Sezam Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Miners and Cave Dwellers Player Skin Contest.

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MoonShadowkiller's Avatar MoonShadowkiller
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
The story of Sezam.

The skin you see is a Young elf named Sezam,
he has a poor family, he lives with his mother and 3 little sisters. they barely have food to eat so his mom signed him up for danger mining in Amilia.
Amilia is a very dangerous place but has a lot of ores that they need in the big city.

today is Sezams first day to Amilia, his mother gave him her buzhor ( that's a mix between a horse and a fly, that is a common form of transport in the elf community) He goes to the meeting point for all elf-miners. When he arrives there already are a couple of elfs present. The big chef calls out "ALL MINERS GET HERE FOR YOUR ARMOR !!” The group walks towards a little hut where they find several sets of green armor and a mili pickaxe ( that's a purple pickaxe that can also be used as a weapon to fight ). Everyone gets hyped to go to Amilia, and gets their equipment ready. They look the same but all divisions have different lighting admitting from the armor. so the leader gets a red, the explorers get yellow, and the miners get a purple. They are all standing in line and the chef gives them a stone. The stone tells the miners in which division they are placed until their stone makes contact with the armor.
There are 5 explorers, 4 miners and the chef. The miners get a red dusty bag where they put the ores in, the explorers get a little knife to defend themselves if necessary. now they are prepared and ready to head off to Amilia. when they have arrived the chef checks their surroundings, and heads off towards a big rock.

In the meantime I begin talking to a boy when we were on our way to Amilia. His name is Erin, he is a little younger than I am and was very scared. He is a miner just like me so we decided to stick together. The chef waves to the group to come over to him. He looks towards the miners and shouts: "YOU," and pointed at Erin. "Come over here and mine this stone " he demanded.

Eric walks up to the stone, grabs his mili pickaxe and hits the stone. but the stone didn't break. The chef screams at Erin to try again, and Erin lifts his mili pickaxe above his head and smashes the stone with a great force. it begins glowing, bright yellow light begins radiating from the stone. The chef tells us that this is very Important information that we must remember, this special stone is known as glowbring, this is what we need gather in the mines.
Suddenly a strong wind blows around them and everyone gets feels a bit frightened. A bush on their left begins to creak and everyone takes a few steps back, chef whispers "Explorers get your knives, and miners get your pickaxes and prepare yourselves for a fight.” a monster jumps out of the bushes, it's a dark yellow colour with a little blueish tint. The wise one of the explorer division shouts “THAT’S AN IMP." It looks like a monkey mixed with an elf and has a disfigured face that horrifies all people that see it.
We all stand facing towards the imp watching what it's going to do next. a boy by the name of Marin looks to the left and the imp turns his head right at him. When Marin looks back he jumped from it. The imp gets intimidated by him and begins charging towards him. one of them pushes him aside and pierces the imp with his mili. blood spills over his armor and he drops his mili. The chef in response says "look that's how you should fight the monsters.”
The group went further into Amilia towards a Big cave, where there are plenty of glowbrings. When they arrive it's very peaceful, birds are chirping and the nature is lovely. It doesn't take long before night falls. The chef demands, that we set up our base. We finish setting up our home base and gathered some food afterwards. the next day they went mining in the cave at first it was very nice, Sezam then finds an abandoned mineshaft. He calls out to the explorers, they were the best fit to explore the mineshaft. Erin told me he hadn’t seen the chef in a while. and i responded to him with: “he’s probably busy mining, and will surely be joining us in a bit.” after a couple of minutes they felt a breeze from the tunnel. The lights began flickering and we heard a loud scream nearby.

I grabbed Erin and pulled him to the side. We hid under a boulder and laid low. Not even a second later we heard very loud screams of agony. The lights stopped flickering and we saw 3 people sitting on the ground with their hands over their heads and a lot of blood on the walls. The whole floor was also covered in blood. The strange part was that of the 7 people that were there, only 4 remained. We were terrified but we didn’t know how we could escape the same fate. we walked back hoping to meet up with the others. On our way back we found a big open space with glowbrings in it. An other miner walked in and smashes the stones with the glowbrings in it. Erin and I began helping the miner out, and the 2 explorers that were left watched over us and secured the area. Than something started apearing I one of the unexplored tunnels. it had red lights on its body and walked towards Erin. I saw it and charged towards it. Right before I was about to impale this creature I realised that it was the chef. I put down my mili pickaxe and give him a little pat on his shoulder. I called out to the chef and he turned around. I was terrified of what I saw. that wasn't the chef any more, his face was green and full of bumps. There was a red liquid dripping out of his mouth. He tried to grab me, but i jumped backwards but he still managed to brake the armor of my right arm with his claw. It fell on the ground and I reached for my mili pickaxe and hit him with it with all the power I could. when i looked around Erin fell to the ground and the others, they had died when I was busy fighting the chef. they had a black spear trough their bodies.

I quickly grabbed the red bag from the other miner and lifted Erin from the ground. I ran back to camp. and called for help through the walkie talkie the chef had with him. I put Erin on the ground and searched for wounds.
He had a knife in his chest and it was heavily bleeding. i tried to get it out but then he began screaming so i put some bandages around the wound and put a little pressure on it. after an hour an elfen dragon arrived at the camp and 8 people with big swords and armor begun defending the camp and 2 people picked up Erin and carried him towards the dragon. I went with them and gave them the 3 bags of glowbrings than the others got on the dragon and we left on our way to THE BIG CITY..


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10/26/2020 9:47 am
Level 21 : Expert Warrior
Kom0_0k's Avatar
Good to see skin with own story. You are a strong nut
10/26/2020 11:29 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
MoonShadowkiller's Avatar
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