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Level 7 Apprentice Mage

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    11/10/2014 10:14 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Age: 13
    Maturity 1-10- I'd say i'm about an 8 or 9 out of 10.
    Have you been admin b4?- I have, on a server called heroes craft, and another server called YodaMC, now i think it's called KevCraft. Heroes craft was shut down, and yoda mc is back up, but i don't know the new ip. I have also owned 2 servers, one was faction pvp, the other was prison. They both shut down due to inactive players, and lack of donations.
    ING NAME- shacory
    11/07/2014 9:12 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Server's great!

    It's as good as some of the popular prison servers, just not as many players, but you are definitely growing!
    11/06/2014 9:31 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Rank Wanted: Moderator, or Admin, It doesn't really matter, as long as i can help out.

    Name: Cory

    Age(12+): I am 13

    Skype Name (Required): SmugSix

    Minecraft Username: shacory

    Maturity (Scale Of 1/10): I would like to think i'm a 9/10.

    Building Skill (Needed Over 6!) (Scale Of 1/10): Many would say i am not the best builder, which is true, i'm not, but i can build some okay looking things, so i'd say 6-7/10

    Will You Abuse, Give Out Ranks, Items, etc.? I think it is common sense to not do this.

    Can You Develop Plugins For Us? I understand making basic plugins, but i have no program that would allow me to do this. (Most coding software is like $200)

    How Do You Plan To Help The Server? I plan to help the server by being very active, I can be on the server for one to two hours a day depending on if I am doing anything else that day. This allows me to watch out for hackers, spammers, and people threatening to DDoS the server, or another player. It will also allow me to
    help other players when needed.

    How Do You Help Other Players? I plan to help other players by walking them through spawn, telling them where they can find everything, (which there probably won't be much because it is a kit pvp server) and if there is a hacker, say a forcefielder, when somebody reports him, i will be able to watch the reported player, and ban him if he turns out to be hacking.

    What Makes You The One To Pick For This Rank? I am very responsible, i havn't ever been demoted, making me a little more trustworthy than i may have been before. On the weekends I am on in the morning, then i get off for the afternoon, then I am on again in the evening, and if there there aren't any other mods or admins on, i will try my best to be on, until somebody else can take over.

    What Would You Do If A Player Was Hacking? I would watch them for a little while, then if i confirm their hacks, i would ban them.

    What Would You Do If A Player Was Spamming? I would ask them nicely through message, or even through public chat to stop, then if they continue i would give them a minor mute, and if they continue after all of that i would ban them, or jail or whatever you guys do on this server. Although, if he was spamming an ip, i would ban them, unless instructed to give a different punishment.

    What Would You Do If A Player Was Threatening To DDoS The Server, Or Yourself? Well, most servers instantly ban them, so i would probably do the same.

    What Would You Do If A Player Was Asking For Op? I'd ask them nicely to stop, then if they continue, i would either temp, or perm ban them.
    11/06/2014 9:04 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    And if you could make a list of commands that each rank should get, if I get the job, that would be great.
    11/06/2014 8:58 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    If you'd like I can do it.

    I have wrote perms for many servers, including 2 of my own, and a few of my friends servers.

    Skype: SmugSix
    11/04/2014 8:02 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    And my school goes until 4:00 my time so i havn't even had a chance to join the server yet.
    11/04/2014 8:01 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    I will try, but i just got a faster internet, that has a lower data limit so it slows me down once i have gone over, and I have gone over the limit, so it's really slow atm.
    11/03/2014 6:24 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Age: 13

    Name: Cory (Is this really necessary)?

    IGN: shacory

    Skype: SmugSix

    Experience as staff: I have owned a couple of servers, one of which was prison, the other was faction pvp. Never finished the prison, but i got 20 people on at a time on the faction pvp.

    How active will you be: I am usually on everyday for one or two hours.
    11/01/2014 9:31 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    For some reason, i can't join the server. It says authentications are down for maintenance when 6 people are online.
    11/01/2014 9:22 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    1. IGN: shacory

    2. How old are you? 13

    3. How much time can you spend per day on the server? I usually spend two to four hours a day on Minecraft.

    4. Have you had any experience in the past? I have. I have owned 2 servers in the past. One of which was faction pvp, and the other was prison.
    The prison server never got any players on, because i didn't finish it, then ran out of money to pay for it so it had to be shut down. The faction pvp server got fifteen to twenty players on at a time, and then an admin griefed the spawn because he thought the towers in the spawn looked strange, Crazy i know lol. Then everybody quit. I have been mod on a couple other servers, I am currently helping a friend out with his server and that's pretty much it.

    5. What can you bring to this server? I am on a lot, which will allow me to watch out for hackers, and spammers, and also help people in need, which will make the server better, and more fun to play on.

    6. Have you ever been banned from a server and why? I have actually. I was playing on a server where glitching wasn't allowed. So somebody wanted me to tp to them to help them with a raid. It just happened to be on top of the nether, and there is no possible way to get there without the /jump command, or glitching. And we were just normal players. So after, i'm say in chat "Selling tp's to the top of the nether"! I didn't even think about it being a glitch lol. Then i was banned for 3 days for "Glitching".

    7. Should we know anything else? I don't think so, feel free to pm me if i missed anything thought.
    11/01/2014 8:20 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    It could just be that he lost connection. There are like 3 types of connection loss messages.
    11/01/2014 8:17 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Ign: shacory
    11/01/2014 8:14 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Developer Rank

    IGN: shacory

    Skype: SmugSix

    Experience: If you are talking about adding permissions to ranks and getting plugins all set up, i have done it many times. I have added permissions and set the plugins up on my own server, and i have actually owned 2 servers, so i have done it for myself 2 times. I have added permissions to my 2 friends' servers. And a couple of people that have asked me for help when i have been on their server.

    Activity: I am usually on every day from 1 to 2 hours.

    Maturity 1-10: I'd like to think i'm a 9 / 10

    TrustWorthy: Personally I think that you can't trust anyone on the internet, because even my own friends irl have betrayed me in the game lol. So it is best to recruit someone to do work with console before you have built anything or have done a lot of work so you know you can trust them before anything has really happened on the server.

    Why We Accept You: I think you should accept me because I have done a lot of work with console, and servers, and i can usually fix something that goes wrong.

    Extra: Well I don't think there is anything else i have forgotten. If i have, feel free to pm me and ask a few questions.
    08/25/2014 4:21 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Some people donate to help the server run, not to get the perks. And on the other hand, people have so much money that they don't know what to do with it so they just buy it for the perks.
    08/19/2014 12:55 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    If you want people to join, maybe update the server to 1.7.10
    08/19/2014 12:51 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    You need to enable per warp permissions in the essentials config file.
    08/05/2014 11:09 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    What rank plugin are you using?
    08/03/2014 10:37 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Well it's what i have or bell, which is significantly more money, but has the same dls and ping.
    My only hopes are that somebody does get better internet where i am xD
    08/03/2014 8:59 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    mine is around 600
    08/03/2014 8:58 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    ShacoryDon't you just love it when you are accused of hacking for having a high ping and low download speed?

    Does this ever happen to you?

    I don't have the low ping and (Wtf low download speed?) high download speed. (You mixed those up...)
    But I'm perfectly fine. Some people just love to use their brain before accusing someone of cheating. (Sarcasm)
    I said high ping, low download speed. If you will re-read my post. Anyway if you have both of those, it basically means you have terrible internet.

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