Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

The Medieval Mansion

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Seb103's Avatar Seb103
Level 47 : Master Wizard
May I present: The Medieval Mansion

This is actually the design I use for my personal base in my survival world.

I’ve been perfecting this design for about 1 year, so I hope you like it! 😊

It is semi-based on the size and theme of the Woodland Mansion, but completely different.

The mansion is exactly 4 chunks x 4 chunks (64 x 64 blocks). And is 2 sub-chunks (32 blocks) in height.

It is divided into 3 floors; the ground floor, the upstairs 2nd floor, and the attic.

The ground floor measures 56 x 56 blocks and is considered the ‘living area’ with all the obviously necessary features.

The second floor measures 60 x 60 blocks and is considered the ‘storage area’. I call it ‘the stacks’ because all the chests remind me of library ‘stacks’ of books. There are 16 rooms, all identical (except for the contents of the chests), and each room has been allocated a different category of blocks/items that it will store. Each chest is supposed to store one type of block/item (you can always replace the chests with barrels if you prefer), and there are more than enough for every block and item in Minecraft!

The attic also measures 60 x 60 blocks, has no use yet, and I’ve left it empty (except for the log frame that supports the roof, the lighting that prevents mobs spawning, and the chimney in the center). So you can build whatever you want in it.

The roof measures 64 x 64 blocks (4 x 4 chunks), is made from Dark Oak Plank blocks & slabs, and is covered in Dark Oak pressure plates to prevent mobs spawning. The chimney does reach a few blocks beyond the 32 block height of the mansion, but I don’t really consider it a part of the mansion, because it isn’t necessary, and it could be lowered or raised, depending on personal preference.

Not only is the mansion designed to fit within 4 x 4 chunks (and 2 sub-chunks), each floor is designed to be half a chunk (8 blocks) in height. So; 1 block for the floor, 6 blocks of space, and 1 block for the ceiling (timber ‘joists’). So the first floor is 8 blocks in height, the second floor is also 8 blocks in height (1 sub-chunk total), and the attic is 16 blocks in height (also 1 sub-chunk). Which makes the mansion 32 blocks high.

I could have added a basement, but I didn’t know what to put in it.

The materials used to construct the mansion are primarily; Stone Bricks (for the strong, sturdy base), Stripped Dark Oak Logs (for the frame), White Terracotta (for the ‘wattle & daub’ medieval-style wall ‘cladding’), Oak Wood Planks (for the floors), and Dark Oak Planks (for the roof).

I made sure that the wood frame of the mansion, would actually make sense irl, and theoretically be able the support the weight of the structure. Which is why the wood logs allign vertically on the outside walls with each level, and the windows between them also allign. The horizontal log ‘joists’ that support each floor, also allign with each other between the three floors, and are supported with internal, vertical wood logs, walls, and chest wall ‘frames’. It took a lot of time to design this correctly so that everything was in the proper allignment.

I decorated the ground floor the way I like it, but you can always re-decorate it the way you like it. I also surrounded the mansion with a bunch of farms, to create a nice example of what it could look like in your world.

The brown carpets on the 2nd floor and on the beams in the attic are to prevent mobs spawning.

There are 4 underground beacon pyramids at the corners of the mansion, which I’ve set to Speed II, so you can run around more quickly.

Here are the Categories of the storage rooms on the 2nd floor:

















The ‘MOBS’ & ‘CUSTOM’ categories are not needed in Survival, so they don’t have rooms. And some of the categories contain so many blocks/items that they need two rooms (ie. STONE, WOOD, ENCHANTMENTS & COLORFUL). One of the images above shows how I arranged the rooms. FYI: in this download, all the chests are empty.

Here are the parameters of the world I placed it in:

MC Java ed. v.1.14.4


Super-flat world.

Y = 0 – 5: bedrock

Y = 6 – 60: stone

Y = 61 – 63: dirt

Y = 64: grass

Decoration: on

Structures: off

Bonus chest: off

Biome: ‘Giant Spruce Taiga’ (looks cool with the tall Mansion)

/gamerule doFireTick false

/gamerule doMobSpawning false

/gamerule doWeatherCycle false

/gamerule doDaylightCycle false

Hope you like it! :D

Progress100% complete

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07/26/2021 5:20 am
Level 23 : Expert Architect
Nitrojon's Avatar
whoah large dude i have never seen this build in my life keep it upp
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