Minecraft Mods

Teleporter Tools v0.5

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planc_'s Avatar planc_
Level 25 : Expert Ninja
Here I present some simple teleporting tools:

- Teleporter Wand: A wand that can teleport between levels
- Teleporter Plate: A pressure plate that can be placed at any ground and random tp player when they activate pressure plate
- Arrow of Teleportation: An arrow that will random teleport an entity

Here is the feature so far in the pre-release:

1. Teleporter Wand

This wand can be crafted using a blaze powder at the top, a stick at the middle, and a chorus fruit at the bottom of the crafting slots that are arranged in the same column. The wand has a durability of 35 uses and can be mended using the similar method of other durable tools. Without any enchantment, the teleporter wand can only teleport the user up one level if there is a non-air block (includes any fluid type) and an air block on top of the solid block. Otherwise, the player will be teleported 10.5 blocks above to the air. Each use triggers the blindness and slow-falling effect temporarily. With Ascend enchantment, player can go up one level without any status effect. With Descend enchantment, player will go down one level instead of up.

2. Teleporter Plate

Teleporter Plate is a random tp pressure plate whose teleportation distance can be change based on the block below the plate. Teleporter Plate can be crafted with 3 Ender Pearls in the top row, and in the row right below it, 1 Blaze Powder in the left slot and the right slot, 1 Light Weighted Pressure Plate in the middle slot. There are 7 teleportation strength:

- BASIC: 5 to 15 blocks - place on any block that is not stated in the rest of the teleportation strength
- WOOD: 15 to 80 blocks - place on any wood block
- LOG: 80 to 250 blocks - place on any log block
- IRON: 250 to 800 blocks - place on an iron block
- GOLD: 800 to 2000 blocks - place on a gold block
- DIAMOND: 2000 to 5000 blocks - place on a diamond block
- EMERALD: 5000 to 12500 blocks - place on an emerald block

3. Arrow of Teleportation

Arrow of Teleportation teleports target upon the contact of the arrow. With a normal bow, the radius of teleportation is 5 to 10 blocks. The lower and upper limit of the range increase by 5 for each Punch enchant level. This arrow cannot be crafted and must be obtained from a skeleton drop that is killed on an End Block or any derivatives of the End Block.

1. Minecraft Fabric Loader 1.15
2. Compatible Fabric API
3. A working computer

How To Use
Just like any other Fabric mods, place the .jar file into the mods/ folder.

Future Bug Fixes: v0.6 - v1.0
This version is almost finish. All basic functions have been coded. If there are feature request, please do leave some in the comment section. Thank you!
Creditmy mother, my family, and my cat
Progress80% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.15

5 Update Logs

Update #5: Multiplayer Update : by planc_ 05/20/2020 8:25:09 pmMay 20th, 2020

This update features multiplayer compatibility and teleportation
fix. Previously, teleportation is done by sending teleportation request
packet to the server, and then I realised this is not possible in
multiplayer? And why add the hassle when Entity.teleport is
already available? It is because sometimes when you walk on the
Teleportation Plate, the server does not teleport you, but strangely
when I removed this and used vanilla teleport method, it worked. I could
not recreate the same bug.

If you have encountered the similar or another kind of bug, be sure to leave a ticket at the issues tab.

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