Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

The Stalker (Minecraft Multiplayer Mini-Game)

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Redstone Studios's Avatar Redstone Studios
Level 45 : Master Engineer

The Stalker is a minecraft minigame which you have to kill all the survivors or maybe survive the Stalker's Invasion. The Stalker needs to kill the survivors to win in less than 5 minutes while the survivors find a way to survive the attack.
From The Stalker, The Stalker has multiple abilities to choose from :

1: Heal - The Stalker has a potion that can regenerate his health to full again.
2: Summon - The Stalker has 12 Zombie eggs that he can use against the survivors, Although, This is not really recommended because when you spawn a zombie next to you, He'll attack you instead of the survivors.
3: Poison - The Stalker has a throw-able potion that will affect the survivors by poisoning them also giving them nausea for a short time.
4: Scream - The Stalker has a potion that will damage the players, freeze them in place, and blind them for a second.
5: Teleport - The Stalker has a stack of ender pearls to move around the map easily and to escape a survivor ambush. (Will damage your health, please don't escape the map using this)
6: The Rift Demon (Costs 100 Points) - The Rift demon has 4 different kinds of swords with different kinds of abilities. He also has 2 special potions that can take 1 player to the abyss. and one player to the Rift, The teleported players will die instantly, In a horrible way.
7. More To Come!

The Stalker can also choose to have no ability, in this way, the stalker will have to use his fists.


The Survivors are the only one's left in the world. (Not really, In this game they are.) they have several classes to choose from but, These classes need to be bought with certain amount of points (Don't worry, these are in-game points.) depending on their abilities and strength. :

1: The Tech - The Tech can set-up traps using his instruction book, Has Normal health, Runs fast, and has a sword to defend himself.
2: The Buster - The Buster likes to smash stuff away, He can move iron blocks, Strong, Slow, and uses his fist to protect himself.
3: The Scout - The Scout is a agile person, He knows his way with holding a bow, He is fast, And strong.
4: The Blind - The Blind is Strong, Fast, And blind, He uses a sharp knife from his kitchen to protect him from the stalker.
5: The Injured - A survivor that has only a few more minutes to live, He uses his remaining strength to protect his team-mates, He is strong, Fast, and Has a "Rage" option that will kill anything in one hit, He can attack his team-mates, And has only 4 hearts left.
6: The Police - Hey look! The Police are here! The Police Officer has a special ability, He can interact with things within the map, He is strong, Has 2 Different Guns, A Police baton, And has 16 hearts of health.
7: The Supernatural (OP CLASS) - The Supernatural class is the most powerful class in the game, This Class is used for a fast and easy round, If a player chooses this class, A Warning message will go throughout the game, And has the same abilities like the stalker.

Point System

Points can be obtained in multiple ways.

-Earning kills by being stalker
-Surviving the stalker attack
-Helping your team-mates


Current Maps :

1) Meteors - Made By : Redstone Studios
2) Space Attack - Made By : Redstone Studios
3) Chasm Run - Made By : Redstone Studios

Send Your Maps!


1: Don't Escape The Map (Play Area)
2: Don't Break Blocks
3: Don't Place Blocks
4: Don't Cheat Points (If You Know How To Use Scoreboard :/)
5: No Mods (This Is Recommended To Avoid Bugs From The Map)
6: Don't Change Time (/time set - I Use Daylight Sensors, So It Might Break The Map!)
7: Brightness 50% (For Better Gameplay :/)
8: Music : Off (Who Would Like Peaceful Music Playing In A Horror Map?)
9: No Sore Losers (This Is Important)
10: Have Fun! (My Favorite Rule!)

Skins :
The Stalker

MAP APPLICATIONS (Get Your Map On The Game!)

The game has currently 3 maps (which are mine), But if you would like to add your map into the game,
Please send me a message containing the map download link and a description of the map, Your map must follow
the requirements, These requirements are required so i can make your map compatible with the game because of the Tech and Buster class.

Requirements :

Not too big and not too small.
small (1x1) holes, (Mark these holes using red wool)
Iron-Block Doors (2x2)


If You Want To Support This Project, Click The Diamond Button And Share This To Your Friends!.
If You Could Provide A Video About The Gameplay Soon. That Would Be Grateful.

Additional Notes

If you liked this project, kindly Subscribe, Favorite and diamond it. Thank you for all the support! If you have found any bugs, msg Me.
Progress100% complete

14 Update Logs

Conversion : by Redstone Studios 02/25/2014 3:40:41 amFeb 25th, 2014

A New Version of minecraft is coming!
sadly, this version changes alot of things that might make this map break.
So i have started converting "The Stalker" to 1.8 meaning : changing alot of commands from the game.
While converting, ill be adding alot of new things using the /particle command which might be fun!
Ideas :
/particle command to make the stalker spawn with smoke
New classes for The Stalker
New classes for The Survivors
New Maps
Make use of the new spectator gamemode :)
Replace meteors from the map : "Space Attack" to perfect spheres

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05/26/2014 3:00 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Crafter
Wiimasteeer's Avatar
Dude do you play roblox cause murder mystery and stalker were made on roblox before you made these games
05/27/2014 5:37 am
Level 45 : Master Engineer
Redstone Studios
Redstone Studios's Avatar
Yes i do, i got inspired because roblox players did get inspired by the game of GMOD so many people like minecraft and many people also like roblox. So i had to make another version of the roblox games and convert them into minecraft so people would enjoy the game better than going to have to switch between games.
02/28/2014 5:43 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Dwarf
spires33's Avatar
1 turn off music 2nd turn on horror bells
02/28/2014 8:41 pm
Level 45 : Master Engineer
Redstone Studios
Redstone Studios's Avatar
horror bells? xD
02/11/2014 3:32 am
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Creeper
tesla_block's Avatar
So Awesome ☜ʕ◕ᴥ◕ʔ☝
02/11/2014 6:52 am
Level 45 : Master Engineer
Redstone Studios
Redstone Studios's Avatar
Thanks for your feedback :D!
01/21/2014 4:30 am
Level 38 : Artisan Giraffe
MrGlue's Avatar
This layout of making a custom map is old... you should definitely start watching videos of the new commands to make the map run smoothly and more efficient. I suggest checking out a guy called Dragnoz, he is god when it comes to map making.
01/21/2014 5:12 am
Level 45 : Master Engineer
Redstone Studios
Redstone Studios's Avatar
Thanks, I'll start editing and minimizing some of the circuits later.
01/21/2014 5:41 am
Level 38 : Artisan Giraffe
MrGlue's Avatar
What i do is get all the commands first then i make a long version of it the i smallerise it :)
01/08/2014 8:12 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
Description12's Avatar
Planet Minecraft


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