": 8,
    "description": "YOUR DESCRIPTION HERE"

          - pack.PNG (This is the packs ICON. Size shouldn't matter, stick to pixel art sizes [​16x 32x 64x 128x 256x]

          - Assets folder [​You will get this in the next step]
    Step TWO

      - Get Assets Folder
        └ To get your assets folder, do the following

          - Open your File Explorer [​Folder Icon on your computer]

          - In the navigation bar at the top, type %appdata% and hit enter

          - Click .minecraft and follow the folder path here: .minecraft/versions/[​THIS IS THE VERSION YOU WANT TO TEXTURE]

          - Using 7zip or Winrar, right-click on the .JAR file, example 1.18.JAR, and extract the assets folder ONLY

          - Drag the assets folder into YOUR texture pack folder

          - Decide what you want in your assets folder. You can delete a lot of junk out of the folder if you don't plan on messing
          with it. EXAMPLE: delete the Models and Blockstates Folders if you have no plans to mess with custom models. You
          only need the 'Textures' Folder if you're doing a simple texture pack that replaces blocks/items etc.

    Step THREE

      - Now you can use any art program that supports pixels [ I recommend using a PIXEL ART application. Check out the FAQ for a list of programs ]
        └ The default texture size for minecraft is 16x16, so your assets folder is going to contain all the vanilla textures.
         To upscale to, say, 32x or 32x32, you just need to double the size in whatever program you are using. You may also
         use a 32x32, or whatever size you need, minecraft texture pack already published as a base if you don't want to
         resize every image, but you MUST texture your own blocks.

    I will be creating a most visual tutorial soon. There are PLENTY around the internet in the meantime, another good source is the Minecraft Fandom Wiki Page. Youtube and PMC is your friend too. Lots and lots of resources are available to you. 
    How do I make a Minecraft texture pack? BEDROCK Edition/Windows
    Texture Pack Creation 101

    What programs should I use to texture?
    There are many different programs you can use and it's honestly up to preference!
    Whatever is most comfortable to use is up to you. Anything that can do pixel art, which is pretty much any standard art program, will work for you.

    To make your life easier, I have a list of recommended programs below!
    These are programs specifically for doing pixel art.
    I highly recommend you use an actual pixel art program, since it will have tools and color pallets made for exactly what you are doing.

    Think of it like this: You could use a butter knife to cut a carrot, but why make it harder when you can use an actual knife? This is how a pixel art program is going to help you succeed. You don't need anything fancy, just something made for the job.


      - Paint [​FREE] width=20
        └ Paint is the most basic program you can use if you have nothing else. I don't recommend it for it's very rudimentary tools, but if you're in a pinch, it will work.

      - [​FREE] width=20
        └ A great, free, program in your internet browser. A large step above Paint. There are plenty of free internet browser programs, feel free to use any of those.

      - [​FREE] width=20
        └ Another great free program in your browser. This one has simple features, so It's easy to use and learn. Also has a small section for animation.

      - Pixel Studio [​FREE] width=20
        └ This is an app you can get on your phone/ipad. Absolutely recommend. There is a free and paid version. The free version is more than enough for you to texture your pack with.

      - BlockBench [​FREE] width=20
        └ That's right! You CAN use blockbench to texture with! Especially recommend if you're texturing mobs, or blocks that are a pain to texture like the brewing stand or cauldron. It's not the best painting program and not as user friendly, but it's fairly easy to get started in.

      - PMC SKIN3D [​FREE] width=20
        └ That's right folks! PMC has it's very own editor. This is for mobs and skins, but it's a GREAT resource to use. Link here for easy access

      - Aseprite [​PAID] width=20
        └ You don't NEED this program to make great pixel art, but I find it's one of my favorites. Tile mode is especially useful to make sure your textures are smooth and all the tools are great. Highly recommend this one.

      - Losec Pixel Editor [​FREE] width=20
        └ The entire lospec website is a great find for pixel artists. It has color palettes, and an editor! Everything you need at your fingertips

      - Pixelover [​PAID] width=50
        └ A super neat program to help you if you struggle with animating pixels. There are tons of effects/filters/algorithms designed SPECIALLY for pixel art. Absolutely worth every penny.
    How do I make custom blocks for my texture pack?
    There are a couple programs you can use, but here I'm going to always 100% recommend Blockbench.

    Blockbench was made specifically for making minecraft models. There's a couple other programs like Cubik Studio and Mrcrayfish's Model creator. Whichever you're most comfortable using.

    We now have a dedicated tutorial for simple models in blockbench below
    Check it out here
    How can I do randomized alternative textures in my resource pack?
    If you're looking to, say, have 3+ different textures for the dirt block, look no further!

    This step is divided into two parts that you must do to achieve a randomized texture. You will have to make a model file for each alternative texture you want, and a blockstates file to pull it all together.

    Step ONE - Model Files

      - Create your textures [ For example here i will be using dirt ]

      - Name them dirt.png, dirt1.png, dirt2.png,

      - Place them into the correct folder location [​YOURTEXTUREPACK/assets/minecraft/textures/block]

      - Create a folder in [​YOURTEXTUREPACK/assets/minecraft] and name it models

      - In the 'models' folder you will add another folder called block [​YOURTEXTUREPACK/assets/minecraft/models/block]
      - Inside the block folder, you will have your model files. Because we are doing 3 different textures for dirt, there will be three
      different model files. So, you will create dirt.JSON, dirt1.JSON, and dirt2.JSON. [ You can name these whatever you like if the
      numbers get you confused. You could do dirt, dirt2, dirt3 instead. ]
        └ To make this even easier, you can navigate to %appdata% ->.minecraft/versions/[​VERSION#HERE] and go into the .JAR file
         and copy the original model file for dirt, and paste it 3 times in your folder, naming them accordingly.

      - If you copied the dirt file, you will see the original file structure inside when you open it up. If not, I'll add it below for dirt
    dirt.JSON (model)
    "parent": "block/cube_all",
    "textures": {
    "all": "block/dirt"

      Every model file needs it's own directory for the texture we have added. So inside the dirt.JSON file, "all": "block/dirt" means
       the texture is taking from the block folder and the texture called dirt. Your dirt1.JSON should have a directory of
      "all": "block/dirt2", and dirt2.JSON will have "all": "block/dirt3" inside.

    All your model files should be done now, so we move onto the next part, blockstates.

    Step TWO - Blockstates

      - Create a folder in [​YOURTEXTUREPACK/assets/minecraft] and name it blockstates

      - Create a file inside this new folder called dirt.JSON
        └ This file is going to tell the game all the models you made are intended for ONE block.

      - You can, again, copy the original blockstates file the same way you copied the model file. For convenience, here is how this
      file should look inside
    dirt.JSON (blockstates)
    "variants": {
    "": [ { "model": "block/dirt", "weight": 2 }, { "model": "block/dirt2", "weight": 1 }, { "model": "block/dirt3", "weight": 1 } ]

        └ You can add lots of model modifiers here. The minecraft wiki lists them all here if you want to play around with them.

      - Change the "weight" setting to determine how much your texture appears. In the code above, we have weights of 2, 1, and 1.
      This means original dirt has a 2/4 change to show, while the dirt1 and dirt2 have a 1/4 change. You can completely delete the
      weight code if you want this to be a truly random texture, just be mindful of your commas.

    This should be all you have to do. If you launch up your pack and the model is present but showing pink and black squares, your textures are in the wrong spot/not correctly directed in the model's folder. Always make sure you're looking at your code. A missed comma or misplaced bracket can make the entire code null.
  • Wall Posts

    • Saved Recovery Rodrigo2022's Avatar
      Saved Recovery Rodrigo2022
      August 15, 2022, 2:56 pm to Public
      How do I make a Minecraft texture pack? JAVA Edition/Windows
      Texture Pack Creation 101

      Step ONE
        - Create a folder for your pack, name it [​pack name]
          └ Inside this folder you need the basics to make it work in Minecraft

            - PACK.MCMETA file (I recommend you use notepad ++ for this) Pack_Format changes with every new MC update.
            Below is an example for a pack for version 1.18+
      Contents of the MCMETA file
      "pack": {
      "pack_format": 8,
      "description": "YOUR DESCRIPTION HERE"

            - pack.PNG (This is the packs ICON. Size shouldn't matter, stick to pixel art sizes [​16x 32x 64x 128x 256x]

            - Assets folder [​You will get this in the next step]
      Step TWO

        - Get Assets Folder
          └ To get your assets folder, do the following

            - Open your File Explorer [​Folder Icon on your computer]

            - In the navigation bar at the top, type %appdata% and hit enter

            - Click .minecraft and follow the folder path here: .minecraft/versions/[​THIS IS THE VERSION YOU WANT TO TEXTURE]

            - Using 7zip or Winrar, right-click on the .JAR file, example 1.18.JAR, and extract the assets folder ONLY

            - Drag the assets folder into YOUR texture pack folder

            - Decide what you want in your assets folder. You can delete a lot of junk out of the folder if you don't plan on messing
            with it. EXAMPLE: delete the Models and Blockstates Folders if you have no plans to mess with custom models. You
            only need the 'Textures' Folder if you're doing a simple texture pack that replaces blocks/items etc.

      Step THREE

        - Now you can use any art program that supports pixels [ I recommend using a PIXEL ART application. Check out the FAQ for a list of programs ]
          └ The default texture size for minecraft is 16x16, so your assets folder is going to contain all the vanilla textures.
           To upscale to, say, 32x or 32x32, you just need to double the size in whatever program you are using. You may also
           use a 32x32, or whatever size you need, minecraft texture pack already published as a base if you don't want to
           resize every image, but you MUST texture your own blocks.

      I will be creating a most visual tutorial soon. There are PLENTY around the internet in the meantime, another good source is the Minecraft Fandom Wiki Page. Youtube and PMC is your friend too. Lots and lots of resources are available to you. 
      How do I make a Minecraft texture pack? BEDROCK Edition/Windows
      Texture Pack Creation 101

      What programs should I use to texture?
      There are many different programs you can use and it's honestly up to preference!
      Whatever is most comfortable to use is up to you. Anything that can do pixel art, which is pretty much any standard art program, will work for you.

      To make your life easier, I have a list of recommended programs below!
      These are programs specifically for doing pixel art.
      I highly recommend you use an actual pixel art program, since it will have tools and color pallets made for exactly what you are doing.

      Think of it like this: You could use a butter knife to cut a carrot, but why make it harder when you can use an actual knife? This is how a pixel art program is going to help you succeed. You don't need anything fancy, just something made for the job.


        - Paint [​FREE] width=20
          └ Paint is the most basic program you can use if you have nothing else. I don't recommend it for it's very rudimentary tools, but if you're in a pinch, it will work.

        - [​FREE] width=20
          └ A great, free, program in your internet browser. A large step above Paint. There are plenty of free internet browser programs, feel free to use any of those.

        - [​FREE] width=20
          └ Another great free program in your browser. This one has simple features, so It's easy to use and learn. Also has a small section for animation.

        - Pixel Studio [​FREE] width=20
          └ This is an app you can get on your phone/ipad. Absolutely recommend. There is a free and paid version. The free version is more than enough for you to texture your pack with.

        - BlockBench [​FREE] width=20
          └ That's right! You CAN use blockbench to texture with! Especially recommend if you're texturing mobs, or blocks that are a pain to texture like the brewing stand or cauldron. It's not the best painting program and not as user friendly, but it's fairly easy to get started in.

        - PMC SKIN3D [​FREE] width=20
          └ That's right folks! PMC has it's very own editor. This is for mobs and skins, but it's a GREAT resource to use. Link here for easy access

        - Aseprite [​PAID] width=20
          └ You don't NEED this program to make great pixel art, but I find it's one of my favorites. Tile mode is especially useful to make sure your textures are smooth and all the tools are great. Highly recommend this one.

        - Losec Pixel Editor [​FREE] width=20
          └ The entire lospec website is a great find for pixel artists. It has color palettes, and an editor! Everything you need at your fingertips

        - Pixelover [​PAID] width=50
          └ A super neat program to help you if you struggle with animating pixels. There are tons of effects/filters/algorithms designed SPECIALLY for pixel art. Absolutely worth every penny.
      How do I make custom blocks for my texture pack?
      There are a couple programs you can use, but here I'm going to always 100% recommend Blockbench.

      Blockbench was made specifically for making minecraft models. There's a couple other programs like Cubik Studio and Mrcrayfish's Model creator. Whichever you're most comfortable using.

      We now have a dedicated tutorial for simple models in blockbench below
      Check it out here
      How can I do randomized alternative textures in my resource pack?
      If you're looking to, say, have 3+ different textures for the dirt block, look no further!

      This step is divided into two parts that you must do to achieve a randomized texture. You will have to make a model file for each alternative texture you want, and a blockstates file to pull it all together.

      Step ONE - Model Files

        - Create your textures [ For example here i will be using dirt ]

        - Name them dirt.png, dirt1.png, dirt2.png,

        - Place them into the correct folder location [​YOURTEXTUREPACK/assets/minecraft/textures/block]

        - Create a folder in [​YOURTEXTUREPACK/assets/minecraft] and name it models

        - In the 'models' folder you will add another folder called block [​YOURTEXTUREPACK/assets/minecraft/models/block]
        - Inside the block folder, you will have your model files. Because we are doing 3 different textures for dirt, there will be three
        different model files. So, you will create dirt.JSON, dirt1.JSON, and dirt2.JSON. [ You can name these whatever you like if the
        numbers get you confused. You could do dirt, dirt2, dirt3 instead. ]
          └ To make this even easier, you can navigate to %appdata% ->.minecraft/versions/[​VERSION#HERE] and go into the .JAR file
           and copy the original model file for dirt, and paste it 3 times in your folder, naming them accordingly.

        - If you copied the dirt file, you will see the original file structure inside when you open it up. If not, I'll add it below for dirt
      dirt.JSON (model)
      "parent": "block/cube_all",
      "textures": {
      "all": "block/dirt"

        Every model file needs it's own directory for the texture we have added. So inside the dirt.JSON file, "all": "block/dirt" means
         the texture is taking from the block folder and the texture called dirt. Your dirt1.JSON should have a directory of
        "all": "block/dirt2", and dirt2.JSON will have "all": "block/dirt3" inside.

      All your model files should be done now, so we move onto the next part, blockstates.

      Step TWO - Blockstates

        - Create a folder in [​YOURTEXTUREPACK/assets/minecraft] and name it blockstates

        - Create a file inside this new folder called dirt.JSON
          └ This file is going to tell the game all the models you made are intended for ONE block.

        - You can, again, copy the original blockstates file the same way you copied the model file. For convenience, here is how this
        file should look inside
      dirt.JSON (blockstates)
      "variants": {
      "": [ { "model": "block/dirt", "weight": 2 }, { "model": "block/dirt2", "weight": 1 }, { "model": "block/dirt3", "weight": 1 } ]

          └ You can add lots of model modifiers here. The minecraft wiki lists them all here if you want to play around with them.

        - Change the "weight" setting to determine how much your texture appears. In the code above, we have weights of 2, 1, and 1.
        This means original dirt has a 2/4 change to show, while the dirt1 and dirt2 have a 1/4 change. You can completely delete the
        weight code if you want this to be a truly random texture, just be mindful of your commas.

      This should be all you have to do. If you launch up your pack and the model is present but showing pink and black squares, your textures are in the wrong spot/not correctly directed in the model's folder. Always make sure you're looking at your code. A missed comma or misplaced bracket can make the entire code null.
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    Yelan (Genshin Impact)
  • Rabbits

    Artic Hare - Winter
    Mochii the Dutch Bunny
    Easter Bunny
    harelequin rabbit  (minecraft earth)
    freckled rabbit (minecraft earth)
    bold striped rabbit (minecraft earth)
    Bunny | Rework
    Floppy Eared Rabbits (Requires Optifine)
    Spring Rabbit
Planet Minecraft


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