Zaria811's Avatar
Level 7
Apprentice Artist

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    06/25/2012 9:20 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    Zaria811's Avatar
    I would also apply for builder and skin maker but, I don't know how to take screen shots and I have not made a post-apocalyptic skin before.
    06/25/2012 9:17 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    Zaria811's Avatar
    AGE: 16
    IGN: Zaria81196
    Have you ever acted in a movie before: No, but I act for theatres
    Are you perfect for acting without talking for an hour: I suppose, but I don't really understand why I have to be over 17 to do so.
    04/28/2012 9:55 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    Zaria811's Avatar
    Okay, it will take me awhile to do all these, I will PM each of you when they are done. <3
    04/25/2012 5:19 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    Zaria811's Avatar
    Can I join? My IGN is Noahs722.
    04/25/2012 4:39 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    Zaria811's Avatar
    IGN: Noahs722
    How Long Do You Play For: 3-5 hours per day
    How Long Have You Been Playing Minecraft: about a year
    How Often: Almost everyday
    Are You Good With Redstone: Not really
    Whats The Biggest Thing You Made: A Bank for a town I made, I am currently on my castl which will oversee it
    Are You Good With History: Yes
    Do You Have Any Good Plugins I Should Use:
    Other: I am an amazing builder, I love RPing, I don't grief, out of ten I am 9 in maturity.
    Age: 16
    Where Are You From: America
    04/22/2012 7:34 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    Zaria811's Avatar
    1. What is your in-game name? Noahs722
    2. Have you read the rules and do you agree to follow all of them to the fullest extent? Yes.
    3. Extra Information: I am very mature and LOVE to roleplay I am also not a griefer.
    04/22/2012 12:35 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    Zaria811's Avatar
    What are you applying for: Co-Leader, Farmer, Spy?
    Age: 16
    Skype: No, I have MSN though (Same thing)
    Have you done this before: I was a co-leader of a faction before. As well as an admin for multiple servers.
    Anything else: I am very mature. Very Creative, Attend a school dedicated to any form of art. I am very skilled at in game architechure, I am onlie every day from 3-6 pm and 7-10 pm.
    04/22/2012 12:32 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    Zaria811's Avatar
    You guys skipped over my app over on pg 6 do you want me to copy and paste it?
    04/22/2012 12:20 am
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    Zaria811's Avatar
    I would love to be a queen! I will be getting my own account by May but for this account I could be a prince or duke. (I use my little brothers account) I am very dedicated and on basically every day for at least 3 hours... lol. I love roleplaying.
    04/21/2012 9:05 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    Zaria811's Avatar
    What are you applying for: Co-Leader, Farmer, Spy?
    Age: 16
    Skype: No, I have MSN though (Same thing)
    Have you done this before: I was a co-leader of a faction before. As well as an admin for multiple servers.
    Anything else: I am very mature. Very Creative, Attend a school dedicated to any form of art. I am very skilled at in game architechure, I am onlie every day from 3-6 and 7-10.
    04/21/2012 8:54 pm
    Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
    Zaria811's Avatar
    IGN:Noahs722 (Gonna Change)
    age: 16
    PVP skills 1/10: NA
    Raid skills 1/10: Na
    what position your applying for: Farmer or Builder
    why do you think that you should have that position?: I am awesome at Farming, as well as landscaping and architecture. Maybe this can get me promoted to head of the farmers and builders.

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