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Level 2 Apprentice Explorer

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    Sir Tutto
    01/20/2015 8:33 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Sir Tutto's Avatar
    Name : Tutto
    IGN : tutto200
    Skype : Tutto200

    I would be happy to help you develop some story ideas too. And what is your youtube name?
    Sir Tutto
    10/05/2014 11:04 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Why do you want to be staff: I want to be staff so I can support the roleplay community of your upcoming server. Your idea is something I've always wanted to do and participate in, thus I feel inclined to do so now.

    Skype: Tutto200

    IGN: tutto200

    Name: Tutto

    What position are you aiming for: I am aiming for a high roleplay position in psychology. In doing this, I will be able to intrigue the interests of new players and provide an ongoing plot with veterans. Outside this, I am happy to help organise the roleplay system and introduce new players to the in game world.

    Age: 14

    Maturity Level: High

    Why should we except you: You should accept me as I am a hard worker, cooperative, and retain the skills required for a roleplay staff position.

    Previous experience: It is definite to say I have no lack in roleplay and literature. I am constantly watching new television shows (mind, not the childish kind), reading books, posting on roleplay forums and playing on minecraft (where the majority are RP servers). In terms of the role I seek to play, I have been studying psychology (e.g. Sigmund Freud, Erik Erikson, etc) as a personal interest.

    Any additional info: I would like to learn more about your plans and perhaps help create the roleplay system.

    EDIT: I just realised you changed the application format. If you want me to change/add anything I am happy to oblige.
    Sir Tutto
    09/09/2014 12:59 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Adipose (Doctor Who)
    Sir Tutto
    09/09/2014 6:46 am
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    Jabba the Hutt

    (7,000th post )
    Sir Tutto
    09/06/2014 5:42 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Sir Tutto's Avatar
    Nickname: Tutto
    Skype: Tutto200
    Age: 14
    YouTube: Sir Tutt
    Map: I honestly don't mind, however, if you are looking for recommendations we should try walls.
    Recording: Sure
    Sir Tutto
    09/06/2014 9:18 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Sir Tutto's Avatar
    IGN: tutto200
    Position(Builder or Actor): Actor
    Age: 14 (my voice has broken)
    Skype: Tutto200
    Can you handle "Cussing"?: Yes, it doesn't bother me in the least.
    Can you take jokes and criticism?: Yes
    Maturity: I am very mature though not afraid to make a joke.
    Humor: Perfectly intact
    Acting skill: I'm a decent actor with confidence in speaking (this being told from past public speaking experiences). I am also able to incorporate verbal expression.
    Previous work: At the moment I am seeking experience
    History with story lines (In them or not): Here's where I have ALOT of experience. The majority of my free time is spent roleplaying on lore rich forums and Minecraft servers.
    Sir Tutto
    05/16/2014 11:30 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Add more description (some grammar and spelling would help) to your application and you will be accepted.
    Sir Tutto
    05/16/2014 5:07 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Sir Tutto
    05/14/2014 2:59 am
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    Sir Tutto
    05/12/2014 6:28 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Full Name: Tui
    Gender: Male
    Age: 14
    Skype: Tutto200
    IGN: tutto200
    Maturity: My maturity, in accordance to my consideration of the word, is at a high level, however I do enjoy having a good joke.
    Timezone: WEST
    Country: Western Australia
    Why do you want to be an actor: I would like to be an actor so I can be apart of this production and contribute to the Machinima. With all the elements here, I see a spectacular movie in the making that will be sure to engage viewers.
    Role(Look at bottom of post: Nick
    Sir Tutto
    05/12/2014 2:47 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    As you haven't seen Sherlock (I highly suggest you should) it will be difficult for you to build, however judging from your spawn I think you will do just fine. I will send images of the movie (sets you will be replicating) to you via Skype, along with the rest of the details.
    IGN: JackIsCoolio
    Age: 14
    Skype: (not required) jackissofrigginepic
    Have you seen the BBC Sherlock series?: Yup
    Previous builds: (required)
    Why you want to join: Recently I've been thinking "What's the point of just building? What is it accomplishing... does it even matter in the long run?" and I feel like building something like this to entertain and please people watching the Machinima series is good and purposeful
    Other: -/-

    Well written application, and your thoughts on 'purpose' adds quite well. In addition you have seen the Sherlock series, thus I believe you will be a great asset. Like m4zz3, I will contact you through Skype (I expect you will be sending images of builds there).

    Hey, my name is Pixel Kid and I love to build 40s build and ultra realistic builds so I hope you will chose me and I DONT GRIEF I HATE GREIFERES

    If you wish to apply then please fill out the application.
    Sir Tutto
    05/03/2014 10:08 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Sir Tutto's Avatar
    ☞Applying for?: Body Actor
    ☞Your age?: 14
    ☞Your IGN?: tutto200
    ☞Your Skype?: Tutto200
    ☞Why to join?: I would like to join this production as it is based around a fascinating story line; crime, detectives, and the unorthodox. I am a great fan of the Sherlock Holmes books (the original Arthur Conan Doyle and new), as well as the many variations of movies and series (especially the BBC Sherlock written by Steven Moffat - seeing you're a Whovian you doubtlessly know who he is).
    ☞Any more you want to tell?: As a result of watching and reading the stories I am well knowledgable in the dynamics of crime, and so if you should require a writer, dialogue writer or plotter, feel free to consider me.
    Sir Tutto
    12/02/2013 2:33 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Bethana is right. I, like you, only like the (strict) RP servers. All you need is a little initiative and go look for it yourself in the Roleplay category.
    Sir Tutto
    11/25/2013 6:05 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Hunger Games,
    Hunger Games Catching Fire,
    Doctor Who 50th Anniversary: The Day of the Doctor,
    Upside Down,
    Captain Philips.
    Sir Tutto
    11/10/2013 7:54 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Quest writer

    Age: 13
    IGN: tutto200
    Quest Example:
    Investigating the Missing Party

    You look at the man in utter amazement as you instantly recognise him as Lord Morgarath, surpreme leader of the Kingdom's army. He makes his way towards you, his face baring the look of worry. You see his luxurious clothes, showing his statuer in the realm. You almost feel intimidated by his presence but you somehow remain decent and brave as you too, have gained such respect. "Ah, alas I have found you adventurer. Yes I have heard of your exploits," he says yet still you have the feeling of his mind elsewhere. "Now I need to ask a favour, in fact a quest. I sent a rally of troops out to Feransath three days ago and ever since, without word of their travels. So...I fear something might have happened to them on their way. As I heard of your arrival I was filled with joy as I had found the sollution. So what do you say adventurer? And the quest doesn't come without rewards." You take a minute, taking it all in until finally you answer keenly, "yes." The man's face lights up as he thanks you graciously. "Well adventurer, you better be off while it is still early. That way you may return here by nightfall. Be careful. Farewell." Lord Morgarath turns around and walks off through the same way he entered and you can't help but feel excitement as you begin your new quest. To investigate the missing party.

    About yourself: I live in Australia, am an avid reader and lover of writing. I also (and obviously) play Minecraft which is absolutely awesome. Most servers I go on are RP medieval fantasies or such, combining two of my loves. I want to become a Quest Writer as it best suits my passion and skills thus I believe I can do the job well. If you do decide to accept me I promise to be loyal, hardworking and dedicated.

    A side note: I do hope you put aside my age and judge me on my work only. Thanks.
    Sir Tutto
    11/10/2013 7:42 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Event Manager

    1). Name: Tui

    2). In Game Name: tutto200

    3). Age: 13

    4). Gender: Male

    5). Location: Australia

    6). Skypename: Tutto200

    7). How can you help?: I am able to come up with fun, creative ideas to make events, all based around the server's lore. These events will be sure to include everyone on the server while also arousing curiosity and opinions in the players.

    I am able to communicate well my ideas and can work well with the staff to get their help and expertise to create events.

    I can notify the server's community by putting word out presented in many ways (oral, signs, builds, themes, lore, etc). I can do this in advance, allowing the community time to discuss it and prepare, while spreading the word amongst themselves.

    8). How much experience do you have in that category: I have not been in this exact position before, however, I have been ranks such as admin and mod where I have had to organise and create events.

    9). How can you show me what you can do?: I may not [immediately] be able to show you, however, I can create an example, individually for this server.

    10). Tell me something amazing about yourself: I am a creator of ideas, organiser of events and a stimulator of fun and interest.
    Sir Tutto
    10/24/2013 9:40 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Sir Tutto's Avatar
    Position: Writer
    IGN: tutto200
    Age: 13
    Skype?: Tutto200
    Time Zone: WA
    How long have you played MC?: Ever since 1.2.5
    Past servers you've worked on: I have previously been Lore Writer on an adventure map Rise of the Zombie Pigmen, MedievalKingdoms RP, 4Kingdoms, and a few others which I can't remember.
    Are you willing to committo theserver?&(How much per day/week): In terms of writing, yes, I am willing to commit as much time as you want
    (In your opinion) How mature are you?: 9
    Are you knowledgeable in history; such as, ancient civilizations, different time periods,etc. (If so 1-10): 8, I have a great understanding of history/historical events and my knowledge especially varies in Greek, Roman and Egyptian culture and mythology.
    Extra information about yourself?: I'm an avid reader, have been reading the Game of Thrones (nearly finishing book I) and have read countless other series. I take a great interest in a television series Doctor Who, which coincidentally, takes a similar plot, travelling through time to important periods of history and interacting with them. Overall I really love this unique idea and would love to see how it goes!
    Sir Tutto
    10/18/2013 12:02 pm
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    Sir Tutto
    10/18/2013 11:25 am
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    Sir Tutto
    10/16/2013 6:49 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
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    Thank you, it worked I've joined Naground and am currently building my residence in Nothingham.

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