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Level 7 Apprentice Explorer

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    07/19/2014 2:55 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
    SpaceNinja123's Avatar
    Never Mind problem fixed still tell me how to fix it just in case it ever happens again thanks
    07/19/2014 2:33 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
    SpaceNinja123's Avatar
    05/19/2014 6:36 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
    SpaceNinja123's Avatar
    Application Denied Didnt Give Me A Real Proof Sorry
    05/19/2014 6:32 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
    SpaceNinja123's Avatar
    IDSFTW your application has been denied sorry.
    You didnt give me a real ip-address sorry
    05/09/2014 12:50 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
    SpaceNinja123's Avatar
    02/11/2014 7:49 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
    SpaceNinja123's Avatar
    Happy Gilmore enough said
    10/10/2013 7:02 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
    SpaceNinja123's Avatar
    It depends what mood im in but most of the time coca cola
    09/29/2013 10:15 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
    SpaceNinja123's Avatar
    What position are you going for=Plugin Manager
    Do you have experience about running a server?
    Yes I have ran multiple servers and know alot about plugins, advice and know what a server needs to be successful.
    How can you help the server= I could set up plugins, moderate the server if mods arent on at the time, help give suggestions for mini-games and how to run them and what maps we should have. And overall be a plugin manager
    Age: 12 (I know it sounds young but im mature)
    Skype: Nope sorry.
    09/28/2013 8:43 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
    SpaceNinja123's Avatar
    Tree Pal most people dont have powerful enough computers to run a great server but you could find a hosting company and ill be willing to help with that and when people run servers on there computer it literally kills it cause even a gaming pc like mine it can run a server but not on full 8 gigs of ram like my computer has for 24/7 and most people dont have powerful enough internet to run a non-laggy server sorry to tell yea but your better off going with a host... Dont get me wrong people do have servers in there house that can run a fantastic server like a powerhouse put most people dont and if you want donations for your server some companys have in there contract that you cant make money off running anything using there internet like a server for example you are using there service to make money off of it and thats not allowed for most companys like my internet company has in there contract that I cannot make a server and make money off of it in some words not the same exact words as I put but you get the point if you want a good/cheap minecraft host go with plugandplay or hosthorde. They are both really cheap and not laggy which is awesome. They dont come with Ddos protection but its a great starting point. If you have any questions just message me and ill reply as soon as I can to help you and I will be willing to help on your server
    09/26/2013 8:06 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
    SpaceNinja123's Avatar
    09/11/2013 10:42 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
    SpaceNinja123's Avatar
    Look up YouTube tutorials. Even though you dont have enough ram you can rent a server from a hosting company now im a good plugin manager if I do say so myself but Im creating a server right now with just me and a friend but you need to know about servers to create one it doesnt matter how many people you have if you have stupid people you'll never get anything done but you need a balanced team Plugin Manager, Builder, Staff and etc but you get the point you need a team but im gonna give advice to you get a cheap minecraft host like hosthorde and make it private then switch to another host when you make it public and check the amount of ram you used on that server but if you want help I would be happy to help if you supply the server and give me the ip I know alot about servers and how to run them. Now if you dont have money or cant run a server then yea your kinda screwed unless you have a job or someone to do it for you not alot of people do that these days its rare you find someone that can provide the perfect server. So but I think you can do a great job making a server but if you need help with plugins im the guy. But just make sure you have a great team or your gonna waste money because if you use a host the longer the server takes to build the more months your gonna need to pay for without any donations.

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