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MediWorld Survival 1.4.5

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Zanzibar's Avatar Zanzibar
Level 11 : Journeyman Architect
MediWorld Survival 1.4.5
Status Offline Pinged: 03/24/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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The server world is composed of 3 parts now:

Eredhion - the main city/spawn (no build, no pvp, mob protection etc.)
City outskirts - 5 terraformed regions surrounding the city (same protections as city, future quest areas)
Wilderness - initial building area, unprotected(this does not mean that its a nuke area, try to keep your surroundings untouched if not necessary), pvp on, no serious griefing


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Jobs (will be added soon)


- if you kill a player in wilderness, his loot is yours, dont destroy his house if not necessary to break in for kill
- unnecessary destroying of others works, as well as repeated killing for nothing is against the rules
- no hacking, no xray packs, no abusing/trolling, no cheating at all, no 1x1 pillars, no mass tnt
- if you are not sure what you can and what you cant do, ask the King (Me)
- King will act as a judge in all controversial situations
- you can loot unprotected chests
- dont build spaceships, skyscrapers or other inappropriate stuff, remember, its a medieval server, and if you are a peasant, build yourself a house or a farm or something else


Peasant - default rank, you can build in wilderness only, no protections for peasants, can fulfill tasks and quests for higher ranks and then be appointed Squire

Squire - player who assists higher ranks in exchange for protection, can build only in the area that belongs to his master, or in the wilderness

Knight - is given a house of his choice in the city, or his own protected plot of land in the wilderness/city surroundings, can appoint peasants and squires to assist them in building their estates, forts, etc., gaining materials, wealth etc., can promote Peasant to Squire

Lord - this will be the admin rank with more building and plugin permissions, rank is not ready to use right now

King - Me, Zanzibar1, the owner of the server

Now im not sure if this all will work properly because i had no chance to test it yet, consider this a beta test and please be patient with me, im still new to this. The server capacity is currently 8 places because of the reasons above, i will increase it up to 30 - 40 if things go well.

Recommended texture pack: here

Oh, and the server ip: node14.minecrafted.net:25567


Additional Notes

Medieval survival server

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12/22/2012 11:05 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Skinner
SpeediusMaximus's Avatar
Can You update It To 1.4.6 ?
12/08/2012 1:47 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Skinner
SpeediusMaximus's Avatar
For some reason I used to be able to play now everytime I try it says "Can't reach server"
Planet Minecraft


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