Minecraft Texture Packs / Other Packs

Immersive Subtitles (1.18.1 En, 1.16.5 Es, De, Fr) [e510]

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Hebgbs's Avatar Hebgbs
Level 48 : Master Archer
This is a continuation and extension of work by grumm9690 and others.

I am seeking alternatives for the present pack thumbnail! Provide yours via GitHub as an issue or fork!

I am requesting help for translations! It ate up a lot of time creating and documenting this, so the help with other languages should make it so this pack can be understood by more people!

I have discontinued support for French, Spanish / Español and German / Deutsch. In my effort to appease everyone around the world, it has become a bridge too far and I apologize for any inconvenience this will cause. Discontinued languages will appear as gold while pending languages in my GitHub will appear as redPlease I beg of you, if you can help consult my style sheet
here and if you are uncertain, consult any English sheet in this pack.


For everybody — especially those who are deaf, the goal of this resource pack is to use colours and formatting for mood-setting and progression display via subtitles.


Not all subtitles come from vanilla Minecraft! If a mod for the game provides its own subtitles, then incorporation into this kit will make it easier for people who want to apply the same formatting across all modifications. Please provide contributions via GitHub using the alternative download link provided above this description to visit.

As of present, two mods are supported:
  • Presence Footsteps
  • Dynamic Surroundings [​1.17.1][
    I could not be arsed to think of changes for Anglish and Shakesperian English. They may come later.
If you believe one or more subtitles should be formatted differently, or if they do not match with the provided Google Sheets document linked below then leave an issue describing what you wish to have changed and I will evaluate the validity of your claim. I am always open to ideas for improvement, so don't be afraid to share!

There is also the problem of my lax motivation, mostly due to my lacking knowledge of languages! Minecraft has over a hundred of them, and I do not want my ignorance to further worsen this pack so I will be attempting to seek outside assistance elsewhere for improvement over time!


For people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, this resource pack can enhance the subtitles already being used for individuals with full colour vision, or only minor defects / mutations which do not interfere with common definitions for the qualia of colour. Even with major defects such as colourblindness (multiple varieties), face styling acts as a fallback for certain subtitles.

For everyone else, this pack can help to set the mood for certain actions, and determine generally if any action in the game world requires enhanced situational awareness, and whether it was good, bad, terrific or terrible. Other colours used on a per-context basis.


Simply save like any other resource pack, To clone its contents using Git, visit the alternative download provided and perform as such. There is a comprehensive guide to using resource packs I've written which will be present in all resource packs I publish from hereon.

Other alterations from default

Aside from using colours and formatting to highlight specific events, the other following changes are also implemented per-language where applicable:
  • Fishing bobber splashes becomes Something caught (or regional equivalent)
  • Respawn anchor ambiance is correctly displayed as coming from a respawn anchor
  • Drowned on land have slightly different ambiance subs (Gargles / Breathes instead of Gurgles / Chokes)
  • Minor corrections to each language file as deemed necessary for style compliance and utility. May not be accurate outside of English.
Aside from these changes, everything else is exactly as which came with the game, only better.


  • All English languages
  • All English pseudo-languages (may be inaccurate!) [​mods ≥1.17.1]
  • All Spanish languages (may be inaccurate!) [​=1.16.5]
  • All Deutsche languages (may be somewhat inaccurate!) [=​1.16.5]
  • All French languages (may be somewhat inaccurate!) [=1.16.5]
  • All other languages pending [​=1.16.5 incomplete]

Formatting index

You can browse how each subtitle is formatted in this Google Sheets document.

Why had it taken so long for faster progress until now?

Unlike last time when i edited this message, recent developments had allowed me to discover a much easier means of maintaining this mod, and to make it for all languages!

Through ICantThinkOfAUsername I discovered a user by the name of johnmeow who hosts a repository on GitLab with exactly the script I needed — with slight modification — to fully internationalize this work. And in fact, this is available for all languages now if you do not mind using something incomplete.

If you visit my GitHub, I have a directory called PENDING for this project which has all of the unfinished works, and these unfinished works effectively require a few other changes before I call them complete and pack in with my other work. The finished works use rainbow text for "Show Subtitles" (or regional equivalent) while everything else has this button using dark red text.

Complementary mods

Another mod that goes quite well with this is Better Enchantment Names by ICantThinkOfAUsername.

For better-looking text* you might also want to check out my other work, Compliance Font+ with "Improved" glyphs, restored small capital letter set (compared to Vanilla Tweaks' pack courtesy of Compliance) and other neat things.
Details in this font face may be lost with bold text.
Small capital letter issues soon to be resolved! By the time you read this, it might had been fixed already in Compliance, which will soon thereafter be picked up by Vanilla Tweaks.


Update e3610
Recently made some of the dolphin subtitles use §9 instead of §1.

Update e2480
It's about damn time I update this — Dropped non-English languages, added 1.17.1 strings, used game-correct colours in submission body, changed "Show subtitles" (or language equivalent) to Immersive subtitles or whatever seemed correct for the language. Resolved some instances where my compose key didn't trigger — Some subs had so in place of §.

Update e2482
Forgot to make the amethyst walk subtitle pink in e2480. Also re-added 1.16.5 complete dropped languages.

Update e510
Finally, a mod. Presence Footsteps is now supported, and I highly recommend you get it. While subs for everything is inaccurate, this will be updated alongside that mod as things change. Also pack version update to make it "Compatible" with 1.18.

Update e541
Added Dynamic Surroundings for 1.17.1.
Fixed every subtitle having §0 (black) for Wither.
Modified pack metafile.
Creditgrumm9690, John Meow / Alice Carroll, countless others
Progress95% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.18

3 Update Logs

e541 : by Hebgbs 02/24/2022 8:00:39 pmFeb 24th, 2022

In brief:
  • Added dsurround subs
  • Fixed black wither subs

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06/11/2022 3:27 am
Level 35 : Artisan Miner
MrNighty's Avatar
02/24/2022 9:13 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Magical Girl
IcarusIsBestGirl's Avatar
I've used this resource pack for a long time and really enjoy it! I only have two simple suggestions, as I have edited them for my own personal use.
  • Change all §1 (dark blue) with §b (aqua)
  • Change all §5 (dark purple) with §d (light purple)
I changed these colours for the same reason, which is visibility. I personally found them difficult to read against the black subtitle background, so I modified them to be bright colours to contrast them better for readability.
This works better in my experience, even if it technically is less colour-diverse. However, it's only a suggestion if you want to update. Great pack once again!
02/25/2022 4:21 am
Level 48 : Master Archer
Hebgbs's Avatar
Actually some legit criticism. And I underatand it — I really do. But there's a reason why I've formatted the subtitles like I've had — darker colours usually means less significant.

Take bats for instance — they aren't usually going to get in your way, you'll see 'em anyhow and they're generally a non-hostile entity. That's why I elected to use §8 (gray) for those subtitles.

Likewise, for any kind of water sub, events like flowing water uses §1 (dark blue), but then when bubbles whirl, or a dolphin chirps, it's a water event and more important, hence the use of §9

Mind, I am not saying you are wrong for thinking this way, I'm only presenting my side as a person with no major visual defects affecting my qualia of colour compared to majority and capability to see said colours. You might suffer from an issue I am unaware of, and for that I apologize.

About the dark purple thing, I might consider making the blink sound for Endermen appear as §d instead of §5. I might also want to see if I can modify subs with hex codes and use gradients made of those instead of the 16-colour aliases in-future.
02/21/2022 8:19 pm
Level 77 : Legendary Programmer
ManuelXXVI's Avatar
nice, a really useful pack :D
02/21/2022 9:52 pm
Level 48 : Master Archer
Hebgbs's Avatar
Thank you! Let me know if there are other mods that need their subs to fall in line with this style!
02/21/2022 2:21 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
Science694's Avatar
Can you make this for mcpe?
02/21/2022 3:12 pm
Level 48 : Master Archer
Hebgbs's Avatar
I am sure I could if I had the game. Is it free to get? And would it permit use of the section sign?

You may be better off figuring this out yourself — since all of the subtities are there for you to use, and contributing to my GitHub. Might be the kick in your arse needed to develop your own contributions.
09/07/2021 10:07 am
Level 39 : Artisan Herobrine
Ribinator's Avatar
12/15/2020 6:18 pm
Level 48 : Master Archer
Hebgbs's Avatar
Since I have total control over comments here and I don't have to worry about a third-party user intervening on my behalf, figured I would use this position to mention I had noticed some people on this service using for-profit link shorteners. You can cut through that clutter real easily, avoid malicious / junk software and save yourself from seeing regrettable pornography by installing Universal Bypass in Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge.

For other Chromium-based browsers, you can download the extension for Google Chrome at https://universal-bypass.org and follow their instructions for installation using Chromium's developer mode features.

Once installed, just click on any link using any variety of for-profit shorteners (such as adfly or adfocus) and you will get to the file without wasting bandwidth loading any pages between a download link here and the actual content.

You're welcome!
12/14/2020 2:07 am
Level 48 : Master Archer
Hebgbs's Avatar
Please let me know what other language I should commit next! If I receive nothing I will be tackling blocks of languages my own way until this is complete.

I would rather be of service to people who need their locales modified now rather than later so you still have time to help me out! Also I will improve the GitHub so people can actually help.
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