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Level 7 Apprentice Mage

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    07/17/2016 7:45 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar

    IGN: Shacory

    Name: Cody

    Skype: SmugSix

    Experience: I have owned a couple of my own servers, they are shut down, but there is proof on my account. I was the Head-Admin on the Riot Craft Network, but that unfortunately, shut down as well. I have also been mod on another server, but they bought a server package that was unfit to run the server, and had connection issues related to that. I have also helped set up a couple of peoples' servers who were inexperienced with Group Manager and P.E.X.

    Why do you want staff: I like helping servers, trying my best to get them up and running, and stay running by being a great staff member. After 6 years of playing minecraft, it can get a little bit boring, so it's great to help other players instead.

    How can you help: I am experienced with many plugins, and can help with any issues related to Group Manager, or PEX. I am a pretty decent builder and can help with building issues if there is a plan. I am experienced with server administrating, as I have owned a few servers my self. I know what to do in most if not all situations. I am pretty easy going, and good with the players as well.

    How active can you be: I can be on a good 3-4 hours a day, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less depending on what's happening in my day. I can check the forums continuously throughout the day as well, even if I'm out of the house somewhere. I have satellite internet, so it may go out unexpectedly if the weather is bad.

    Are you good with plugins: I am well seasoned in the plugin area.

    Experience with plugins: Although I have never made a plugin before, I am very experienced with plugins. I have ran a couple of my own servers, like I said above. I know a wide variety of commands, and the plugins that go with them. For example, Group Manager, PEX, World Edit, Prison Mines, McMMO, and many more.

    Have you ever been banned: I have gotten myself banned on my own server if that counts, but otherwise, no.
    07/15/2016 1:41 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    He said there's a page under server recruitment there guys.
    07/14/2016 9:28 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Is the server only open to staff for the time being? I noticed it was whitelisted.
    07/13/2016 4:03 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Very informative.
    07/13/2016 3:18 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Mature level:1/10: I think i'm probably around 9-10.

    In game name: Shacory

    First name: Cody

    Skype name: SmugSix

    Have you got a microphone: I sure do.

    Being honest, how loyal to the server can you be?: I can be extremely loyal. I've stopped playing for a while. This would probably be one of the only servers I'd be on.

    Experience as chosen position(from list above): I've owned 2 servers before this. One prison, the other factions. They were mildly successful, but didn't get very far. I know most if not all commands for all ranks. I was also Head-Admin on the Riot Craft network a while back. I've helped set up numerous servers that use Group Manager, and PEX. I think I may have enough experience for the Staff Manager rank. If not possibly Mod or Admin.

    Other?: I'm a decent builder, and can help with some building related issues if there's a plan.
    12/13/2015 7:12 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Age(Doesn't Matter)- 14
    Skype- (Will pm if accepted)
    YouTube(Not Needed)- I do have a channel, but only 3-4 subs and I don't have a good screen recorder.
    Timezone- UTC-7:00
    How long will you be on a day- Possibly 3-4 hours on the weekends, 2-2 1/2 during the school week unless I have homework.
    Experience- I have owned a couple of server. 2 faction, 1 prison server. (Check my profile for proof)
    Why you want to become staff- I like helping out and I think I might be right for the job.
    Why should I pick you- I have owned a couple of server before, so i know a lot of commands this position requires. I am pretty friendly, and I give a good first impression on the new-comers. I've had experience with pex, and group manager so if there are any permission related problems I will probably be able to fix it.
    Additional information-
    Position you want- Moderator, or Admin.
    12/13/2015 6:31 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Position CoOwner

    Name: Cody

    IGN: Shacory

    Age: 14

    Do You have Skype: Yes, I have really slow satellite internet so I won't be able to voice chat very much. (If accepted I'll pm you my skype)

    Who well do you know PermissionsPEX: I know group manager which uses the same permission nodes, and I know a couple of the pex commands so pex will be pretty easy to use.

    How well do you know commands: I have owned 3 servers before so i've had to learn most of them, if not all.

    How active can you be on server and website: I can be pretty active on the server, say 3 hours or so unless I have homework. I would usually check the website at least 2 times a day, then before I go to bed.

    Do you promise to help everyday: I can help everyday, but I won't be on as much during the school week as I would be on the weekend.

    Can you help gain more members and a playerbase: I can probably post the server on some server advertising websites, but other than that, I try make a good impression on the players which might get them to stay on the server and tell their friends.

    How many Minecraft Accounts do you have access to: I have my own, and at times I might be able to use my brothers' account.
    12/13/2015 5:56 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Alright, looking forward to it.
    12/13/2015 4:17 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Name: Cody

    IGN: Shacory

    Age: 14

    Skype: SmugSix

    Timezone: UTC-7:00

    Rank Applying For: Moderator (I do have experience with managing plugins like group manager, but it seems like you have that covered.)

    Why do you want this rank?: I like helping new servers out, trying to be as friendly as possible so the new players get a good impression, then hopefully tell their friends about it. I've taken a break from video games as a whole at the beginning of school because there was just too much stuff to take care of. I'm getting back into minecraft though, and I was looking for a server to help out in, because I find just playing the game gets boring sometimes.

    Why do you think I should place you in the desired rank?:I can dedicate the time i'm on into helping whoever needs it instead of building a base or something like that (I had staff on my servers who did that lol) I have had a lot of experience owning three of my own servers, and helping my friends servers out with permissions and such. I know all general commands, and quite a few advanced commands, and when to use them. I am not a great builder, but if you give me a design, I can copy it pretty quickly. I am pretty friendly, and don't get worked up about anything, cause, it's just a game. I think I might like to try being a moderator or admin again.

    Do you have any past experiences? (IP addresses and/or websites better your chance): Just going to say, all servers I have been staff on have been shut down. I have owned 3 servers before. (2 faction servers, 1 prison server.) One of the faction server website is, but it's inactive. I have been a warden on a couple of prison servers. I have been moderator and admin on probably 20 different servers but they were run by 8 year olds and didn't get very far because they didn't know what to do.

    Anything Else?: If you need any more info, hit me up on skype.
    12/12/2015 9:23 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Are you talking plugin dev or like server permissions dev?
    12/11/2015 3:40 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    1). What is your age ? (Be honest we will find out sooner or later) 14

    2). What is your ingame name and how can we call you? Shacory. Some people call me Shac.

    3). How many years have you played Minecraft ? About 5 years, since early alpha.

    4). How many hours a day will you be online for the server? I can be on for quite a while, on weekends maybe more than 3 hours, on school days maybe an hour or so unless I have homework or hockey.

    5). What timezone are you in? MST, UTC-7:00

    6). How are you planning to help the server grow? I would like to help the server grow by helping around with whatever is needed. I have owned a few servers before myself, so I can help with stuff all around whether it's a new player who has some questions, or if there are some problems with permissions that aren't working. Hopefully that would make a good impression for the server, then players will tell their friends about it.

    7). Do you have a working microphone so we can contact you via skype if necessary? I have skype, but no Mic. (I can message you in-game if you'd like my skype name.)

    8). Experience from the past with moderating a server ? Yes ? Please tell us what. As I mentioned above I have owned a couple of servers. I have helped a couple of my friends set up permissions on their servers, and I have been guard/mod on a prison server. All of them have shut down now, so I'm looking for a new server to help out.

    9). Why should we choose you as a staff member from RealityCrafts ? I have had quite a bit of experience with minecraft servers in my past, and I think I could help this server out. Most of my staff experience has been with factions servers, so this is right down my alley.
    12/11/2015 12:15 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Perhaps you entered the ip wrong in the post. It says It can't resolve the host name.
    12/10/2015 11:56 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    1) IGN: Shacory

    2) Age: 14

    3) Timezone: MST, UTC-7:00.

    4) Maturity (Out Of 10): Probably around 9

    5) Position/Rank Applying For: Moderator

    6) Why Should You Have This Rank: I have taken a break from minecraft for a while, but I am getting back into it again, and would like to help a server out. I have had quite a bit of experience with servers, and some of their plugins. I am an alright builder, but you would probably be able to find somebody better at building than myself. I am a pretty laid back guy, and I don't ever get worked up about something. I can handle pretty much all situations, and think I might be a good person for the job. I think I used to be staff on one of your old servers, to.

    7) How Long Have You Played Minecraft: I have been playing minecraft since notch came out with classic minecraft, and early alpha which was around 2009-2010 I believe.

    8) Previous Expererience: I have owned a couple of servers, none of them got very far, because I had no idea how to run a server, and had little to no help. I have been helping my friend build a prison server, but the server provider wasn't very reliable and shut down on him. I have helped a couple of new servers out with green owners, who didn't know how to use gm or pex, and got them started with the basics of the commands and got a couple of ranks set up for them. Other than that, not much.

    9) Skype (If you have it): If it's alright, I'd like to pm this to you if i'm accepted.
    09/14/2015 9:03 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    I'm pretty sure the only thing they need is just build and construct.
    09/14/2015 8:44 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    If you are using the factions plugin to protect whatever you are building, don't. Use world guard, then give the builders permission to build inside the protected area.
    09/14/2015 8:41 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    Why not just use their username? That is why they have it.
    09/14/2015 8:01 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    I just wanted to ask why everybody is asking for a real name now...
    09/13/2015 4:23 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    I can help, i'm not a very good builder though. I've owned a couple of servers before, and made the ranks, and permissions myself. Let me know if you still need help.
    09/10/2015 10:54 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    If you have any troubles with setting up a certain plugin, you can usually just search it up on youtube or whatever as well.
    09/10/2015 10:53 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Mage
    Shacory's Avatar
    And also do what BamBamAlicious said.

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