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Level 1
New Architect

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    09/29/2012 11:05 pm
    Level 1 : New Architect
    Trueaim1's Avatar
    Guess my old post didnt go through

    IGN: Trueaim1
    Building skills: 9, no one is perfect
    Maturity: 9.5
    Age: 17
    Why do you want to help: Because i love building and i want to work on a big project. I build in a medieval style with alot of detail.
    Pictures of your builds: None, they got erased when i had to buy a new computer.

    Thanks and i hope you consider me.
    09/29/2012 8:44 pm
    Level 1 : New Architect
    Trueaim1's Avatar
    How many hours a day can you play? 6-8 hours
    Experience:Co-owner twice
    Why should i chose you? Because i think you'll find me to be a fair, respectful admin. That also helps people in need, while still following server rules.
    What different can you make? I am probably one of the best builders i've ever seen. I build in medieval style, with alot of detail, cities-land.
    What are you best with in a server? Building, and helping others/managing while owner is offline.
    Overall rating out of 10: 9.5... cause nobody is perfect
    09/29/2012 6:47 pm
    Level 1 : New Architect
    Trueaim1's Avatar
    IGN: Trueaim1
    Age: 17
    How long have you been on the server: Never been on, just started looking for a builder position on forums.
    Reason for wanting this position: Because I love building. I build in a medieval style, and ive built many big projects before (no pictures because i got a new computer and i lost all of them). I feel that i am a very good builder, also very different than most people i see.
    Experience: Co-owner twice, and ive played minecraft for around a year now.
    Contact info:
    Dedicated time: 3:30pm to 1:00am
    What you can bring: A very diverse builder who can build almost anything, with great detail and hard work.
    Proof of work: Well no pictures, but if you look at FusionProductionVid, one of his older videos showcases i town i built in under an hour in survival mode.
    Skype name: N/A
    Xfire: N/A
    Steam: N/A
    09/20/2012 4:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Architect
    Trueaim1's Avatar
    Name: Deryk Dubie
    Age: 17
    IGN: Trueaim1
    Skype: None
    Why do you wan't this positition: Because I would like to be able to help servers in need. Im a great builder (medieval style, mostly nordic or imperial)
    Previous Admin experience, If so which server? : Co-owner twice, both servers are closed though because of the contract expiring.
    Will you be dedicated to us?: Yes. Im online everyday from noon till whenever, unless i have basketball that day or practice.
    Are you suitable for this positition? : I think i am, no one has ever had problems with me, i treat everyone fairly, and they respect that
    Will you respect the moderation rules we set?: Yes
    We need good admins, what makes you special? : Friendly, and a very good builder, ive built mainy cities and towns before and everyone is always in awe from it.
    Tell us something about you: 17, I have a good gaming computer, i live in Canada, have been playing minecraft since it was publicly released.
    What's your interests/hobbys: Basketball is my daily thing, so if im not doing that im in school (grade 12) or on minecraft.

    I hope you are okay with all that i have said, and i hope that i can join
    07/03/2012 12:04 am
    Level 1 : New Architect
    Trueaim1's Avatar
    Minecraft Name: Trueaim1
    Age: 17
    Location: Canada
    Skype: Nope, I don't have a mic
    How often you play Minecraft per week?: Everyday
    How much time would you dedicate to this?: Most of my time unless im out playing basketball.
    Experience and Pictures: Well i dont have pictures, but if you search FusionCraftProductionsVid, i built a huge town on his old server and help out with some projects.
    Why are you a better builder then anyone else:
    I use alot of design into my builds, I use a Medieval/Nord theme and do it very well from what people have told me.Do you Promise not to negatively affect the server in any way?: Yes i promise, i have never been banned from a server.
    Other Info: I have made a city before with a friend on a server but that server isnt there anymore.

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