spaceboy_ty's Avatar
Level 12 Journeyman Prince


Sup, we're rats.
We are a system of 500+ people and we collectively use plural they pronouns.
We usually go by BlackRose or Rat.
Our body's birthday is in May and we are 21.
We care for three cats, a dog, and a bunch of plants.
Our Twitter is @whoabihhtz and our Instagram is @jackdawjames.
We drink tea.

We don't make skins anymore :/


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/ Text randomness time /

12 things I know about you

1.) You are on my page

2..) You can't make your tongue touch your nose.

3.) Fool, get your tongue back in your mouth.

4.) You didn't notice the extra dot next to the number 2.

5.) You are laughing and think you are so stupid.

6.) you can't say the letter "O" without separating your lips.

7.)You attempted to do it.

B.) You didn't notice that on number 6 that you is

not capitalized to start the sentence.

9.) You think you are stupid and your laughing at yourself

10.) You didn't realize that there was no period after

the word "yourself" in number 9.

12.) You didn't notice that you skipped number 11.)

13.) You checked to see if there is a number 11.)

14.) You can't believe you missed that, and are laughing right now.

15,) You might not of realized that number 8.) was really number B!

16.) You are getting tired of laughing so you just smile.

17.)You start laughing again.

18.) You missed that on number 15.) it says 15,) with a comma.

19.) You are mad that you are so stupid

for missing all of the mistakes.

20.) You are laughing.

21.) Don't worry... a lot of people fall for it.

22.) You just realized that on the top it says 12 things I know about you...

when really there is 21!

ha ha ha ha! fool!
please repost this on your page if you fell for it;).png?1828806360

----♥♥-♥♥----Put this
---♥♥---♥♥---on your
---♥♥---♥♥---page if
---♥♥---♥♥---you know
-----♥♥♥-----who's died
----♥♥-♥♥----or is suffering
---♥♥---♥♥--from CANCER

/ Gif randomness time /

espeon_blackwhite_animated_frontumbreon_blackwhite_animated_frontflareon_blackwhite_animated_frontvaporeon_blackwhite_animated_frontjolteon_blackwhite_animated_frontleafeon_blackwhite_animated_frontglaceon_blackwhite_animated_frontNinfia / Sylveon Animated by Thundrbolt

Image result for markiplier gifsYou WISH!

Related image#me

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Jul 31, 2016Joined PMC
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