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the best temple ever made

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Huudie's Avatar Huudie
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
iknow, this is pretty insane.
CreditNiche for the sick tree, and probably helping me with WE
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05/07/2017 9:24 pm
Level 43 : Master Network
hooptiecoupe's Avatar
erhm.. i wouldnt say its the BESST temple ever made.

but, it is a really good temple. I like your build style and i def. look forward to seeing you post more of your creative designs. You have a nice build style. But.. don't get a full head. Its not the best.
There ALWAYS room for improvement dude.

Take a look at temples made by blockworks or AriaCreations... those would be more on par with
"the Best temple..blah blah blah..."
05/07/2017 9:27 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
Huudie's Avatar
Haha, thank you for the kind words, the title isnt ment to be taken literal<3

But yes, I will post more in the future, and I love building in original styles with rare palettes, so expect more of that!

I love blockworks stuff, havent heard about AriaCreations tho so I will check them out!

Thanks again homie
05/07/2017 10:01 pm
Level 43 : Master Network
hooptiecoupe's Avatar
Look up Grian on youtube. i got a lot of great ideas watching him.

A lot of it is in the FINER details of the build. like.. throw down some flora on that flat grass.

or place some random vines.. or decor'. the fine details can make or break the BEST builds.

I think you might really like Watching grians tutorial videos. He's a great builder.
05/07/2017 10:55 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
Huudie's Avatar
i will check him out for sure!

this build is about 1.5 years old, but im planning on making a 2.0 version of it which is gonna be way better:)

thanks again!
05/08/2017 12:09 am
Level 43 : Master Network
hooptiecoupe's Avatar
Dang, if this is how you built almost 2 years ago. I bet your a lot better now? :)

I'd love to see some of your newer work.

that'll be really cool to see how you change the build based on your new build style. :)
I love doing that too. looking at old maps that i still have from like?.. 2 -3 years ago and then
updating ..tweaking them. its neat to look back at how i used to build and then see
how i build now.

I think thats probably the part you'll enjoy the most if you start updating this build.
Thanks for sharing. didnt know it was an old build. you should mention that in the detail info of the page.
05/08/2017 12:54 am
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
Huudie's Avatar
it's very enjoyable indeed! probably going to be in a way bigger scale. im excited to get started on it but its probably going to be some time as I have alot unfinished projects laying around here and there:)

everything I will make from now on and in the future will be posted :) probably with more serious titles h3h3
05/07/2017 9:26 pm
Level 42 : Master Goblin
Niche's Avatar
No, this is the best temple ever made. Kthxbai
05/07/2017 10:03 pm
Level 43 : Master Network
hooptiecoupe's Avatar
watcha smokin on bruch cause i wanna get at sum of dat. :)
ugh.. one day PMC will let us downvote.. erhm.. dislike comments.. I really wish that was a thing.

though, in hindsite.. i'd probably have a TON of disliked comments :D
05/07/2017 11:00 pm
Level 42 : Master Goblin
Niche's Avatar
Do I have to be smoking something to realize a player has potential?

Though, I know this player's potential personally, as I actually know the guy.
You could say anyone's builds is shit compared to Blockworks, so I don't know why you have to take a title so seriously, and make comments like

"Im about to NEVER click on ANYTHING you post just cause the titles are sooo...
not correct."

So if anyone's smoking anything, I can for sure say it's not me.... Cause me? I'm chill... You though? I don't know.
05/08/2017 12:05 am
Level 43 : Master Network
hooptiecoupe's Avatar
your quite right.. anyones builds is just about shit compared to blockworks.
But then again.. thats also a TEAM of builders.

But.. when a title says "its the BEST build ever...when it knows its NOT."... its a clear clickbait. and i don't do clickbait titles.

I kinda figured you knew the guy irl. based on your comments and defensive position your taking.
and ya.. you HAVE TO BE SMOKING SOMETHING when you say:

"No, this is the best temple ever made."

you didnt say:" the build/player has potential... you said.. "its the best build ever.."
and thats why i said you were clearing quite high. :) Bruh calm down bruh. go get a cookie.
05/08/2017 12:52 am
Level 42 : Master Goblin
Niche's Avatar
no u get a cookie.

Make sure it's got some dat good green stuff in it, because bruh.. You needa chill.
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