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Level 1 New Miner

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    06/13/2016 12:11 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Thiscutelab's Avatar
    1. Age (Does Not Need To Be Answered) 12 (13 in two months)
    2. Skype (Please Tell Us We Need It For The Roleplay) Thiscutelab
    3. How Long Are You On Minecraft Usually (Please Answer) It depends. I only get on when I have something to do, so around 3-4 hours or however long I can.
    4. Are You Okay With Your Username Going On Youtube (If Not Please Don't Apply) Yes I am.
    04/09/2016 2:07 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Thiscutelab's Avatar
    Name: Mallory Robbins (Username Thiscutelab)
    Gender: Female
    Age: 14-ish
    Appearance: (Picture advised) ... yXq8QBBR4Q My skin ... com_84.jpg What it should be
    Backstory: Mallory is an orphan who lives with her pet wolf. She has no friends yet and would be yandere if she had enough courage.
    One Line Summery: (Not needed( Shy, Short, Sweet, Cute-ish?, and weird.
    Anything Else:
    Powers: (If supernatural)
    Transmogrification (Shape-shifting) Telekinesis

    Backstory: (Uhmm, doesn't need much does it? Ugh I'll put some info instead?!?!)
    Her father died and her mother disowned her because she hated her child.
    Info: The school has dorms. Four people per dorm. It has PE, Art, Math, Science, S.S., Language Arts, Lunch, Sometimes Prom (Oooo), Computer Lab, and Music.
    Takes place in Japan. LAHVE DIS INFO!!!
    04/09/2016 1:42 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Thiscutelab's Avatar
    Name: (Username) Thiscutelab (Role-play name) Mallory Robbins
    Age: 13
    Appearance: Purple hair, A black hoodie, Purple eyes, Hourglass shape, Small (About 5"2) and freckles over bridge of nose.
    Backstory(Try to go for two paragraphs at least):
    Mallory is a young girl who lived in the city. Every day when she went to school, She would be teased for her hair or her height. When she would go home to her apartment, her mom always had something new to fight with her father about. She felt like she was different, and she was scared because it seemed her mom was always angry at her. Her parents got a divorce and she had to go live with her father. Her father got her a small pet , A kitten named Delilah, and many books on fairy-tales that made life seem like it was worse.

    Mallory Started to read the books every day and She would curl up with Delilah. One day her father, Who worked as a Veterinarian, fell ill and had to be taken to the hospital. They could not find a cure for this mysterious disease, and her father died. She was sent back to the city to live with her mother, Who ripped up the books and almost sent the cat out into the city. Mallory did not go to school and could not do anything until her mother left for her job. Mallory decided she was only mad at her because she lover her father, and thought her mother was cruel. she tried to get rid of everything that her father had given to her.

    Mallory read of a school for wizards and had never believed in it until A small raven came up to her while she was sitting on a bench in the park and dropped a piece of paper on her. her mother would never send her to this school called... Ravens nest. [The rest depends on if I get in or not] Edit: She got the note because if she gets in, she can turn into animals but never finds that out untill if she does.

    Unique/mutated magic( Can be blank): Mogrification
    Items you have brought: Picture of family, Small bag of home-made cat treats, and the school supplies.
    Pet(You can leave this blank): Delilah, Her cat.
    Notable family members(Can be left blank) Dead Father and Cruel mother.
    Anything else?: Mallory is a shy girl who is interested in her studies.

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