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101 Weird and Interesting MC facts

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CR33P3R4TT4CK's Avatar CR33P3R4TT4CK
Level 20 : Expert Taco
  1. The villager who wears green NEVER spawns
  2. Water can't be seen through ice
  3. Endermen cant see through transparent blocks like glass
  4. Wearing a pumpkin on your head covers your crosshair
  5. A fully charged non-enchanted bow does more damage than a non-enchanted diamond sword
  6. Creepers are scared of ocleots
  7. Chests don't burn
  8. Unlike tiny slimes, tiny Magma Cubes can still hurt the player
  9. Causing a spider to take fall damage or damage from a cactus after attacking it during the day causes it to become neutral again
  10. Fish are easier to catch during rain
  11. Boats crashing into soul sand don't break.
  12. If you place soul sand in front of a 1x2 doorway you can only walk through one way
  13. No hostile mobs spawn in mushroom biomes
  14. Placing fences under the dirt blocks of wheat farms prevents the wheat from being trampled 
  15. If a Giant slime is in a Minecart, you cant see the Minecart and it can only be pushed by another Minecart with something in it
  16. Soul sand makes mobs/players walk slowers when placed on top of a ice block
  17. 1,000 players build dirt houses in a minute <--- Lol
  18. Arrows will cause fire damage if shot trough lava
  19. You can obtain a dragon egg by pushing it with a piston
  20. Slimes always jump in a straight line and can't swim
  21. TNT explosions remove lava
  22. Torches placed under falling gravel or sand will break the sand/gravel
  23. Pressure plates block water and lava
  24. You cannot see player names through chests and signs, even if the player is not sneaking
  25. Endermen always drop enderpearls if they are killed by iron golems
  26. You can fish underwater
  27.  Drinking milk will all negative and positive potion effects
  28. A bow at max power can destroy a boat and minecart
  29. Nether fences and regular fences do not connect
  30. Pistons cannot push obsidian and bedrock
  31. You can't open a chest if an ocleot sits on it
  32. Creepers and skeletons cannot see a player through glass (when not aggravated)
  33. Cacti destroys items
  34. Rain has a slight chance to fill a cauldron
  35. A creeper's fuse countdown lasts a little longer if it encounters a cobweb
  36. When sapplings grown they remove any glass pane that is in the way
  37. If an animal that usually drops meat is killed by fire, it will drop cooked meat
  38. Magma cubes do not take fall damage
  39. If you are under or above a skeleton, it will shoot itself
  40. A TNT explosion will destroy 70% of the items around it
  41. An egg has a 1/256 chance to hatch 4 chickens at once
  42. You can drive a minecart like a car if you ride a pig with a saddle in the minecart
  43. Signs, fences, ladders, fence gates and trapdoors block water horizontally and vertically
  44. You can sleep during a thunderstorm, even if it's day
  45. Wolves won't attack creepers
  46. It's impossible to hit endermen with projectiles and the wither is immune to all projectiles
  47. Magma cubes and blazes glow in the dark
  48. Slabs don't cut your redstone circuit
  49. If you damage the sheep 7 hits (3 1/2 hearts) you can get 5 wool blocks by clicking both mouse buttons at the same time while holding shears (though it requires practice as you have 1/20 of a second between each mouse click.)
  50. Skeletons and zombies standing on soulsand won't burn during the day
  51. You can activate a wooden pressure plate with an arrow if there is a fire under it
  52. It's possible to deal a Critical hit on a fireball, since it's an entity
  53. You can ride trough blocks above the rails on a minecart
  54. Ghast sounds were made by C418's cat
  55. You can still open chests if there's a non-solid block (stairs, slabs, glass panes, fences...) or another chest above it
  56. Redstone torches are the only lights source, besides natural light, that will not melt ice or snow
  57. Sneaking affects your reach distance
  58. Most of the endermans sounds are people saying "Hi", "Hello", and "What's up" reversed, slowed down and distorted
  59. Tamed wolves will attack you if you shoot yourself with an arrow
  60. Shears don't take durability damage when destroying wool
  61. Water destroys cobwebs
  62. Using a tool for a different use than it is intended to will decrease it's durability by 2 points instead of 1
  63. The pumpkin must be placed last to create an iron golem
  64. Endermen can create iron golems and snow golems
  65. Roses are rarer than dandilions
  66. Rain and snow cannot be seen through glass that is being broken
  67. Enderman have more chance to spawn on nights with new moon
  68.  Pumpkins are more difficult to find than diamonds
  69. An arrow shot at primed TNT will right come back at you
  70.  Repairing two items gives you a 10% bonus
  71.  A dropped item on a rail will stop the minecart
  72.  There is a 1 in a 10,000 chance that the title will say Minceraft, not minecraft
  73.  You can't put a door on ice
  74.  When glass is being smashed, the sky behind will turn blue even if there are clouds
  75.  The enderdragon can destroy chests but not storage minecarts (minecarts with chest)
  76.  A splash potion of harming will heal a skeleton
  77.  A splash potion of healing will hurt a skeleton
  78.  Mobs cannot spawn on slabs
  79.  Ghasts cannot blow up cobblestone
  80.  Stairs stops your sprint but slabs don't
  81.  Notch almost called Minecraft 'Cavegame'
  82.  Pistons and sticky pistons can move any kind of rails
  83. Lava blocks actually flows 7 blocks in the nether instead of 4 in the overworld
  84.  Enderman will become passive again, if touched by  water
  85.  Iron golems and wolves are the only two mobs wich can become hostile in peaceful mode
  86. If your z or x coordinates are divisible by 16 then you are on a chunk boundary
  87.  When the game is paused, a hostile enderman will still shake
  88.  Villagers will breed if their is a wooden door in their village
  89.  If there is a way out of a room, a snow golem will try to get out
  90.  It is possible to grow a tree past the height limit
  91.  Both types of spiders can't climb up ice
  92.  That lava pools are more common in taiga and snowy biomes
  93.  Cats don't take fall damage
  94.  Despite their lack of arms, creepers can climb ladders
  95.  The chances of a sheep spawning with pink wool is 0.5%
  96.  Eating has no effect on vertical movement (including jumping, climbing up/down ladders, and swimming)
  97.  Slabs and cakes on ice will still give you the sliding effect
  98. The best layer to mine for diamonds is level 12
  99. When holding f3, the nether is called Hell, and the End is called Sky
  100. Zombies can pick up any dropped item and wear dropped armor
  101. If you leave the seed input blank, it uses your computer clock time

Please no rudeness, I spent ages on this :)



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04/09/2014 7:48 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
emissaryofinfinity's Avatar
-"Wither is immune to all projectiles": They only become immune to projectiles when they put up their "shield" at half health and drop to the ground.

-You can activate a wooden pressure plate with an arrow no matter what. Same goes for wooden buttons.

-Shears do, in fact, take durability damage when shearing wool in the PC version. I used up a pair taking down the sails from a pirate ship I found while playing Hexxit once.

-Endermen cannot create golems, as the pumpkin must have the "placedbyPlayer" bit set to true for it to spawn one. If an Endermen places it, it won't register that bit as true, and won't create a golem. If that worked, then having a pumpkin grow onto a golem body would also work.

-"Pumpkins are more rare than diamonds": When did this happen? Last I checked, walking through any Extreme Hills biome can net you almost a stack of pumpkins, whereas it can take hours of mining to find a single vein of Diamonds.

Sorry if this seems rude, but I abhor inaccuracy, and prefer to keep the lore about Minecraft set straight.
04/10/2014 3:08 am
Level 20 : Expert Taco
CR33P3R4TT4CK's Avatar
But thanks for reading it all before commenting, sometimes people point out mistakes which I have cleared up or explained later on :)
04/10/2014 7:12 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
emissaryofinfinity's Avatar
And thank you for not spazzing out like most people do when someone corrects them. It's refreshing to see someone who realizes the difference between criticism and community input. :3
04/10/2014 3:07 am
Level 20 : Expert Taco
CR33P3R4TT4CK's Avatar
Sorry :)
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