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    10/06/2013 10:21 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ze_MC_Master's Avatar
    What about caps"lock"? ;P
    09/15/2013 10:45 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ze_MC_Master's Avatar
    Why do you want to be mod here:
    I want to become moderator on a new server to help it start up without spammer, capsers, hackers and other unwelcomed players. I also love helping other players to play on the server without any question marks in their head. I will be non tolerant against racism, disrespect, advertisers and other players that sours the community
    What can you bring to the server:
    I will try to bring players and make sure that we all have a good community on the server without racism and disrespect towards other fellow players. I will bring new ideas that could help the server. (I just need to think some out first) I will aswell try to as good as I can at moderating I have NEVER abused my staff power on any server I have ever been staff on.
    Past Experience:
    I have been Head-Admin on my friends server ( I wasnt friend when I got moderator on his server, but with time my rank grew and I started to become more friend with him aswell) I have been Moderator on a big server called Gizmo that has about 200 as its most. I have been Guard on the same server for about 6 months and you have the same commands as a mod
    How long can you play each day?
    About 3-4 hours
    CEST, Sweden (+1)
    08/17/2013 2:15 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ze_MC_Master's Avatar
    Your IGN (In Game Name):
    Position aiming for:
    Prior experience:
    I have been Head-Admin on one of my friends server, I got moderator before I was friend with him. When I raised in rank, I started to become more friend with him. I have aswell been Moderator on GizmoZombies and Guard on GizmoPrison, so I have alot of experience with Prison servers
    Why you're interested in this project:
    I am intrested in this project because I really want to help a server out.Im so bored when I play minecraft so why not help a server out a bit by becoming staff on the server
    What can you contribute:
    I will be able to build the prison and the spawn. I will be able to contribute in making rules and Lores. I will be able to help when it comes to plugins.
    08/16/2013 4:36 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ze_MC_Master's Avatar
    How many times before have you been staff:
    I have been Head-Admin on one of my friends server (I got mod on it then I ranked up slowly as I started to become friend with him) Moderator on 1 server that is still up and running, called GizmoZombies (I got demoted for inactivity :/) I am aswell guard on the same server hub, the server im guard on is called gizmoPrison, you can google "Gizmoservers" For it to show up


    IG: Ze_MC_Master. IRL: Tim (but if you skype with me, please call me ze )

    Skype(Must Have):

    My timezone is CEST and I live in northern swedish

    Maturness 10/10:
    I would say I'm about a 9, I am very mature and good at my job when I must, but when I'm off duty I like to fool around :3 I'm aswell a good partner in Ex. SG and other minigames. I picked 9 instead of 10 because no one can be a perfect ten unless you're a Army general or something like that.

    Additional info:
    If I get staff I will be able to help you with plugins, spawn, advertisement, voting for your server, Diamonding it, helping players as much as I can, helping staff that is lost. I would more than happily become a high ranked player so I can help people without needing to wait for a high ranked staff to come up. But if I dont get high ranked, I will aswell accest like mod or admin. The I will make sure that all questions that I cant answere reaches you or the Head-admin/Co-Owner
    08/15/2013 5:21 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ze_MC_Master's Avatar
    1) Your age? 15
    2) Country? Sweden
    3) Skype? Tomten2998
    4) Interested in voice acting or building? (both is fine of course ) I can do both acually. My mic is quite good
    06/27/2013 10:27 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ze_MC_Master's Avatar
    I'm aswell the Co-Owner, so I will aswell be accepting all of your applications :3
    06/27/2013 8:10 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ze_MC_Master's Avatar
    14 and a half
    CST (+1)
    Previous staff experience:
    I have been everything from helper to Co-owner on variouse servers
    Why you believe you deserve the position:
    I personally think I'm very mature, good at helping players and staff in need, building (if the architects ever needs assistance) very experienced as I have been all staff position. I can sometimes come with ideas hoping to make this server more popular. I will aswell help new moderators if they ever have any questions how to do their job (Since I have been mod on lots of server before)and help the players that are in need of help,
    Why you believe that you can handle the responsibilities:
    I have been Head-Mod before and I know how to manage the moderators
    Additional abilities:
    Can't think of any atm xD
    Skype (and other forms of contact):
    Skype: Tomten2998 and Steam: Ze_Master
    Additional information:
    I'm from Europe, Sweden
    06/26/2013 11:23 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ze_MC_Master's Avatar
    I am from Sweden (Europe)
    My skype is Tomten2998

    I am experienced with moderator from several servers, I have aswell been everything in staff exept owner, I have been Mod,Head-Mod, Admin, Head-Admin and Co-Owner. I havn't been all of them on the same server of course.
    06/25/2013 7:59 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ze_MC_Master's Avatar
    14 and a half
    Maturity 1-10:
    Will you be careful about who you hire:
    I will be as careful as I can, I wont hire anyone with a record of greifing on McBans. I will aswell make sure that they have enough info in their applications, I have been working on another server as Moderator and watching alot of applications. If I think they have too little information in their applications, I will decline it staright away, if they have enough information and no record for greifing on McBans, I will consider accepting it, if you give me a limit of who will be accepted, I will make sure that only the best of the applicators gets it. It doesn't matter if they say "I might donate" Because if they say that, its rare that they will acually donate.
    What will an app look like for mod and admin:
    Do not ask me in game to look at your application! It will give you less of a chanse to get the position

    In game name:
    Rank applying for(Mod, admin):
    Do you have any experience with being moderator/admin:
    Why do you want to get mod/admin
    Why should just you get mod/admin:
    Additional info:

    I will look at your McBans record, if you have anything that says you have been banned for greifing, you will get declined!
    Do you have experience being in a position like this:
    Yes, as said above, I ahve been moderator on a serer and one part of the job was looking at applications, so I know how a good/bad application looks like
    Do you work well with others:
    I work really well with others, I barely rage and I never abuse. The only thing that can make me a bit mad is when people lie to me!
    Can you handle disputes well:
    I can work really well with disputes, I will make sure to listen to both storys of the thing that have happened. I will decide who I belive and make sure that the one that is lying gets his punishment
    Additional Information:
    My timezone is CST
    06/25/2013 7:23 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ze_MC_Master's Avatar
    You repiled to my appeal but you never said if it was accepted or denied :C
    06/24/2013 11:10 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ze_MC_Master's Avatar
    Ze_MC_MasterIn-game name: Ze_MC_Master
    Age: 14
    years playing MC: I dont really know how many years, but I have been playing MC since 1.7.3 beta (That's a long time if you ask me ;P)
    Short reason why you think you deserve the role: I think I deserve this role better than anyone else because I am very experienced with both plugins, commands, rules, helping people, being an active part of the community, helping other staff that has problems, being nice with both players and staff and I am the person who is very kind, understanding, not the type that like to be rude to others, never rages and never abuses
    Rank you want: Head-Admin
    If you cant have that rank, what other rank would you like: On-Duty Admin
    Gender: Male and may I ask you why this is important?

    Firstly welcome!
    Now i would like to point out that it may be a good idea to stay away from phrases such as "I think I deserve this role better than anyone else because" (just suggestions it may deter some people!)

    secondly to your gender question...the answer is very simple, i dont want to many players of one gender and vise versa. Plus i think it would be good to make sure a female gets a high ranking role rather than giving them away to males. Simple diversity.and everyone knows a female CEO would keep things well organized, better than any man hahahaha x3

    Im sorry that I put "I think I deserve this role better than anyone else because"
    I put it there to say why just I would get the rank, it wasn't meant to be offencive against anyone.
    06/24/2013 10:39 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ze_MC_Master's Avatar
    In-game name: Ze_MC_Master
    Age: 14
    years playing MC: I dont really know how many years, but I have been playing MC since 1.7.3 beta (That's a long time if you ask me ;P)
    Short reason why you think you deserve the role: I think I deserve this role better than anyone else because I am very experienced with both plugins, commands, rules, helping people, being an active part of the community, helping other staff that has problems, being nice with both players and staff and I am the person who is very kind, understanding, not the type that like to be rude to others, never rages and never abuses
    Rank you want: Head-Admin
    If you cant have that rank, what other rank would you like: On-Duty Admin
    Gender: Male and may I ask you why this is important?
    06/17/2013 1:34 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ze_MC_Master's Avatar
    Sweden (But I can speak and chat in english quite good)
    I will try to be as active as aI can, this seems like a fun idea and I'm quite bored atm.
    your interests in MC:
    Redstone, mining, PvP and archery
    what will you add to the faction:
    I'm a great archer on both long and short ranged, I will aswell supply this clan with iron and diamonds if so needed
    What class do you want:
    Archer and if I can't get that, I'll take miner or DiamondMiner
    Will you follow the Rules:
    I will follow the rules as much as I can
    will you be kind to other Faction members:
    I will try, unless they are disrespective against me
    06/17/2013 11:39 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ze_MC_Master's Avatar
    I will tell if this gets accepted
    I would say 9/10
    CST +1
    Sweden, so I hope you will bypass some grammar mistakes (English is not my base language)
    I am applying for a higher rank than Admin, I would like to be given Head-Admin, but if that's too much to ask for, I'm more than happy with getting Admin
    Why do you want it.
    I want to be give his rank so I can help develope this server into the shape it should develope into. I have seen Spammers/capsers that just log on to clog up the chat with their pointless talk. I want tho make sure that doesn't happen while I'm on (If I get staff) I will aswell be as active as I can on this server. I have summer break now so I will be able to log on more often. I will aswell be none tolerant against racism or disrespect. If I see someone constanlty disrespecting a fellow player, action will be taken. I am aswell good at solving problems that I can solve, if it's a problem that only a OP or higher can fix, I'll make sure to pass it on to them and not just forget about it.
    Why do you deserve it:
    I would be a great add on to the server staff because I'm good at helping people and making sure that they are having a wonderful time playing on this server. If they don't get help they might leave straight off and never come back. That wouldn't be good for the servers infrastructure. If we don't get more players on to stay, the server might go down from lack of money (Will probably never happen, but might) I am aswell good at making sure that all rules are followed, because the rules should be taken seriouse, they are there to make sure that the server is enjoyable to play on. If the server is clogged up, everyone will leave., because it's not fun seeing hackers that are ruining it for other players. I will make sure to ban as many hackers as I can.
    I have been Head-Admin on one of my friends servers (I got staff long before we acually knew eachother) and I'm guard on GP, that have the same commands as a mod, hey cant just use it when a Mod is active.
    Extra Info:
    I really hope you reconsider what you think about this, because I sat for about 20-30min making this appeal, so please don't deny it straight on.
    06/14/2013 7:13 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ze_MC_Master's Avatar
    *What experience do you have with running servers:
    I have lots of experiences running a server, I have been Co-Owner with my friend that had run 3-4 server's and I have been Co-Owner on all of them,if I have any problems with any Plugin I'll ask him, he almost made a succesful prison server with working ranks and plugins that made the whole server work.
    *What requirements would you make for staff position:
    My requerments when I hire staff is that I will first see so they are dedicated on this server and not just logs on for the rank, then I will make them apply with a similar appeal like this, but with more questions you needs long answeres, then when they are accepted on the forum, I will ask them some questions IG to make sure they havn't copied the pasted the appeal so they would easily get staff on our server.
    *What type of server would you make:
    I would like to make it into a Faction and minigames server with ne world as Factions where you can play with your friends on a nice friendly server and one world with Minigames like Hunger games that contains maps made by me and staff, some maps I would take from other server like Vareides originally map. Parkour, very stressing but aswell very addictive.
    Additional Information:
    I would happily accept this server as mine to make a very succesful and wealthy server that is able to maintain lots of players and money (hopefully lots of money)
    06/11/2013 8:59 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ze_MC_Master's Avatar
    14 and a half
    Rate your english 1-10:
    I belive my knowledge of english would be 10, considering the fact that I'm a swede
    Rate your building skills 1-10 Not needed tho we have a build team hired :
    I would be about 7 ou of 10 on that scale, I build sometimes, but I suck at building something creative xD
    Skills :
    Being an active part of the community, helping staff and players that are in need of an helping hand once ina while, Redstone! I got lots of knowledge about restone tell me something and I will try to make it for you (Might not end well 1/10 times)
    Rate your permissions 1-10:
    8/10, I don't know what you mean by permissions, but it must be what a player can do and can't.
    Rate your plugin experience 1-10
    9/10 since I know a fair amounth of plugins.
    What permissions plugin do you use :
    I'm using Groupmanager and Worldguard.
    What are your favorite plugins :
    My favorite plugins are WE (Worldedit), Worldguard, Groupmanager, Voxelsniper and Multiverse
    Have you ever owned a server :
    I jhavn't owned one, but I have been a Co-Owner to one and helped setting Groups and Worldguard barriers. I did things that ordinary staff should do aswell, like banning/muting people and Helping those who needed help
    How many hours per day can you be on :
    About 4-5 hours a day
    06/10/2013 5:19 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ze_MC_Master's Avatar
    14 and a half
    Will tell if accepted
    Head-Admin or admin, your choise
    Why your good at it:
    I'm good for this position, because I have been Head-Admin on another server before, so I know what a higher staff member should do if its trouble inbetween a staff meber and a player or if anyone needs my help
    Maturity :
    Can you work with, Factions,world edit...:
    I know all those pluging and you can add Worldguard and Voxelsniper
    Why I should pick you!:
    I would be a great add on to the server staff because I'm good at helping people and making sure that they are having a wonderful time playing on this server. If they don't get help they might leave straight off and never come back. That wouldn't be good for the servers infrastructure. If we don't get more players on to stay, the server might go down from lack of money (Will probably never happen, but might) I am aswell good at making sure that all rules are followed, because the rules should be taken seriouse, they are there to make sure that the server is enjoyable to play on. If the server is clogged up, everyone will leave., because it's not fun seeing hackers that are ruining it for other players. I will make sure to ban as many hackers as I can
    06/09/2013 12:32 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ze_MC_Master's Avatar
    I have been a head-admin on one of my friends servers. I started off as moderator and I then grew in rak until I finally got Head-Admin and we started to become friends. I am aswell moderator on a hub server called Gizmoservers. I have been moderator on that hubserver for 2 months
    Proof of experience
    If you go on Gizmoservers.org and take staff list you will find be as A-Guard, its the same as mod, but we cant use /mute when a mod is online.
    Why we should pick you
    You should pick me because I would be very dedicated to this server and make it grow into the same shape as Gizmoserver is atm. I know alot of basic and non basic plugins. I will aswell help you kep this server clean from Capsers, hackers, spammer and advertisers to make this a server enjoyable to play on
    Tell us about yourself
    I'm a 14 years old boy that just got Summer break. I love playing minecraft, I have played it since 1.7.3 beta.
    06/08/2013 12:49 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    Ze_MC_Master's Avatar

    Position applying for:
    I am applyig for Admin and if the position is open, I will happily take Head-Admin

    Maturity (1/100)*:

    Previous servers worked on*:
    I have been working on a server called Gizmoservers. Its a very successful server hub

    Why you want to help us*:
    I recently got fired from my last staff position and I'm feeling like I won't give up after getting fired from 1 server, so I decided to help another server to develope into the same succes as the last.

    I want to be staff so I can help develope this server into the shape it should develope into. I have seen Spammers/capsers that just log on to clog up the chat with their pointless talk. I want to make sure that doesn't happen while I'm on (If I get staff) I will aswell be as active as I can on this server. I have summer break now so I will be able to log on more often. I will aswell be none tolerant against racism or disrespect. If I see someone constanlty disrespecting a fellow player, action will be taken. I am aswell good at solving problems that I can solve, if it's a problem that only a OP or higher can fix, I'll make sure to pass it on to them and not just forget about it.

    I would be a great add on to the server staff because I'm good at helping people and making sure that they are having a wonderful time playing on this server. If they don't get help they might leave straight off and never come back. That wouldn't be good for the servers infrastructure. If we don't get more players on to stay, the server might go down from lack of money (Will probably never happen, but might) I am aswell good at making sure that all rules are followed, because the rules should be taken seriouse, they are there to make sure that the server is enjoyable to play on. If the server is clogged up, everyone will leave., because it's not fun seeing hackers that are ruining it for other players. I will make sure to ban as many hackers as I can.

    How long can you play each day*:
    I am able to play for about 4h/day and 28h/week
    Other Information:

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