Minecraft Servers

Cubox Minigames [1.7.4]

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HipsterFlygon's Avatar HipsterFlygon
Level 20 : Expert Taco
Cubox Minigames [1.7.4]
Status Offline Pinged: 12/21/23
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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24/7   | DDOS Protection   | Custom Plugins   | Organised



About Us:

Cubox is a brand new minigames server composed by and experienced team of server specialists including builders and developers.


We use custom plugins to make the server fit together better than your regular minecraft server.


We run all our servers from a lag free, 24/7, dedicated host in France.

Note: The US version of Cubox will be available after around 1 month.



We currently run 3 minigames:


Free For All

Our custom plugin allows you to spawn in a random location within the Free For All arena and battle to the death for cash. Every time a player dies within the free for all arena they drop a golden which when picked up automatically gives you regeneration 4 for a few seconds. Your statistics such as kills, deaths and your KDR are all stored in our database. You can check your stats at any time using the command /ffa stats. For the more hardcode pvpers out there we have also formulated a plugin which allows you to check your ping and that of others by typing /ping or /ping <playername> on any one of our servers.



Our lag free skyblock server is perfect for playing on by yourself or even with friends! There is also a range of different achievements you can obtain throughout your journey! There are also lots of awesome features at spawn such as parkour and tons of Easter eggs! Unlike many skyblock servers Cubox also offers a Shop with a large variety of blocks for you to use on your island so that you are not limited to cobblestone and dirt like on a lot of servers!



This is a fun minigame, which takes literally seconds to get into! More maps are added almost daily as we both accept them in our forums and build them ourselves.


There are also staff positions available on the server however they are not always as easy to get as many people may want. However, with dedication to the server you are almost guaranteed to get a rank. In fact, we have an automatic system, which promotes regular, devoted players to staff! This is explained bellow.




Becoming staff on Cubox
On many servers you can simply make a staff application and get

accepted instantly. This is not the case with Cubox.
This is how you get staff:

Step 1: In order to complete step 1 you will need the supporter rank.
This is reasonably easy to achieve. To get the supporter rank you will
need to rack up 50 "points". Points can be gained in the following

Donating for Premium or Premium+ : 15
Donating for Legend or Legend+ : 25
Getting referrals from players : 2 per player
Building a map for the server : 5
If your map/build is accepted you get an extra 20 points.
Making a youtube video on the server: 5
Writing a server review for Planet Minecraft or Minecraft forums (Only
1 per website): 3
Developing a plugin for the server : 30

(NOTE: No plugins will be accepted which do not have full
documentation of what the plugin does along with the source code. A
list of the plugins we need can be found in the forums under the topic
"needed plugins". Do not post finished plugins on the forums. Instead,
email the code to support@cubox.org.uk)

How referrals work:
Every player has a unique username. If you tell your friend to join
Cubox and tell him to type [/refer (yourusername)] you will get 2
points. He will also get a reward : $300 in game money. You refer as
many players as you want, however, you can only be referred ONCE.

Once you have 50 points you should be able to get the supporter rank
by typing /rankup in the main hub.

Yes. That was only step 1.

Step 2. Once you have the supporter rank you have to gain another 100
points and be a "well know member" on the forums to get to the helper
rank. Once you have 100 more points type /rankup to get from supporter
to helper.

Step 3. Getting the moderator rank can be quite challenging. The best
way is by find your way into the Staffs Skype contact lists. The best
people to target with your funniness and niceness are the higher
ranked staff. These include developers such as Funergy, sub server
owners such as Zeepot or ShinySpartan64, Head Admins such as Ajwuzere
and Niballaza or of course the owner, myself, HipsterFlygon. Once a
member of staff likes you they will speak to me (HipsterFlygon) and I
will personally make you a moderator.

Step 4. This is by far the most challenging staff rank to get: Admin.
It is however achievable. To get this you need to be liked by all the
staff previously mentioned. You must be at least 16. You must have
played on the server for a long time and showed mass amounts of

Well congratulations! You made it through this extensive post! Now
start your quest to get that much wanted staff rank!




Sponsorships: Anyone who can guarantee getting new players onto Cubox by methods such as a popular YouTube channel/blog/twitch will be given the chance to give away free donation ranks. (Ranks may vary on people brought in. For example: If SkyDoesMinecraft were to be a part of our sponsorship program he would be able to give away Legendary+ ranks ($150) since he is popular whereas a small YouTube would only be able to give away a few Premium ranks ($25)



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05/26/2014 2:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Zeezee's Avatar
Awesome server can't wait until its finished
Planet Minecraft


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