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Epoch of Eulyros

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LordFandon's Avatar LordFandon
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
Status Offline Pinged: 01/25/24
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Website: http://www.epochofeulyros.com/forum/index.php

Imagine if you will
: Eulyros! More than just the newly settled land of three powerful political entities and countless natives. Eulyros is the idea- that rules and systems should NOT limit the imagination if the will of the player is strong enough. True- Eulyros is a speck of land, north of Arminia (the home to Kusalom, the Church, and Landoria) but it is also the playground of the Minecraft player who yearns for a land to make it what they will! Eulyros is freedom in an RP server. So then, will you become a fierce native fighting for his homeland, a brave Kusalomian or Landorian settler looking to conquer the vast riches of Eulyros, a righteous paladin of the Church of The Holy Cube, or something else entirely!? YOU DECIDE.

Anyone can log on as a Nomad and tour the server, but to build: Simply follow the link onto our Forum, create an account and post your application using the format provided there!


------------------Our Lore--------------------

The Kingdom of Landoria:
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This kingdom represented the heartland of the Old Country. It stood for the whole of Arminian agriculture and other nature-based industries. It had a thriving population and a militia based army that could be called to action by King Elessar Shadow-Hunter in times of need- in addition ton the professional army of its vassal, The Duchy of Kusalom. After years of unprecedented growth (usually by peacefully absorbing neighboring states into the whole, while largely leaving them intact) and prosperity, it began to stagnate. A desire to, o keep things as they areo n lead to fewer and fewer expansions and new laws. Eventually several of the vassal states split off from the Landorian government and declared their independence following the death of King Elessar. Though this had been building for some time, it happened so suddenly that the new King Everin was unable to rally his civilian army to retake the states before they became established by themselves- or worse. . . be absorbed by then now independent Kusalom.
Weakened by the loss of their vassal states and struggling to hold the core heartland together, the young King Everin called upon his officials to invest heavily in the military, a faucet of Landorian life that had nalways been an-aside, or an afterthought within the royal court. Pouring a vast fortune into a more professional army with the highest quality weapons, armor, and training facilities, the Kingo s gambit succeeded in creating a force capable of holding its own- and defeating the longstanding military traditions of neighboring Kusalom. Therefore, the former vassal-states of Landoria, wishing to avoid a military takeover by Kusalom in the future, (as many of the former vassal states held no favorable opinion of the Kusalomic administrationo s expansionist attitude); signed renewed vassal-treaties and trade agreements with their former, and now current, parent and quickly flourished under a renewed Landorian banner, their taxes going to the impressive Landorian war-machine.
Now, her strength recovered, and indeed- greater than ever, Landoria seeks to conquer the rich lands of neighboring Eulyros.
To that end, Everin commanded the fielding of an expedition in 548 to be placed under the command of the celebrated veteran Landorian commander, Madfast Hillborn. As the expedition set out to the North they encountered little resistance and construction began on the Capital of New Aidolon, in memory of a land from Landoriao s past, long abandoned. From this new city- the influence of Landoria could not be denied, soon the entirety of Eulyros would be under the command of a grand Empire.

Then again. . .

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The Duchy of Kusalom, once a stalwart ally of the Landorian Kingdom, fell away from its subservient attitude following the death of beloved
Lord-Duke Nicholas Fandon in the year 540, and in 542 it too seceded
from the Kingdom and set out to conquer the lands of its fellow vassals. The Wars of Kusalomic Annexation lasted from 542-545, and when they
were completed both Landoria and Kusalom emerged as the two dominant powers of Arminia, having split the land between them. Emboldened by his success and envious of his Landorian counterpart, young Lord-Duke, Dorian Agalor Fandon, proclaimed himself Emperor of Kusalom and began ton greedily monitor the more temperate lands that belonged to the Landorians for any sign of weakness.
Then it isno t any surprise that as the Landoria Expedition prepared for nits sojourn into Eulyros, a counter-part was being created in Kusalom. To be led by the Emperor himself- a force of the fearsome Kusalomic Knights, builders, laborers, architects, and some of the greatest scientific minds marched northward, and with great bravado they built an Imperial highway from Kusalom Keep as they went to send a message to Landoria: o Eulyros belongs to Kusalom.o Settling deeper into the country then the Landorians- and locating the vast snowy peaks way up in the hinterlands, the capital of Vhoro Daen was founded.

Church of the Holy Cube:

The Church of the Holy Cube is an ancient organization that predates most of the known kingdoms of today. It has roots in some of the nearliest texts of recorded history, and its influence is far-reaching. The worship of the Church focuses around a holy block, the first block, through which the rest of the world is formed by the Gods. Though both Landoria and Kusalom rule themselves, they both host the Church of the Holy Cube as their state religion and have numerous temples, cathedrals, and churches throughout their settlements.
Many years ago, an enigmatic man named Bael Shadesorrow rose to the office of High Priest, and The Church changed dramatically under it. It has taken a much more active (and even aggressive) stance in current events, moving from subtle suggestions to subtle mandates. Over time then Church has grown into a sort of nation in its own right, even going so far as to move its headquarters from Marseni (the capital of Landoria) to a new holy city. As its influence continued to grow, the reigning High Priest became as much a player in politics as the leaders of both nations. The Church's power continued to grow unabated even through the schism between Kusalom and Landoria and their eventual peace, due mainly to the fact that Bael continued to lead the church with a strict lead for many more years than it is natural. Rumors abound that the High Priest was either not human or extending his life through unnatural means, though little if anything is known about his personal life or details. All that Bael has said to address these rumors is that the faith and furor of the Church and the Holy Cube sustains him.
Because of its close ties with both empires, the Church was inevitably brought along with them both as they expanded to the new world. Church Priests accompany the leaders of both factions wherever they go, subtly trying to manipulate the course of events in favor of The Holy Cube. Then church has no official settlements in the new land besides its bases within Kusalomic and Landorian towns, though rumors abound of a holy city called Ipsus being constructed out in the wilds.

Whether or not to ask for donations was always a source of discomfort among the Administration here at EoE. We came from a few disheartening experiences ourselves, and didn't want things to turn south when we were running a server. However, while we wish we could keep everything running without looking to our players for some help- we would be hard pressed to pass up a thoughtfully given donation.

As per our policy of full disclosure, our server costs at the time of this writing are $32 a month (pretty good for all we have right?). We would appreciate any amount that someone willingly and- unsolicited by ourselves, gives to help us meet this monthly expense. Know that this money will ONLY be spent on server-related costs. If we are thinking about an upgrade from our provider- or advertising space on a website- we will hold votes on the forums; besides that, we will pay our server costs and keep you informed about the amount within the fund- and the costs we incur, should they change. To that end, and to offer a bit of incentive, yet not spoil the robust experience that EoE offers all of its players, we have devised a donation tier system that is both fair and inexpensive. Below you will find the aforementioned tiers, and their added benefits.

Please know that Donating does not give you advantages over non-donor players. These are added conveniences that do not create a more robust RP experience, do not make you super-powerful, and do not make you better than any other player. We do need the money to keep the lights on, and appreciate anything anyone can give- but far be it from us to alienate our players from one another!

Tier #5: Yeoman- ($5 Donation)
o Locks
o Stipend of 500 Marks
o Colored forum and in-game name, so that everyone will know you donated.

Tier #4: Petite Bourgeois- ($10 Donation)
o Locks
o Shops
o Stipend of 1,000 Marks
o Colored forum and in-game name, so that everyone will know you donated.

Tier #3: Burgher - ($25 Donation)
o Locks
o Shops
o Free large area (100x100) of physical protection for a town/city/anything!
o Stipend of 10,000 Marks
o Colored forum and in-game name, so that everyone will know you donated.

Tier #2: Duke/Marquis - ($50 Donation)
o Locks
o Shops
o 3 Free large areas of (100x100) of physical protection for a town/city/anything!
o Barono s purse of 20,000 Marks
o Colored forum and in-game name, so that everyone will know you donated.

Tier #1: Emperor- ($100 Donation)
o Locks
o Shops
o 5 Free large areas of (100x100) of physical protection for a town/city/anything!
o The title of o Duke/Marquiso (for one their characters) within the Empire of Kusalom, or Kingdom of Landoria (playero s choice)
o Emperoro s purse of 50,000 Marks
o Colored forum and in-game name, so that everyone will know you donated

((Note: Donation Tier Status does not imply in-game RP authority. Epoch of Eulyros reserves the right to remove your Donor status if you are found abusing your tiero s diminutive title.))


Make sure you check out our 1st Trailer out NOW!

New event content is coming soon, join today.

Additional Notes

The newest, grandest, and one of the most ambitious RP Servers ever conceived. Log on as a "Nomad" to check out the server- and post an application on the forum to become a member. It's completely FREE to play, our donation system doesn't give anyone an advantage or more robust RP experience!

22 Update Logs

Update #22 : by LordFandon 11/22/2011 12:50:07 pmNov 22nd, 2011

fixed n and added an announcement to bottom of post.

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03/11/2013 3:36 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
LordFandon's Avatar
We're back with a new server and new ideas on how to make it work better than before!

Website: epochoftheeasternwinds.com/forums/index.php
Server IP:
04/29/2012 8:59 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Slender_Mann's Avatar
Aahhhh, This server T.T

Im so sad it was shut down, I had such a great time playing. I was the Militant-Govenor of Hillborns Rest, the town outside which the Landorian king Hillborn scrificed himself against the Templari.I was the loyal knight, Trophen, Templar of the Holy Cube, an initiate in the Kuslamic Custodions, and at one point in time, I was Grishnak 'ak Ghoul, a gnoll in one of the several roaming bands.

I SERIOUSLY want this server back up... T.T
10/25/2011 8:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TheBritishEditor's Avatar
Technician here! Keep up the good work!
10/23/2011 1:33 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Unicorn
Blueponies1's Avatar
Im waiting for thy departing of the zepplin
10/22/2011 1:19 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Engineer
LordFandon's Avatar
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