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Level 7 Apprentice Mage

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    08/03/2014 7:49 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar

    IGN: shacory

    Maturity (1-10) Sometimes i can be around 8, but most of the time, 9 or 10.

    Experience: I have owned 2 servers, both shut down, one happened to be a prison, it was pretty good, but didn't get any donations, which is the reason it shut down. I have been staff on a couple of prison servers, one of the prison servers reaching over 60 players, which was pretty sweet. I was once mod on a server where us mods had to watch hacked client videos so it would be pretty obvious if somebody was hacking. I think those are all of the notable experiences I have had.

    How will you help: I can help by watching for x-rayers in the mines, and forcefield, kill aura, etc. in pvp. As i said before I was once mod on a server where us mods had to watch hacked client videos so I will be pretty good in that area.

    Why should we choose you? I think you should choose me because i have had several years of experience, especially in the prison type server. I usually get along pretty well with other players, and staff members. I think that's all.

    Preferred Form of Contact: Skype: SmugSix (I may not always be able to talk).
    08/03/2014 6:13 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    General staff team
    IGN: shacory

    Age: 13

    Position you are applying for: Moderator.

    Why should we choose you for staff?;I think you should choose me as one of your staff members because I can watch the chat for advertisers, I know some servers have rules about excessive swearing, so i'd be on the lookout for that kind of stuff, i've also been mod on a server where they made us watch hacked client videos so we would know if and when somebody was hacking. I also have about 3 years of staff experience, so I know all of the moderating commands.

    What can you bring to the server as a staff member?: I could bring a cleaner chat to the server, at least do my best to do so. I will also bring down the amount of hackers, (I may make 1 or 2 mistake(s) though, as it is not always clear if they are hacking or not). Guess thats what ban appeals are for.

    Anything else you would like us to know?: I don't think so. If there is anything i am missing, just pm me.
    07/26/2014 10:04 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    I would recommend a laptop, incase you need/want to take it somewhere (Friends house, or related).

    But desktop is fine if you don't plan on taking it anywhere.
    07/26/2014 9:42 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    (Job) I would love to be a moderator.

    Age: 13

    How many years have you played Minecraft: about three and a half years.

    Why do you think you would be good for this position: I think I would be good for this job because i like to help people out, like show them around spawn and everything like that, as you probably know, some spawns can be over 500 blocks long, I learn my way around quickly, so i will be able to show them around, if they need help finding something. I have once been on a server, and promoted to moderator, where you had to watch videos on hacked clients, so we knew when someone was hacking, so I will be on the lookout for hackers too. I am an okay builder, but i am not that great with details, so i might be able to build something, but somebody else might have to decorate it.

    After i posted this i forgot to put this in, I have owned a couple of servers, and as I mentioned i was moderator on that one server that made the mods watch hacking videos, I have been mod on a couple other servers as well, and I have also been admin on a couple servers.

    How many hours can you contribute: In the summer I can spend about three and a half hours a day, unless my internet is down, I have satellite internet so when it thunderstorms, it will most likely go down.

    Are you mature, trustworthy, and responsible: I would like to think so.

    How can we contact you? You can contact me on skype (SmugSix) although I may not be able to talk, because my parents don't like me talking to other people that I don't know IRL, but we can still message if you need to contact me while i am not online the server.

    Thank you for reading my application.

    06/10/2014 9:53 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    You have to have an ign to get a rank on here. (IGN = In Game Name, Or Minecraft Username)
    06/10/2014 9:52 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    IGN: Shacory
    Skype: SmugSix. Although i may not always be able to actually talk.
    Activeness: I know some servers are really boring if you're a guard. Like if its either a very op prison and the prisoners have better armour and stuff like that than you. Or if there is nobody on. I will not always be the most active player. But i am on quite a bit. I am usually on Minecraft for 2 and a half to 3 and a half hours a day, Unless i have somewhere to go.
    Maturity: I would like to think i am pretty mature. I don't swear, and i'm not one of the people who like to be rude either.
    What are you applying for: Anything but builder, you can decide!
    Experience: I have been moderator on a couple of faction pvp servers. But they were like 15-20 players on at a time. I have been guard on a couple of very good prison servers that were at 60 players at some times. and another server called Evolu Prison that shut down quite some time ago. (I will not mention the other servers name because it is still up).
    Wpm: Forgive me. But i have no idea what this means.
    05/05/2014 6:48 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    IGN: Shacory

    RP Name: <TheBandit> I don't really know... Just an idea

    Age: 13

    How Active: I can be on everyday for 2-3 hours, only exception is if im going somewhere.

    How ruthless : Willing to kill!

    How do you react when you find someone to rob: Try to hide until they pass by then rob them.

    Any bad guy RP experience: I do not have any, but i'm sure i will learn quickly.

    Would you rob bandit facs: If theres not many people around maybe...

    Would you rob towns: I probably would :3
    02/22/2014 10:12 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Still looking for mods! You can even apply in the comments of this post!
    01/24/2014 2:34 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    I applied on your website.
    01/23/2014 7:26 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Sorry forgot, It does not really matter to me, you can decide, if i am accepted.
    01/23/2014 6:42 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    IGN – shacory

    Age –

    What time are you most often on? I am usually on 1 to 2 hours a day. monday wednesday friday, sunday. I might come on from time to time of im not busy any other days.

    What is your previous experience in any type of moderation? –
    I am currently helping develop a prison server, i have been admin a couple of times, currently Admin on a server as well. I can send you the ip if you would like.

    How many hours can you contribute per day? –
    During the weekdays I play an average of 1 to 2 hours a day. However, during the weekends I can play anywhere from 2 to 4 hours a day.

    What advice would you give someone who had to deal with people younger than them? –When speaking to someone having to deal with younger kids- which do influx on a daily basis- my main advice would be to be patient. I understand how it is to work with young players considering my experience on other servers and it is best to stay patient when they become crazy or out of control.

    Ways of contact: Email:

    Anything else we should know? –
    I would like to wish good luck on all who apply for this rank. and if chosen I will do anything in my ability to enhance the server’s greatness with my up-most effort and capability. (I am not the best at building though)
    01/22/2014 10:06 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    I just posted a reply so i am just deleting it, and trying to cover all of the characters.
    01/22/2014 9:57 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    I understand that this is not the correct format for this application, but here is the one I will be using.

    IGN – shacory

    Say YES if you understand that asking a staff member about your application means an instant rejection of your application –
    I understand these rules and vow not to break them under any circumstances. I realize that this can become an annoyance and I will not make this an issue.

    Age –

    What time are you most often on? I am usually on 1 to 2 hours a day. monday wednesday friday, sunday. I might come on from time to time of im not busy any other days.

    What is your previous experience in any type of moderation? –
    I am currently helping develop a prison server, i have been admin a couple of times, currently Admin on a server as well. I can send you the ip if you would like.

    How many hours can you contribute per day? –
    During the weekdays I play an average of 1 to 2 hours a day. However, during the weekends I can play anywhere from 2 to 4 hours a day.

    What advice would you give someone who had to deal with people younger than them? –When speaking to someone having to deal with younger kids- which do influx on a daily basis- my main advice would be to be patient. I understand how it is to work with young players considering my experience on other servers and it is best to stay patient when they become crazy or out of control. While it is difficult to calm some players down, steering younger kids in the right direction can not only make it a better server environment as a whole, but teach them lessons which will Shut them up.

    Ways of contact: Email:

    Anything else we should know? –
    I would like to wish good luck on all who apply for this rank. and if chosen I will do anything in my ability to enhance the server’s greatness with my up-most effort and capability. (I am not the best at building though)
    01/21/2014 5:47 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Name (NEEDED): Kyler
    Minecraft Name (NEEDED): Shacory
    Age (NEEDED): 13
    Experience with Plugins (NEEDED): making plugins? none i have experience adding permissions to groups/ranks, world guard, MineReset Plugins and Others.
    Experience as a staff member (NEEDED): I have been owner on one server. I have been admin on a couple I have also been Dev on a few, and i am currently Head-Mod on a server and i have also been Moderator on a couple servers.
    Good builder? (Optional): I am okay. Not your first choice though i bet.
    Skype Name (NEEDED): SmugSix
    Plugin or other Suggestions for Server (Optional): If it is a prison Minereset. Or some other mine resetting plugin.
    Server Name Suggestions (Optional): Uranium prison? Idk im not the best with names either.
    01/21/2014 4:44 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Skype*: Would it be alright if i PMed you my skype?

    IGN*: Shacory

    Experience*: I have owned a server, i have been admin on a couple servers, Dev on a server, currently Head-mod on a server and yeah thats pretty much it.

    Age*: I am 13.

    Availability(Time/Days)*: All days except friday/sunday. From 4:00PM to 5:30PM (MST)

    Thank you for your time, I will send my skype ASAP.
    01/20/2014 8:42 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
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    Frostwolf you apply in game
    01/20/2014 7:12 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Ign: shacory

    Age: 13

    Applying for: Moderator or something like that. Admin is not really given it is earned.
    I could be Developer if it means adding perms to a rank or plugin manager or whatever.

    Can i advertise?: Yes i can I have a few accounts on different server lists so i will be able to advertise a bit.

    Building skills 1 to 10: 3/4-10

    Maturity 1 to 10 8-10

    Contact: Skype: SmugSix. Email:

    Why do you want this rank?: I would like this rank because I like to help out, like Catching the X-Rayers and whatnot. Forcefielders and stuff like that. And I'm actually bored of surviving on single player or survival servers So this could be a good opportunity for me to get mod or something.

    Thank you for your time.
    I know this isn't much but i hope you will come into consideration.
    01/20/2014 4:15 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Name: Shacory
    Age: 13
    Skype: SmugSix
    Minecraft Experience: 2 and a half years. (Early Beta)
    Builder? Staff member? I would rather be a staff member.
    How active can you be?: I can be on everyday for atleast 2 hours.
    Are you willing to advertise?: Yes I am. I have a few server list accounts so i will be able to do that.

    Thank you for your time.
    01/19/2014 9:17 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Admin/Moderator/Builder/Chat-Moderator Application (Please state what Staff Rank you're applying for): I do not really Care what I get as long as I can do something useful for the server with it.

    In Game Name: shacory

    Age: 13

    (Optional) Contact Information: Email: Skype: SmugSix

    Years playing Minecraft: I have had about 2 and a half years playing minecraft (Early Beta)

    Experience: I have owned a serer called GhostWarriors. I have been Plugin Manager on 1 Server. I am currently setting up a prison On a hub server Called YodaMC which i had Head-Admin on before it was a hub. And a couple others mod and guard and stuff i can't exactly list them all.

    Scale of 1 to 10 On Building skills: Im not too great at building. 4- 10

    Scale of 1 to 10 On Maturity: 8-10

    Scale of 1 to 10 On Moderation skills:8/9-10

    Why you would like to be staff on Explicint: I'm just kind of bored so i was wondering if i could help someone out.

    Will you get players for Explicint?I will try. I might have a few friends.

    Extra Info: I am very helpful i can make pvp arenas shops and Am good at seeking hackers with 1 special plugin.
    01/19/2014 8:55 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
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    ShacoryMod App


    Age: 14

    Why I want to be Mod: because i like to help out and i like helping it makes me feel good

    Experience: I have been Admin on my Brothers server.

    Have you been banned:no

    If so why and when:

    Again if so what rank were you on the server(s) you were banned on:

    Skype: I do have skype but no mic if it helps. SmugSix

    Your name? Denied! Lack of Information!
    LOOOOOLLLL Sorry that was my brother using my account. He thought you meant real name.

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