Ticket #1648
Status: Open
Opened by Bear_
Feature Request
6/30/16 5:30 am 6/30/16 5:30 am

No 'PC Builds' in 'Last 20 Posts' [Forums]

I have searched through the 11 pages of tickets, and was unsure whether this has been submitted before. If it has, feel free to remove/close this ticket without notifying me.

Browsing the Forums is something I do on a regular basis. I personally really enjoy to read forums posts, and to comment on them as well. However, there is one thing that is starting to bug me more and more.. On the upper right corner when browsing the forums, there is a section stating 'Last 20 Posts'. Great feature, nothing against it.

However, the thing that has been bugging me is the overload of "PC Builds" in this 'Last 20 Posts' section. No, I have nothing against PC-Builds, but I personally feel like there are too much posts, and they don't belong beeing 'featured' that much on a website such as Planetminecraft. Just to give a quick example, all these screenshots were taken within 10 seconds of eachother.

My suggestion therefore is that any kind of 'PC-Build' related threads either get their own Forum Section, which is not getting featured within the 'Last 20 Posts'. OR that the 'Gaming and Technology' topic, in which most PC Builds get posted, does not get featured in the 'Last 20 Posts' anymore. Thus because these posts, in my opinion, do not relate to the game Minecraft and the website Planetminecraft(.com) enough.

A good example of what I am suggesting is the 'Server Help' section on the Forums, which does not get featured in the 'Last 20 Posts'.

Thank you for reading and possibly considering this. On a side note: This is my personal opinion, and it might not be shared within the PMC Community.

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01/15/2017 2:02 am
Level 31 : Artisan Magical Girl
DestructionE's Avatar
I agree. I see those so often, and I don't feel like they need to be featured.
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