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    06/17/2014 6:12 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xBarcodeHD's Avatar
    Hey man, not trying to be rude, or mean, but I think that you shouldn't organize your staff opportunities by age, but by maturity. Example: I have seen 12-15 year olds that act and behave like 20 year olds. Like I said, not trying to be rude, I just have a pet peeve for people who judge by age not maturity, thanks.
    03/06/2014 6:38 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xBarcodeHD's Avatar
    Thanks! Message me on skype please!
    03/06/2014 6:33 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xBarcodeHD's Avatar
    Name: Alex
    IGN: lbpalexcool
    Age: 13, but very mature.
    Experiences: I have been staff on countless numbers of servers, but the two main ones I was staff on was BlizzCraft (Had around 10-20 people on at any given time, and I was Moderator), and BeastlyCraft (Had around 10-15 people on a any given time, and I was Admin.) Besides those, I can't remember of any I was on at the moment, but I was Admin at least 2 other times.
    How long have you played Minecraft?: I have played since around April 2011, so almost 2 years.
    What would you do if someone was spamming chat?: If someone was spamming chat, I would first warn, them to stop. If they continue, I would mute/kick them. If that happened a third time, I would mute/kick/tempban/ban, only tempbanning/banning with approval from a higher rank than me.
    How active can you be? I can be on for a good amount of time. Weekdays I have usually be on for 1-4 hours, depending on if I have homework or not. On weekends, I can be on for 3-6 hours! (Sometimes I'm out with friends)
    Anything else to let us know?: Please do not decline because of age. I am very nice, respectful, responsible, and loyal. I'm also fun! Although I'm serious when it comes to watching a server, etc, I can be fun as well! I love to have fun on Minecraft!
    Hopefully this application has persuaded you to wanting me in the Void! Thanks for reading! ~Alex
    03/06/2014 6:31 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xBarcodeHD's Avatar
    theDigitalGhost, did you read my application?
    03/05/2014 6:37 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xBarcodeHD's Avatar
    Pre Mod Application:
    Minecraft Name: lbpalexcool
    Skype: minecraftman907
    Moderating Experience: I have lots of experience! I have been Admin, Mod, etc on many servers, but the two main servers I were on as a staff was BlizzCraft (Closed, 15-20 people on at any given time, I was Moderator), and BeastlyCraft (Closed, 10-15 people on any given time, I was Admin). I'm very nice, and mature. If someone was spamming I would warn them. If they did it again, I would warn them again or mute/kick. If it happened one more time, I would kick/tempban/ban, but I would tempban/ban with permission from a higher rank from me.
    Time zone: Central
    Time/Date available for interview via skype: Probably in a few hours, is this with a skype call or messaging?
    Thanks, and I hope you consider!
    03/05/2014 5:50 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xBarcodeHD's Avatar
    1) What is your IGN? lbpalexcool
    2) How old are you? (Age doesn't affect) 13, not a squeaker though.
    3) What timezone are you in?* Central
    4) How often will you be on (Truthfully)? I can be on quite a bit! From 1-4 hours weekdays, and 2-6 hours weekends (unless I'm gone because I'm out with friends).
    5) Do you record on Youtube? (If so, channel link)* I have a channel with 52 subs, so I'm willing to record. http://www.youtube.com/user/xBarcodeHD
    5) Why do you want to join BlockHaven? Because I think it will be an amazing experience for me and you guys to play. I think that this is a great idea, and haven't really seen a post like this that has a promising future! I think it will also be a good way to expand our YouTube channels!
    7) Do you promise to follow the server rules? Yes, whatever you say I will follow! I'm very mature, but also have a fun side. Also if we are messing around having fun, and I get killed, don't worry I'm not the type of guy who rages and yells at everyone therefore ruining a video, etc that we are making.
    8) Do you have skype? Yes, it's minecraftman907 (I was young when I made it).
    Thanks, and I hope you consider ~Alex
    03/05/2014 5:28 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xBarcodeHD's Avatar
    1). Age? 13, but mature. Please do not disprove just because age.
    2). Gender? (Optional) Male.
    3). Minecraft Multiplayer experience? I've been playing Minecraft overall since April 2011, so almost 3 years, but multiplay for about 2 years.
    4). What position are you applying for? Any position you think is right for me.
    5). Why do you deserve this position? I deserve this position because I am nice, loyal, respectful, and responsible! I have been Admin and other Staff ranks on many servers, but the two main servers I were on before they closed were Blizzcraft (15-20 people on at any given time. I was Moderator), and BeastlyCraft (10-15 people on at any given time. I was Admin). I know most common plugins, such as Citizens, WorldEdit, and Essentials, but I can learn more (I am a very quick learner!(I forgot pEX because I quit Minecraft for about 4 months, but if you ever need help I can relearn it))! If someone was spamming chat, I would first warn them and if they continue, warn them once more or kick/mute. If this is a severe problem I would kick/tempban/ban with permission from a higher rank for the ban/tempban.
    6). Are you active to Minecraft? Yes!
    7). How many hours do you play daily? (Weekday and Weekend) I can usually play within 2-4hours on weekdays (Some days none because of homework) and about 3 to up to 8 hours on weekends (Some days I'm might be out with friends).
    8). Do you own your own server? I don't own a server, but I used to! I did own two servers in the past, but they fail because I was hosting from bukkit, and my Wifi couldn't support the server. I haven't tried a professionally hosted server, but there is maybe a possibility that I could pay for one.

    Thanks, and I hope you consider! ~Alex
    03/04/2014 11:01 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xBarcodeHD's Avatar
    Hey man that was way uncalled for. After being opped, I was getting friends in the server and let them fill out an application. They were done and I told the Owner to check the applications. He then ignored, so I said it again he ignored. I asked him if he heard me, he said "?" so I told him one more time. He then mutes me and deops me. I then apologize for something that I should have apologize for and ask him what he wants me to help with. Guess what he IGNORES. I'm trying to help an Owner get a popular server, and he just acts like a kid ignoring and abusing. I would not recommend going to this server. P.S. He says he is 15, but I'm sure he is not.
    Not trying to Flame, but I thought telling people about his immaturity is necessary.
    His username is FabbeoBasse.
    03/04/2014 5:22 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xBarcodeHD's Avatar
    Says I don't have enough permissions to join the server.
    03/04/2014 4:49 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xBarcodeHD's Avatar
    Hey man, this should go in the "Shops and Banners" Thread.
    03/04/2014 4:03 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xBarcodeHD's Avatar
    This should go in the Servers Thread. This Thread is for recruiting positions in your server.
    03/04/2014 3:27 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xBarcodeHD's Avatar
    Hey man when your server is up can you PM me the server IP, although I'm to young to be a staff member, I still think your server will be great! Thanks.
    03/04/2014 2:59 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xBarcodeHD's Avatar
    Sorry, just now saw the age limit, sorry about that.
    03/04/2014 2:58 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xBarcodeHD's Avatar
    Minecraft IGN: lbpalexcool

    Rank you're interested in: Any one you think I'm appropriate for. Mainly a Staff rank, so Mod, or Admin.

    Why do you want this job?: I want a Staff rank because I feel that I would would be well suited for it. I have been Staff on many other servers such as BlizzCraft (Closed but Mod), and BeastlyCraft (Closed but Admin.), and many more that I can not remember at this time. I am very mature, and nice. I know how to stop a bad situation such as someone griefing, spamming, typing all caps etc. I stopped playing minecraft for a good 4 months, but I still know most commands such as World Edit, Citizens, Essensials, etc. (I'm a quick learner). I would always respect the players and higher staff ranks than me and would never abuse. Overall I think I should be a staff member because I would be very dedicated and just overall great!

    Do you have any credentials (references)? Yes I have been Admin, Moderator, Operator, etc on many servers like BlizzCraft (Fairly popular, had around 15-20 people at one time, but is now closed. I was Moderator.) and BeastlyCraft (Had around 10-15 people on, and I was Admin.) These were my main servers that I was dedicated too, so I can't remember previous servers that I was staff on at the moment.

    Skype Name: *IMPORTANT* ~no mic required: minecraftman907

    Your Age: *Be honest* I'm 13, but I'm very mature, don't make this the only reason you don't accept me. (I don't really sound like a 13 year old if that matters.)

    Thanks, and I hope that I will be seeing you on your server whether or not I get a staff position!
    03/04/2014 12:26 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xBarcodeHD's Avatar
    This should go in the Server Recruitment Thread.
    03/03/2014 9:08 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xBarcodeHD's Avatar
    I don't know if this is already a server thing but maybe a server with Apocalypse games??? Maybe like one game where the sun slowly destroys everything and you have to survive as long as you can with friends or solo. I'm probably sounding stupid right now. lol.
    03/03/2014 9:04 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xBarcodeHD's Avatar
    I'm pretty sure that this should be in the Server Recruitment Thread.
    03/03/2014 8:42 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xBarcodeHD's Avatar
    What are you recruiting for?
    03/02/2014 10:30 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xBarcodeHD's Avatar
    What kind of PC do you have?
    03/02/2014 10:08 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
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