Shomanakillah's Avatar
Level 31
Artisan Ninja

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    10/31/2016 9:54 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "Vulgrim needs to know about this." muttered Raxyn to no-one in particular. "Well, time to dust everything off until I find something about harps or instruments that use wires for sound."

    He set to work immediately, blowing dust off and using his sleeves to get rid of anything that didn't blow away.

    "Look, everyone is one edge, Hyperion and you smell like you've been through fire and smoke, me and Alphon took a giant risk coming here without audience."

    'Your daughter is missing, but I'm not going to say that, Alphon has a family, and I have a horny and self-righteous host that can't control himself...' he thought as he cracked his knuckles.
    10/26/2016 11:02 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "Right of the woven textiles. So it seems like this entire section of hallways is dedicated to cloth." He walked down and looked down a hallway. There were different images this time. "Okay, this could be easy to explore and understand, maybe like a library. A hallway dedicated to each section."

    SR appeared into view, seeing the emotional value placed on both Hyperion and Alphon's face.

    "Are you ready to go home?"

    SR was nervous for the fact Khamul might recognize Raxyn's voice since he and him were one and the same.

    'Please don't punch me in the face, please don't punch me in the face, please don't punch me in the face.' he thought as he turned.

    "Khamul, Raxyn kind of went a bit rogue, and I know you know this because you two fought recently, but if you see him again can you please break his arms at the elbows and torture him a bit?"
    10/21/2016 7:38 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    Raxyn nodded and scurried off. A harp, perhaps a kingdom for a harp. It must've been very important. Still, Raxyn doubted that Vulgrim would have it in his possession. Then again.

    Raxyn wasn't the only one working for Vulgrim as far as he understood.

    He took the direction, now realizing that he never saw the textiles before. Clearly he wasn't paying attention. Vulgrims shop seemed a lot like a home, since there was now a hallway to deal with.

    SR thought about revealing himself before he stopped himself from doing so. Would his voice trigger Khamul into thinking he was Raxyn himself. Perhaps it would start a fight. Due to all respect, SR snuck in while invisible and got next to Alphon, keeping himself in check.

    He was prepared for anything.
    10/18/2016 8:06 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "I just got here. Nothing special." said Raxyn casually.

    "Do you have everything handled, or would you like some extra assistance in finding what your looking for?"

    SR started jogging back to Alphon, and the minute he left the room he broke into a room down the halls. Hopefully Alphon had found the right room and was safe in hiding. Thankfully, SR could teleport them both out as long as they were close to each other.

    SR reached the hall with all the doors where he departed from Alphon.
    10/13/2016 8:30 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    Raxyn felt he couldn't let this go to stand. He crawled out and started casually walking into the room.

    "Hey Vulg-" Raxyn sounded like he just met the guy, and looked at the scene that unfolded. He took a step back like he was second-guessing himself.

    "What's going on in here!" he demanded. He looked at the one starting to destroy some of the display cases before turning to the chair and pointing. "If you were smart, instead of destroying the objects you would use them."

    That candle that was thrown off landed on the portion of the table, the good thing, it was still alight. Cotton cloth that was set under a steaming portion of potatoes started to blacken before catching flame.

    The bad thing however, the chandelier started to sound like it was losing connection either with it's own chains, or the ceiling itself.

    'Well, I thought it would work casually, maybe that's not the case.' thought SR as he face-palmed and sighed. 'Syke' He wanted to now get out of the room ASAP.
    10/08/2016 4:55 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    Raxyn was about to make a move when he flinched. Astaroth? Stealing something?

    "All I know I did was drop off a package, there was no way I could've done anything wrong." He shrugged and snapped his fingers lightly, hoping whomever in the next room wouldn't hear it. If they did, they probably would have better hearing than the norm.

    He faulted the teleportation and zipped under a table, after he got into position he made the table cloth stop moving and merged his body with the shade that no light touched.

    There had to be a conversation to this.

    SR was about to exit the room when he turned to look at the candle. He looked at Murazor only for a second before redoubling the plan. The candle started to fall, Perhaps after the guests saw the candle, the chandelier would fall then too.

    To be honest, it would still look nice. As long as that is what would happen.

    The candle fell onto the head on someone leaning over the table and grabbing food.
    09/30/2016 7:15 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    SR wanted to sigh, but that much would give his position away.

    Perfection... For what was wrong with a simple plan to disrupt a simple meeting. The point was already to the people, and some were still deciding on Hyperion's idea. Even the ones who already agreed, surely they should have more time to think. Lives could be at stake.

    SR looked up at tried using a bit of telekinesis on the candles in the chandelier. There was no need to go overboard. It's an accident, not a murder scene.

    SR simply flicked his wrist without snapping his fingers and a candle loosened. It wasn't going to fall just yet

    If there was more to say, it was better to let it be said now. Especially on his way out.

    He started walking back to the doors he entered from.

    Raxyn decided he could chill around some more. Maybe hear the conversation a bit. Vulgrim seemed to be a very important person. Perhaps he was with someone very important. If the enchantment on his scythe was put on, perhaps Vulgrim had others come in for more powerful and exquisite upgrades.
    09/22/2016 10:46 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    ((I'd rather take our time so we can write more than rush through, It's fine. Also, college is important. I won't deny that.

    Also, I wont be able to quickly take the time to reply immediately once you post, since I have school to work with as well, but as I said, we should take our time, I know I will since I wish to write more than what I used to.))

    SR had to hear this. Some insight would be beneficial to many, many people. He looked up to see if there were any rafters. Normally when is any room as large and pristine as this, the ceiling would be nice and tall which meant it would need to be supported. Thankfully, that was the case here.

    Clearly, making the chandelier fall would be a good example, however... That would mean that tactic wouldn't work well after using it. He knew he had to rely on his job and cause a mistake, but learning what the King was referring to would help people in the future.

    SR thought back to all the heads up he was getting by the, "Invisible man." Perhaps a war was brewing and Hyperion would be stupid enough to link hundreds of armies together to attack a certain place.

    "I thank you my friend, I shall look at it unparalleled beauty in battle where I believe it could belong." Raxyn nodded to Vulgrim. "By binding spell, what does it correlate to?"
    08/16/2015 6:34 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    'Wee, cheating is so fun...' thought SR to himself boringly as he slipped into the room. 'This is so cliche,'

    "Any problems with the modding?" asked Raxyn happily.
    07/23/2015 4:57 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    Raxyn took it and hummed in a smile. "Thanks for the simple operation!" he grabbed his voidstone as he dropped the glass of tea. In a purple flash the mug and plate were on the ground without a break and loss of tea and so was Raxyn.

    He had reappeared in the, "store" Vulgrim showed him. "Back!" he said happily pulling out the card the grandmaster gave him.

    'Hey there Hype...' said SR rubbing his temples and sighing silently. 'Still think he's a cool guy, here and there...' he continued thinking.

    'When these two start moving ahead of me I can go ahead and be right behind them. The minute they get through the door I can go ahead and and skip to the side where the door isn't connected by hinges,' he thought ahead figuring it would work.
    07/20/2015 8:33 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "they all seem to be able to see me, and yet not bother about it..." said SR to himself being in the area with them. "And that wonderful leave of Khamul, how heightening..." he added disbelievingly to himself.

    He of course took this small bonus and silently quickly went over to the Leopold and the closed door. "Gee, guess I'll be fine here right behind these two since they have bad smell," he whispered sighing.

    Something was not being right to Raxyn as he looked at the cup he took. It definitely had seemed like tea. 'She indicated something about him wanting truth about her daughters, so perhaps he has some sort of truth liquid or something in here...'

    'He also paused after the word something,' he thought.

    "Why don't you go ahead and give me this message to give to Vulgrim now, and then in respect or so, I'll take the drink," as he said this he casually recalibrate his steps to start running and put his left hand thumb to start in hold in his pocket for his voidstone.
    07/17/2015 1:48 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    Raxyn shrugged and held up the package to the grandmaster. He looked into his pocket and saw his voidstone glow a bit. "I'll need to be leaving soon..." he said casually as he pulled it out and showed it for a second. "But before I go I'd like to see the package item, considering you'll let me," He of course was letting his curiosity of a child over take him.

    SR sighed and began following the group. "I'd definitely like to meet that man..." he muttered to himself. "Considering he can just appear when he wants and so far only I've seen him that I know,"

    "Banquet is going to have some food and smell with something that'll taste good," said SR sighing.

    He continued following the group, staying five feet back to not ruin any chance of detection. The smell wouldn't be a problem with the drunken two, and minor the guards.
    07/16/2015 10:54 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "Oh my, I'm going to say to myself that can't be Leopold," said SR sighing. "However, if people like him are here, then there has to be some sort of meeting,"

    "Oh wait, I already knew that!"

    "I'd be happy to accept some tea and talk," said Raxyn. "Besides, it won't be like it would be such a problem if I did,"
    07/12/2015 9:06 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    Raxyn shrugged while smiling. "I've had to meet her to allow entry past the gate, I'm here on business and technically a visit from Vulgrim to drop a package to you,"

    "Hopefully to not give heart attack..."

    SR clenched his fists. "Foreign, seems like Hyp's getting some good ally of the like that like what he's doing or just getting other to work with,"
    07/10/2015 7:28 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "Well, as long as I get the package here and I don't give him some sort of a heart-attack, I'll be fine... Hopefully" said Raxyn shrugging. He began to look normal, like he hadn't talked to Vanarauniel at all.

    "The Invisibility will be on for a good long while regardless of me being some distance from you," said SR.

    "Don't move too much, good luck..." he began to quickly walk off, almost like a jog down the way they came easily on merge of stealth and of course barely any sound.
    07/04/2015 9:04 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "Huh, that actually doesn't seem bad at all," said SR thinking for a few seconds.

    "Alright, I should be able to get right back to your side immediately!"

    "Er well, I am a member of the Kro'Lecht lands, I am a thirteen if it wasn't obvious, I'm supposed to be an assassin,"

    "I'm on mission from a man named Vulgrim to get this package to your father,"
    07/02/2015 7:05 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "I don't know his first name, and I'm sure Raxyn doesn't either when he met him," began SR bluntly. "I feel like waiting in the room would be good, but also at the same time a minor issue,"

    "Regardless I doubt we have much time anyway..."

    "If racism wasn't already enough from the humans," said Raxyn shrugging his shoulders while walking.

    "I can't tell a difference of if strength brings others together or weakness, also don't really want to find out,"
    07/02/2015 10:08 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "Yay..." said Raxyn sighing. "So, Your not proud of having strong magical power to immediately kill or get rid of a powerful foe?"

    "Wait, hold that first question off, are you the only High Inquistrix?"

    SR looked about and thought. "Well, seeing the minor lack of people up and about in the castle, I'm sure they are having some sort of meeting or something,"

    "I know he doesn't have a wife anymore, give or take, His daughter is in hiding, don't know what else he'd have as a family..."
    07/01/2015 8:35 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    'I'm a soul, how am I supposed to take a break?' thought SR to himself.

    "Vanarauniel, Has a nice sound when said," said Raxyn. "What do you do as the High Inquistrix? If that's allowed to be answered,"
    06/30/2015 9:46 pm
    Level 31 : Artisan Ninja
    Shomanakillah's Avatar
    "Yeah, I'm fine, I just saw an ally of mine... ish..." said SR continuing to walk. "Onwards with the... mission..."

    "I'm Raxyn Shadowthief..." said Raxyn clenching his teeth.

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